SVD assembly S.Tanaka
Outline SVD assembly work is individual with Beam pipe, heavy metal shield and PXD system. –Assembly work will be done on two assembly table in parallel –Two beam pipe will be produced to give flexible setup. A first prototype of ladder mount stage is designed by koike-san. A new table will be prepared for BelleII SVD –The existing granite stage will be used for the IP chamber. Ladder support is divided to two in order to mount ladders with slanted sensors. On top of the stage 3D measurement system is equipped. (On SVD2 case, lader mount has applied for whole endring structure and after the mount, the endrng has divided to wo halves) SVD support is rotated by a motor and measured with a rotary encoder. There is one in B4 room and another one in KEK machine shop (Higashi san). It is not decided how to hold ladders. Detail procedure depends on the ladder mount mechanism.
The requirements and discussion points from ladder mount work The fixing points of cooling pipe for Origami APV chips –How to connect the cooling pipes? (which procedure should be taken care to avoid twisting cooling pipe plane) Cooling for hybrid board –How to achieve effective cooling for both surface of boards? Easiness of ladder mount procedure –How to bring the ladder? –How to avoid movement on hinge? How to achieve fine positioning of each ladder ? How to achieve ladder alignment? –Where is the origin point of ladder? The origin point and end-ring should be measured easily. –How to set working reference plane (in particular slant part)? –The laser alignment is not easy for silicon wafer
搬送箱よりラダーを取り 出す Taking out from transfer box Ladder mount procedure on SVD2 N. Sato
Move ladder to table
Painting thermal conducting material Checking connection of cable
Setup on mounting actuator
エンドリングにケーブルを通す C abling from endring to endflange On BelleII case, cable connection is after ladder mount (4-6 th layers)
治具前進 Moving forward slowly
位置決めピン挿入 Inserting position pin
固定ねじはトルク管理 Screwing with torque driver
ラダー取り付け完了 Removing support arm ~1 hour for one ladder
Electronics check
The hybrid board is covered by Origami and connectors –There is no space for picking up ladder –There is no reference point for mount position of hybrid board –We need at least one alignment hole to see the relative position with endring. KEK group want to apply the same mount procedure with SVD1 or SVD2. –but Markus said that the mount procedure can be done by hand New procedure is required for some study or test to check feasibility The hinge should be removed to avoid deformation on mounting By roughly estimation, less than 0.5mm (for x,y,z, direction) of unexpected movement is required to avoid hitting neighboring ladder. BelleII SVD Ladder mount Cooling pipe
Ladder Mount Cooling piping work have to be done after ladder mount: Some cables may be interfere the piping in particular on connecting pipes. If cables have to be connected before mounting ladder, the mount procedure will be seriously difficult. We need some rigid and free space on hybrid board to pick up the ladder We need some service work test with some simple mockup. There is no concrete plan for detail ladder mount procedure-> also should be defined In the point of view of service work:
A stage in design Measurement mechanics Ladder mount arm BelleII SVD mount table Koike
18 Measurement mechanics Ladder mount arm Motor driven axis with rotary encoder
ラダーマウント台断面図 In this drawing ladder mount is done in 2-halves. The rotation mechanism should be strong enough to keep the angle. A counter balance may be necessary for a stable rotation. Please note detail design and mount procedure is decided depending on the ladder design.
ラダー layer6 とマウント用ステージ Example of the ladder holding mechanism. The mechanism should limits the ladder position, orientation movement … so that two ladder never touch each other. Please note detail design and mount procedure is decided depending on the ladder design.
23 ラダーマウント用ステージ Almost sub-part will be used by catalog parts
24 ラダーマウント用治具 layer6 How to connect the ladder with mount arm?
25 SVD mockup for ladder mount test
SVD ladder mount test Purpose: –Checking precise mount procedure. –validating connection of each cables on assigned space –Checking pipe connection after mounting ladder CO2 for Origami CO2 for endring Feeding forward to next design after several studies
Is this space is enough for SVD cabling? We should check with mock up Mockup for mount test
This cone design is aimed for mechanics test
Endrin is simply connected by screwing
On first mount test, support cone may not use because of the cost
Requirements for SVD design The SVD design should be taken into account as below requirements The effective cooling capability on hybrid board Easiness on ladder mount with high position precision Easy and simple alignment procedure Flexibility of cable connector space –If the cables were connected after ladder mount, the space between each endring is critical on connection. Cooling pipe of Origami APV should be fixed on Endring to avoid mechanical stress on ladder
Mockup preparation KEK group will start some tools and mock-up –Ladder mount arm prototype –SVD endring for mount test Now conceptual discussion is ongoing –Alignment check mechanism (for slant part we do not have concrete idea) –Rotary en-cording system –Rotating mechanism Granite table will be purchased after checking each system
SVD and service SVD design is ongoing but KEK group want to start study before final assembly because we consider there are many issues to be validated are remained; –how to mount ladders and to validate those alignment –Cable connection and pipe connection on allowed working area between endrngs –how to achieve gluing endring with high position precision –how thick of thermal isolation material is required on SVD cover –Target of SVD operation temperature? –How to compensate each error on parts production which is correlated with Origin point of design and mechanical alignment procedure