Unit 4 Global Warming
Now let’s learn more about global warming 1.If global warming is real, why is it so cold ? 2.What’s the proof that global warming is taking place ?
Colorado River Arizona June 2002Dec 2003
Recent rapid melting glaciers on Greenland
Facing global warming, what are people doing now ?
Supermodel Jiang Peilin I have been wearing cotton for a long time, because it is healthy and eco- friendly. I never drinks bottled water, because plastic harms the environment. We should advocate and pursue low-carbon life, which is in vogue. Anyone can get involved.
Some tribe members balance their carbon dioxide emissions by planting trees. Actress Zhou Xun spent 6,000 yuan buying and planting 238 trees in Beijing to offset( 抵消,弥补 ) the amount of carbon dioxide she emitted the year before. The small activities can create big changes in society. Actress Zhou Xun
Words study What Can We Do About Global Warming? Using Language
What are Ouyang Guang’s two puzzles and what’s his purpose of the letter? Read Ouyang’s and answer:
Puzzles: Individuals seem to have little effect on such huge environmental problems. Not sure where to start the project about global warming. Purpose: Ask for some suggestions
Does Earth Care agree with Ouyang Guang? What’s his attitude? Read the first 2 paragraphs of Earth Care’s reply and answer: Together, individuals can make a difference. We do not have to put up with pollution.
Read Earth Care’s suggestions and find out How can we improve the way we use energy ? What else can we do ?
Earth Care ’ s suggestions on how to improve the way we use energy Turn electrical appliances off when not in use. Don’t turn up the heat but put on more clothes instead. Walk or ride a bike instead of driving motor vehicles. Recycle. Buy things made from recycled materials. Buy things that are economical with energy.
What else can we do ? 5.Plant trees. 6.Be an educator. Absorb CO 2 and refresh one’s spirit.
Discussion what else can we do to live a low- carbon life ? Join a car pool Use E-card Reduce unnecessary examination Don’t use disposable chopsticks Take a shorter shower Use the paper on both sides Don’t wrap our presents too much
Translation 当我们说到低碳生活,作为高中生,我们要 从身边的小事做起。首先,我们要养成节约 水的习惯,不要让水不必要地流。其次,当 我们不用电器设备时要把他们关掉以节约电 。同时,我们要把合理使用纸张和二手课本 考虑在内。最后,也是最重要的是,做一个 教育者。同你的家人和朋友谈谈全球变暖的 问题, 并把你学到的东西告诉他们。 记住, 你的贡献是很有价值的。
When it comes to low-carbon life, as high school students, apparently we should focus our attention on details around ourselves. First of all, we should form the habit of saving water, never leaving water running unnecessarily. Besides, we ought to save electricity by turning off the electrical appliances when we don’t use them. Meanwhile, we should take the wise use of paper and second-hand textbooks into consideration. Finally and most importantly, be an educator. Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what you have learned. Remember, your contribution counts.