Highland 2007 Cultural Pledge Schools All young people Young people deciding Highland 2007 strands The Brief Geàrr-sgrìobhadh a’ Phròsiseict
A Practical Approach Dòigh-obrach Phractigeach Consultation Youth voice and school councils Head Teachers National Agencies
Working Group Proposals Molaidhean na Buidhne Obraich Involving young people budget National entitlements flexibility give schools choices
Practicalities Nithean practigeach 128 primaries and 29 secondaries Range in size from 2 pupils in Canna to 1030 young people in Millburn Home schooling, special needs, exclusions, etc
Making it work A’ toirt air a bhith ag obair school groups school planning process quality assurance don’t give money until after delivery
Good Points Puingean Math
Learning Points Puingean Ionnsachaidh Needs resources Cost £450,000 Quality Assurance system and QDOs Head teachers hate filling in forms Young people will pop up from everywhere Needs a joined up Education, Culture and Sports service
We know now every child but not in every strand some schools better in involving young people than others we will stick to budget We suspect not all young people know they have participated in An Gealladh Mòr it will prove a workable model but can we afford it?