Recycling Unit Clil Project for a Comenius Association Escola Miquel Martí i Pol – Sabadell - Spain The 3 R
How can you help? You can help by learning about and PRACTICING the three R's of waste management: Reduce Reuse Recycle
Reduce If you reduce your waste, you make less rubbish in the first place. To do this, you need to try: not to buy so many things with lots of packaging around them cancel your junk mail not buy disposable things so that you’ve got less to throw away.
Reduce Reduce/Reduction: to make something smaller or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste. You can practice reduction by selecting products that do not have to be added to landfills or the waste stream in general
How to reduce? First and foremost, buy and use less! Start making wise "package" selections: Precycle by purchasing products in materials/packaging that can be readily recycled. Avoid single-serve containers whenever possible. You can buy juice or water in large recyclable bottles or cans and then divide it up into smaller portions in reusable, washable containers as you need it at home or to take with you. City water (and clean well water) is usually just as healthy, much cheaper, and may even be safer than bottled water products Think BIG! Buying in "bulk" (a large amount that is not divided into separate containers) gives you the best "product to package" ratio. Buy concentrates rather than diluted products- the result is less waste for disposal when it is empty.
Refuse store bags! Use durable goods longer. Durable goods are sturdy things like furniture or household appliances that can (and should) be used for many years. Use durable items rather than disposable items whenever possible Say NO to junk mail! Reducing paper reduces waste Start a garden. Food that you grow yourself does not have to be "processed" or "packaged", and no fossil fuels are needed to get it to the store and then to your house.
Re-use If you re-use your waste, you use it again. This is even better than recycling it, as it requires no more energy. Easy ways to re-use waste are: by refilling pop bottles with more drinks, always using both sides of pieces of paper or using scrap materials instead of new materials for making things with.
Use old envelopes again for letter and dinner money Look after worksheets carefully, so they can be used again Use camera film pots as glue pots Use decorated margarine boxes to store rubbers or sharpeners. Use decorated baby food tins for paintbrushes.
Recycle Recycling is the way in which some waste materials can be made into new materials. In many areas, paper, cans, glass jars and bottles, foil, clothes, shoes, spectacles, car batteries and engine oil can be collected from people's houses. The materials are then sent to various factories to be recycled and made into new things.
Where does our rubbish go? We all have bins in our houses which we keep filling up with rubbish. Different sorts of rubbish get thrown away in different rooms of the house. When our inside bins get full, we empty them into the big bins at the street.
Each day, the rubbish lorry comes to collect our rubbish Each day, the rubbish lorry comes to collect our rubbish. The machine picks up the bins and empties them into the back of the lorry. The rubbish is crushed so that it takes up less space. The rubbish is then taken to a landfill site. A landfill site is a huge hole in the ground which is being filled up with rubbish. Almost all of our rubbish - or waste - ends up in a landfill site.
Incineration If you incinerate something, it means you burn it. Many incinerators have been or will be closed down because they cause too much pollution. New incinerators could be built, but they have to be designed specifically so that they don't cause pollution. They cost a huge amount of money to build.
Recycling Unit Clil Project for a Comenius Association Escola Miquel Martí i Pol – Sabadell - Spain The 3 R