DEFINITION OF GONORRHEA an infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae that is passed during sexual contact with mild and sometimes no symptoms at all; if left untreated, can lead to infertility, joint damage, and rashes Spreads through vaginal, anal, and oral sex; can also be genetically passed down to children if the conceiving mother has it; not spread through casual contact
GENERAL FACTS ABOUT GONORRHEA 350,062 cases of Gonorrhea were found in 2014 Gonorrhea is not deadly but if left untreated may cause infections that can overtime lead to death The rates are increasing Everyone is at risk of getting Gonorrhea
CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS FOR GONORRHEA Cause 1: Spread by having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex Cause 2: By mother to baby by pregnancy, labor, or nursing Risks include: Pelvic inflammatory disease leading to infertility in women Epididymitis which is a painful condition of the testicles that can lead to infertility in men For both men and women it can spread to blood and joints and can be life threatening People with gonorrhea have a higher risk of contracting HIV, the virus that can cause AIDS
PREVENTING GONORRHEA To prevent Gonorrhea one should: Practice abstinence Use condoms and practice safe sex Limit the number of sex partners you have If you think you've been affected notify your doctor, stop all sexual activity, and notify all of your sex partners
SYMPTOMS OF GONORRHEA Females: Greenish yellow or whitish discharge Lower abdominal /pelvic pain Burning during urination Conjunctivitis (Red, itchy eyes) Bleeding between periods Spotting after intercourse Swelling of the vulva Burning/swollen glands in the throat due to oral sex Males: Greenish yellow or whitish discharge Burning during urination Painful/swollen testicles Burning/swollen glands in the throat due to oral sex Symptoms can occur 2-5 days after contraction, but sometimes none appear at all
MEDICAL TESTS 3 ways are: 1.A doctor swabbing the urethra in men/cervix in women & sending the sample to the lab 2.A doctor will take a throat and/or anal culture to see if there is an infection there 3.A doctor will take a urine sample to see if there's bacteria present in the urine
TREATMENT FOR GONORRHEA Treated with oral or injectable antibiotics Must follow through with medication, as well as all of your sexual partners Do not engage in sexual activities until finished with medication
COMPLICATIONS OF GONORRHEA The outlook for someone with Gonorrhea that takes their medicine and completes their treatment is positive; they will be able to live their life, but it is possible that they could contract Gonorrhea again even after treatment is completed If left untreated, conditions will get worse and can lead to death; if you follow through with medications, you will get better Yes, it can be cured Complications would include blood & joint diseases, arthritis, and many different infections that can be fatal is some cases
Swollen glands in the throat Nasty discharge from the penis
IN SUMMARY… Gonorrhea is a disease caused by sexual activity which can lead to complications of the body later in life; however, if treated, it can be cured and the people affected can move on with their lives and practice safe sex to avoid contracting again
WORKS CITED Planned Parenthood Mayo Clinic ?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=abstract&utm_content=Gonorrhea&utm_campaign=Knowledg e-panel ?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=abstract&utm_content=Gonorrhea&utm_campaign=Knowledg e-panel Web MD Cdc.gov