Fermilab View Nigel S. Lockyer DUNE Collaboration Meeting 9/3/2015
2 A GLOBAL VISION FOR HEP Thanks to Jim Siegrist for many slides and hard work of OHEP Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015
Overarching Science Strategy…..diverse with flagship “A world class laboratory with the resources on the scale of Fermilab or CERN should have a diverse particle physics program and a flagship project” Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015 –F. Gianotti, at White House visit during FCC meeting in Washington
Fermilab’s science strategy: Diversity + flagship We are following the P5 plan Existing, diverse, and successful discovery science program –Driving Large Hadron Collider science and future upgrades –Revealing precision science –Advancing accelerator science –Exploring cosmic science –Focusing on neutrino science The new flagship program: Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) + Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015
Progress has been extremely rapid since the P5 report was released: Framework for internationalization of LBNF/DUNE established DUNE Spokespersons and Technical & Resources Coordinators appointed DUNE Executive Committee in-place DUNE Institutional Board Chair elected Experiment-Facility Interface Group (EFIG) established U.S.-CERN Bilateral Cooperation Agreement Signed Deputy Director for LBNF appointed CD-1 Refresh Review held Next steps: Approval of Protocols to the U.S.-CERN Bilateral Cooperation Agreement CD-1 Refresh DOE-agency Approval Establish Common Projects and Common Funds for international DUNE CD-3a (long-lead procurement) Review & DOE-agency Approval FY 2017 Budget Request CD-2 (baseline) Review & DOE-agency Approval Thanks to James Siegrist
Science and Technology (S&T) Agreement Established between U.S. Government and a Foreign Country Usually signed by President or U.S. Department of State Agency-to-Agency Agreement (aka Implementing Arrangement, Accord, Protocol, Co-operating Agreement) Established between DOE Program and a Foreign Agency Refers to and Subject to S&T Agreement Subsidiary Agency-to-Agency Agreement (aka Project Annex, Protocol) Identifies involved DOE Programs/Labs/Facilities for specific collaborations or projects Refers to and Subject to S&T Agreement and A-A Agreement Usually signed by Secretary of Energy or Designee Signed by DOE Leg a lly binding Letter of Intent (LOI) / Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Useful to: express expectations; identify areas for planned cooperation; provide a framework for informal (non-R&D) collaboration; exchange publically available information; hold seminars, workshops, and other meetings; plan for future cooperation Signed by DOE or DOE Laboratory Non- binding Signed by DOE Laboratory Strategic Partnership Project (SPP) (formerly Work For Others) Fully funded by the non- DOE partner for work conducted at the DOE Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) Facilitates cost sharing (and in some cases the conduct) of work; work must be Agreements for Commercializing Technology (ACT) Fully funded by the non- DOE partner; provides for a business-friendly framework with flexible IP and data rights, payment, Leg a lly binding lab. 11 collaborative and indemnification rules
New Bilateral U.S.-CERN Agreement Signed May 7, 2015 Successful partnerships key to implementing U.S. long-term strategy DOE-Italy Agreement on High Energy, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics Research Signed July 17, 2015
New bilateral DOE-NSF-CERN International Co-operation Agreement was signed at the White House Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the 7 th of May 2015 – Highlights important future international scientific and technological collaborations between the U.S. and CERN U.S. Department of State granted OMB Circular-175 authorization in August 2015 and Annexes (≡Protocols) to the Cooperation Agreement are now under negotiation with CERN – Accelerator Protocol (III) LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) U.S. Contributions to the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrades Future Circular Collider Initiatives with CERN (as an Addendum) – Experiments Protocol (II) U.S. and CERN responsibilities for HL-LHC ATLAS and CMS detector upgrades U.S. contributions towards the HL-LHC ATLAS and CMS detector upgrades Framework of LHC Resources Review Boards (RRBs) and U.S. contributions to Common Funds – Neutrino Protocol (I) CERN contributions to U.S.-hosted international neutrino program, including the Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino Program and LBNF/DUNE Framework of Fermilab LBNF/DUNE RRBs and CERN contributions to Common Funds Protocols do not include detailed cost and scope, which will be specified through MOUs (non-binding) and Addenda (binding)
India – An Implementing Agreement exists between DOE and the Indian Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) for Cooperation in the Area of Accelerator and Particle Detector R&D for Discovery Science – Under this Agreement with India are two DOE-DAE Project Annexes: An Annex I agreement has been signed whose primary focus is on R&D and construction of high-intensity SRF linear proton accelerators (HISPA) An Annex II agreement, on cooperation in scientific activities that are enabled by HISPA, is being finalized Italy – An Implementing Arrangement was signed this July by DOE and the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research for Cooperation in High Energy, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics Research – A Project Annex to this Agreement was signed concurrently for cooperation in neutrino physics projects China – A subsidiary agreement under an existing DOE-CAS Protocol (Implementing Arrangement) for cooperation in HEP is under discussion
Japan – A Project Arrangement (Annex) for cooperation in HEP under an existing Implementing Arrangement is expected to be signed in October 2015 France – An Agreement exists between DOE and CNRS for cooperation in energy sciences – Following discussions at the U.S.-France Joint Commission Meeting this March, a Project Annex for cooperation in HEP is being considered Brazil – Following this May’s U.S.-Brazil Joint Commission Meeting, a statement of intent to collaborate in neutrino physics was signed by DOE and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation – Potential agreements that would support DOE-Brazil cooperative activities in HEP are under discussion UK and Canada – Nation-to-Nation Science & Technology Agreements, under whose aegis lesser agreements obtain legal standing, do not exist for the UK or Canada – Multiple paths around this obstacle are currently being pursued
Construction projects and fabrication of large pieces of experimental equipment costing over $10M are managed through a series of “Critical Decision” (CD) milestones (per DOE Order 413.3b) – CD-0: Approve Mission Need Identifies there is a need that can only be met through material means – CD-1: Approve Alternative Selection and Cost Range Ensures the selected alternative and approach is the optimum solution – CD-2: Approve Performance Baseline Definitive cost, scope, and schedule baselines have been developed – CD-3: Approve Start of Construction Project has demonstrated technical readiness for implementation CD-3a may be granted prior to CD-2 approval to support long-lead procurement – CD-4: Approve Start of Operations Project is completed and ready for turnover or transition to operations The CD process ensures successful project execution and scientific return on agency investments, but funding must still be appropriated – Projects reaching CD-3 may have technical readiness, but the White House Office of Management and Budget must support them during budget formulation and Congress must appropriate funds before they can begin
CERN Chiefs Visit Washington Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015
A Fiscal Year in the U.S. runs from Oct. 1, 201x – Sept. 30, 201(x+1) U.S. Federal budget is planned and executed over a three-year cycle, with activity occurring simultaneously for three fiscal years – Presidential budget formulation (2 years ahead) Agencies are currently formulating plans for FY 2017 – Congressional budget resolution (1 year ahead) U.S. Congress is now considering the U.S. President’s request for FY 2016 – Appropriated budget execution (current year) Agencies are now executing programs with the budget for FY 2015 The U.S. President’s Budget Request for FY 2016 is the first budget formulation to reflect the P5 report strategy – Large project construction funding requires line-item approval by Congress in a budget appropriation DOE Budget Formulation and Execution
CERN & Fermilab….together we are stronger CERN is the world’s leading high energy lab now that Fermilab has relinquished the energy frontier with closing of Tevatron CERN is mandated to “steward” European particle physics Fermilab is only “single program” HEP laboratory in US CERN needs the US to execute the HL-LHC successfully and we need CERN to help with LBNF By supporting a world class long baseline neutrino program in US, CERN is supporting the European neutrino community CERN and Fermilab both have tremendous technical depth Interests & technology overlap on FCC Success of both CERN & Fermilab are highly intertwined Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015
DUNE/LBNF organization and oversight Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015 Organization and oversight structure adapted from the successful LHC model: IAC: International Advisory Council RRB: Resources Review Board (international funding agencies + DOE) LBNC: Long-Baseline Neutrino Committee EFIG: Experiment-Facility Interface Group Fermilab Directorate: The Fermilab Director and the 2 Deputy Directors
World-leading long-baseline program Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015 Neutrino Science Layout of underground cavern housing the DUNE liquid argon far detectors and associated cryogenics system. Lab objectives: Cavern construction begins 2017 at Sanford Underground Research Facility Begin installation of 1 st 10-kiloton detector module deep underground by 2021…four 10 kt caverns Neutrino beamline completed 2026 Recent achievements: DUNE Collaboration formed Cavern excavation and detectors reconfigured to be modular Proposal for single-phase full-scale prototype submitted to CERN SPS and PS experiments Committee (SPSC)
Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015 Excellence in operations – accelerator and safety Safety Injury rates are low and continuing to trend down.
Highest power beams for neutrinos Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015 Neutrino Science Lab objectives: PIP (700 kW), Booster (15 Hz) fully exploit the science of NOvA and SBN PIP-II (1.2 MW), PIP-III (2.4 MW) fully exploit the science of DUNE PIP-II Site Layout (provisional)
LBNF/DUNE held successful CD-1 Refresh Review July 14-16, 2015, at Fermilab – SC Management, through ESAAB, will make formal approval decision in coming weeks CD-3a (long-lead procurement) Review scheduled for early Dec – SC Management approval decision may not occur until February 2016 CD-3b (embankment start) Review currently anticipated in early 2018 CD-2 (baseline) and CD-3c (construction start) Review anticipated in 2019 DOE considers PIP-II a separate project from LBNF/DUNE – PIP-II will allow >1 MW beams on target for LBNF/DUNE and is planned on a similar timescale 20
CD-3a Early 2016 CD-3b Early 2018 CD-2/3c Late 2019
Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015 Building for Science In 10 years, Fermilab with international and national partners will have successfully built a new billion-dollar class neutrino facility and will have a modern, centralized campus catering to a large international user community. 6/26/2015Nigel S. Lockyer | Fermilab Annual Laboratory Plan
Conclusion: Fermilab is committed to DUNE/LBNF as its flagship program We know how to build the facility and deliver >1 MW beams Unique opportunity for US to host a global program that leads to the discovery of CP violation in leptonic sector…& beyond CERN & Fermilab Futures Intertwined….strong partnership DUNE is a highly motivated, experienced and well organized international team that has assembled quickly LBNF senior team almost in place Support by DOE is strong International partnerships critical to success of DUNE/LBNF Start of construction goal is FY17 (next October 2016) Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015
The Future has arrived……have a good meeting Nigel Lockyer | DUNE September 4, 2015 First 2015 baby bison born on April babies so far, maybe a few more to come