Section 1
Web device on your desk. Don’t have one? Get a laptop and log on. ee_text_polls/NTUwOTc2NDgx ee_text_polls/NTUwOTc2NDgx
Monday: Reading Guide and Chapter Walk 2.1 Tuesday: Chapter 2 Vocabulary
Categorize behavior as typical of a certain type of government Design a tableau depicting a type of government Identify who has power in a democracy Summarize how a republic is also a democracy
Grab a marker and go around to each poster hanging up and fill in as much information as you can, based on what you already know.
What kind of government is this? Where did it get its power from?
Today they usually have limited powers and are typically ceremonial heads of state Actual power lies elsewhere Absolute Monarch – use political or military or religious force to hold all power
A government controlled by one or more religious leaders who claim to rule on behalf of God or the gods worshipped in their country Iran Vatican City Pope Benedict The Vatican The Ayatollah Khamenei Iran The Ayatollah Khamenei Iran
Gaddafi Libya Dictator is a person who rules with complete and absolute power Often take power by force Dictators answer only to themselves. Control all aspects of lives, including religion, cultural, political, and personal activities Kim Jong Un North Korea Kim Jong Un North Korea
Describe my behavior today Answer only to myself? Complete and absolute power? Took over suddenly and violently? Ruled over people with limited rights?
Democracies use elections to justify the existence and power of government Dictatorships claim to protect the people from other countries and citizens who would hurt them European and Asian monarchies believed in versions of the divine right of kings – power comes directly from God What process did I go through that allows me to be your teacher?
Every country has a government Differ In the way leaders are chosen How much power is held by the people Shaped by traditional (customary, time honored) beliefs of the people and history Two categories: generally non- democratic and democratic
Democracy the people of a nation either rule directly or they elect officials who act on their behalf. Ancient Greek – rule of the people Limited government Government designed to have limited powers, so the people don’t lose their rights and privileges.
All voters in a community meet in one place to make laws and decide what actions to take Small community Switzerland – mostly direct democracy
Representative Democracy (Republic) People elect representatives to carry on the work of government for them. The people consent (agree) to be ruled by the elected
What type of democracy is the United States?
- which type of government exists most? - how many governments actually practice what they preach?
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Local State National National trumps state trumps local Constitution, Congress, Pennsylvania, local
A snapshot in time Tell a story – silently and without movement Multiple levels – height and depth Props permitted Take on an EXPRESSIVE role 3 – 2- 1 – strike the group pose Freeze 3 – 2 – 1 – move into second pose and freeze
On your white board Who has the power in a democracy? How are absolute monarchies and dictatorships similar? In what way is a republic also a democracy?
What government is present in the video clip I will show you? What is your evidence? Take out your Reading Guide and Chapter Walk 2.1
Situation: In your notebook, create a list of everything you do in the morning from when you get up to when you get to school. Be detailed! Teeth brushing, clothes, food, drink, hair, book bags, what you carry, what you ride, etc. As specific as possible! Now cross out EVERYTHING that is provided for you by someone else in any way shape or form – everything that you rely on someone else to get or create for you.
Lesson: Whether we like the way we are treated or not by those in power (by family, schools, towns, country) they provide us with certain services (food, clothes, toothbrushes, diplomas, trash removal, protection) We cannot manage on our own without the services provided by the government ! The purpose of government is to provide us services without breaking the law.
Way to unite, solve problems, and cooperate – life safer and easier – government does this for us Modern day problems? Recession Global Warming Terrorism Modern day problems? Recession Global Warming Terrorism
Expensive or important services to large groups Schools for all childrenProtection from attackLibrariesPolice
Establish national and state governments Constitution – a written plan of government – highest law in the land. No man or law is superior. Laws must be constitutional (agree with constitution) to be valid Guide and protect society
A Republic (representative democracy) protects your freedoms with laws. Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness – Dec of Ind. Freedom of speech, religion, press, etc. Can not be taken away, nor restricted except to keep people from using freedom to hurt others
Identify a topic based on any of the purposes of government (services, laws, cooperation, guaranteeing freedom) Create an ‘assembly line’ of actions that portray that purpose. Connection between parts. Example: education. Bus+locker+desk+teacher+notes Movement & sound & EXPRESSIVE
Read the document I gave you and complete the first four questions on the analysis worksheet Identify what this document is what American values are in it and where what purpose of government does it meet and why?
This is what a Republic protects – the law protects YOUR freedoms. Why might a direct democracy fail to protect your freedom? What is the ultimate power in a direct democracy? People What is the ultimate power in a republic? Law
On your exit ticket Who has the power in a democracy? How are absolute monarchies and dictatorships similar? In what way is a republic also a democracy?