Anomali Coffee and Deperin 27 Juni 2014
Who says that business is nothing personal? Business is personal but with professional attitude
Global Coffee Trend Indonesian Coffee Trend (3 rd wave) Target Market (Choosing your captive market) Concept Store Coffee Knowledge Business Overview Fun Facts
1 st Wave Coffee Begin since the 19 th century where coffee were still focus on consumption volume. The peak of 1 st wave was when instant coffee invented Coffee that served was low-grade Robusta
2 nd Wave Coffee It came with globalization and franchise organization attempting to dominate the market place. Coffee was about enjoyment, consumerism, and about to change the perception from consuming traditional instant coffee, switch from robusta to high grade arabica that consider as specialty coffee. The peak was on 1960 th when Starbucks introducing Decaf Grade Latte.
3 rd wave coffee Is a current movement in producing good quality coffee and consider coffee as an artisan product rather than commodity. Source directly from farmers Improve processing (post harvest) Improve in production (roast profile, single origin coffee beverages)
Good Quality Coffee: - Explore coffee origin
Habit/Lifestyle - Hangout
Brewing method
Target Market Niche vs Mass:Niche in 2007 specialty coffee was a niche market. Now?
Demography : (gender, age, income, occupation, education, rural/urban/business area/school, etc.)
Psychography (perceived values, religion, lifestyle, their coffee perception, etc.
Coffee Cart
Mobile café
Roasting or not roast Roasting Not Roasting Source coffee beanSourcing by supplier Coffee bean grading and quality control Cost effective Roasting profileSource effective
Service method Full ServiceBar Service More staff (waiter): waiter explaining the product Barista explain the product Encapsulated processWYSIWYG More experience: depending on the waiter service More experience on the product Speed on espressoSpeedity allow espresso Suitable for more sophisticatedSuitable for simple product
Coffee Bean Knowledge Arabica vs robusta Roasting Different roast profile can result different taste Coffee Cupping Know your origin (character) Quality control and consistency Coffee Glossary - Espresso based beverage (Americano. Macchiato, Cappuccino, Café Latte, Picollo,etc) - Manual brew (Syphon, Drip, French press, Cold brew, Tubruk)
Arabica - Ditanam diketingian 1000 – 2000 m diatas permukaan laut - Bentuk biji lebih oval, garis tengah conical - Beans Structure - - Kadar kafein lebih rendah - Memiliki Aroma dan rasa yang lebih kompleks - Memiliki tingkat keasaman (acidity) yang lebih tinggi
Robusta - Ditanam didataran rendah kurang dari 1000 m diatas permukaan laut - Bentuk biji lebih besar dan bulat, garis tengah lebih lurus - Beans structure - Kadar kafein lebih tinggi - Memiliki tingkat kekentalan ( body) yang lebih tinggi - Memiliki tingkat acidity yang lebih rendah
OriginAltitudeProcessingHarvestProfile Aceh Gayo Semi /Full washNov-AprHeavy body, low acidity, chocolate, spicy Sumatra Utara Semi /fully washNov-AprHeavy body, high acidity, cedar, chocolate Java Fully washApr-MayHerbacious, medium body, medium acidity Bali Fully washMay-SeptFruity, lemony, medium body Flores Semi /Full washMay-Septchocolate, floral, tobacco notes Sulawesi Fully washMay-SeptNutty, lemony, bright acidity Papua ,Semi washMay-SeptHeavy body, chocolaty, spicy Coffee Plantation
Coffee Processing: Proses Basah/Full washed Semi Washed/ Wet Hulled Pulp Natural Natural
Brewing method
Fragrance Aroma Flavor Aftertaste Acidity Body Balance Uniformity Clean Cup Sweetness Overall
Manual Brew Taste Result French PressHigh Body, low acidity,sweet and round Drip/Pour overMild, medium acidity, sweet, smooth SyphonChocolaty,round,low acidity Cold brewHighlight the fruity taste, mild, sweet,refreshing
Black coffee has higher caffeine contain than espresso Kaldi is the person who discovered coffee for the first time after he noticed that after his goat eating berries from certain tress become more spirited and did not sleep at night Relation between aroma and human emotion
Passion Knowledge Experience Skill Coffee ambassador
- Human resource - How to develop Barista a. Hard skill (Coffee technique) Experienced vs unexperienced One week training, covered: coffee knowledge, machine, espresso, milk texturing, manual brewing Assestment Jr. Barista to Barista b. Soft skill (Communication, service, upselling) Customer service On the job training
Measuring performance of a café Leadership Sales target COGS Customer satisfaction Marketing and promotion Anomali Evolution: Café,roaster,wholesale,coffee academy Sales simulation
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION - Responds to and clarifies customers needs -Clearly communicates the level of service customers can expect -Uses customer feedback to improve products and services -Customers’ trust and respect -Establishes and maintains effective and on-going relationships with customers -Follows-up with customers to make sure their needs were met and that they are satisfied -Actively models and displays passion for Anomali service
Visualize a concept of product ambiance Ask these questions: what, why, how, who, when? Create a success list Know what matter the most for you Create top 10 list of your weakness and strength need a partner? What is your mission share your vision, can your coffee shop make a change?
Espresso machine discount up to 15% Apply 2 person for barista training and get free 1 person Discount 20% for Hario hot items (red sticker)