Drug Classification
Narcotics Drugs that reduce pain, suppress coughing, alleviate diarrhea, and induces sleep. Natural narcotics come from the opium poppy. Legal narcotics include-- OxyContin (oxycodone) and Vicodin (hydrocodone) when they are prescribed.
Narcotics Used: Effects Oral Drowsiness Slows down breathing rate Injected Snorted Smoked Effects Drowsiness Slows down breathing rate Nausea Constricted pupils Lowers heart rate Sweating/itching Inability to concentrate
Examples of Narcotics Morphine Heroin OxyContin
Depressants Substances that slows down the central nervous system. There are both legal and illegal depressants. Legal: prescribed medications to induce sleep, relieve stress, and lower anxiety. Illegal: Rohypnol and GHB which can be used in sexual assaults to subdue the victims.
Depressants Used: Effects: Oral Injected Disorientation Slurred speech Impaired memory Slower reactions, dizziness, loss of coordination Lowered blood pressure Lowered breathing rate Lowered heart rate
Examples of Depressants Barbiturates Rohypnol GHB
Stimulants Substances that speed up the central nervous system. There are both legal and illegal stimulants. Legal: Caffeine, Nicotine, Methlyphenidate (prescribed to increase alertness and physical activity) Illegal: Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Crack
Stimulants Used: Effects: Snorted Smoked Injected Oral Increased heart rate Insomnia Loss of appetite Enlarged pupils Dry mouth Teeth Clenching Increased blood pressure Increased alertness
Examples of Stimulants Methamphetamine Powder Cocaine Crack Methamphetamine Rocks
Hallucinogens Substances that affect a person’s perceptions, sensations, thinking, self-awareness, and emotions. Some hallucinogens come from natural sources and other are synthetic or manufactured
Hallucinogens Used: Effects: Oral Snorted Smoked Injected Heightened senses Teeth grinding Illusions and hallucinations Enlarged pupils Increased heart rate Increased blood pressure Sweating Loss of appetite Sleeplessness Dry mouth
Examples of Hallucinogens Peyote/ Mescaline LSD Psilocybin
Cannabis (Marijuana) A mind altering drug (psychoactive) The main active chemical in marijuana is THC. Marijuana is illegal in the United States for recreational use.
Cannabis (Marijuana) Used: Effects: Smoked Oral Increased appetite Disorientation Increased heart rate Lowered blood pressure Loss of coordination Impaired memory
Inhalants Substances that a volatile and have intoxicating effects similar to alcohol. Substances are commonly found in household products such as glue, lighter fluid, cleaning fluids, and paint products. Inhalant abuse is deliberate inhaling or snuffing of these substances to get high.
Inhalants Used: Effects: Inhaled Impaired memory Slurred speech Loss of coordination Nausea
Examples of Inhalants
Effects of Drugs on Youth Academic Physical Mental Declining grades Missing school and other activities Increased risk of dropping out of school Increased accidents (car, motorcycle, drowning) Increased risk of contracting HIV and other diseases Increased risk of death by suicide, homicide, accident, or illness Depression Problems in mental development Withdrawal from healthy activities Apathy (not caring about anything) Peers Family Legal Problems May become alienated or labeled by peers Disengages from school and community activities Family dysfunction due to drug use Draining family emotionally and financially Increased legal problems Arrest Involvement in the Juvenile Judicial System
Effects of Drugs on People Series of Mug Shots take over a period of 15 years
Effects of Drugs Methamphetamine