PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES The Molecule is 1/20 th the size of E coli, and 1/70 of the size of a white blood cell The virus is surrounded by a membrane of fatty materials that are dotted with small spikes made of proteins.
STEPS OF REPLICATION Fusion of the HIV cell to the host cell surface. HIV RNA, reverse transcriptase, integrase, and other viral proteins enter the host cell. Viral DNA is formed by reverse transcription. Viral DNA is transported across the nucleus and integrates into the host DNA. New viral RNA is used as genomic RNA and to make viral proteins. New viral RNA and proteins move to cell surface and a new, immature, HIV virus forms. The virus matures by protease releasing individual HIV proteins.
INCUBATION PERIOD AND CONTAGIOUS? Actual time for the virus to show can take years to show. After contracting HIV there is a certain amount of time where the disease takes some time to show. Transmission can be through the blood, Semen, and vaginal fluids Duration of the Illness is lifelong.
SYMPTOMS Weakened immune system Diarrhea Rapid weight loss Poor appetite Profound fatigue Shortness of breath Dry Cough
TREATMENT There is no cure for HIV/AIDS, there are anti HIV drugs that block the virus in different ways
VACCINE? There are none!
IMMUNITY There is no Immunity because, you can’t get rid of the virus anyways.
PROGNOSIS There is no treatment But there is drugs that stop the virus from progressing and killing you. There is no recovery
HISTORY In the 1930s researchers estimate that sometime in the 1930s a form of HIV called SIV French Scientist Luc Montangier- at the research institute in Paris France. In 1983 It was rare but gradually got more popular, , all the way up to 1995 with 41000, and then in 1997 the death toll when down to Primarily located in Africa
FUTURE? There is no current vaccine Danish Scientists say they are expecting new results that have left them “on the brink” of finding a mass distributable cure to HIV”