Integrated working in the new Public Health system Tony Vickers-Byrne Director of Human Resources 9 July 2014
What is PHE? Public Health staff in Strategic Health Authorities Public Health staff in PCTs (Dental Consultants) Specialised Commissioning Groups NHS Regional Commissioning NHS Cancer Screening Programmes Quality Assurance Reference Centres The product of 130 different employers …..
PHE workforce PHE headcount as at 31 May 2014 – c5,600 Working across 100 different locations 3 Civil Service terms24% Legacy Agenda for Change terms66% Other legacy terms3% Medical and Dental consultant terms7%
Clinical ring fence Up to 17% of posts in PHE can be included in the clinical ring fence – subject to review by Cabinet Office in 2015 Terms and conditions ‘analogous’ to NHS terms - including new appointees Role must meet four criteria: -a clinical qualification and professional registration -a career pathway which includes training in a publicly funded health service -a career pathway where any further likely promotion or professional development would remain in a publicly funded health service -has regular patient or population contact 4
Integrating the PHE workforce Challenges A front line service delivery organisation within the Civil Service The CS recruitment process Different terms and conditions Cultural differences between staff from NHS, Civil Service and university backgrounds Performance related pay and appraisal 5
Integrating PHE workforce Benefits Partnership working with staff side Job evaluation less bureaucratic in Civil Service CS pension more beneficial to staff but more costly to PHE as an employer Lessons Plan to harmonise terms and conditions Communicate, communicate, communicate… Full analysis of inherited contractual terms 6
PHE’s wider system role PHE core function to develop and build capacity and capability of public health workforce across the system CEO programme of visits to local authorities – c70 since April 2013 Multiple examples of integrated approaches focused on assets and possibilities rather than problems and deficits National systems leadership programme, working with 25 health and wellbeing boards across the country - focus on solving real problems within communities Public health in the vanguard for integration and new ways of working Development of flexible skills and promotion of free movement across the new system is vital 7
Systems in place Appointment process for directors of public health - PHE and local authority have equal status in the appointment process Appointment of consultants in public health - PHE advice on recruitment and selection through its Centres and Regions Guidance on recruiting and appointing senior public health staff produced in partnership with LGA and Faculty of Public Health Local, regional and national workforce leads in PHE Aspirant DPH programme – two cohorts and another one planned Centre for Workforce Intelligence reports on public health workforce and training/support needs Developing a Public Health Skills Passport 8
Talent management initiative System wide - all staff whatever their role, whomever their employer Will broker access to relevant learning and development opportunities within and across local government, NHS, civil service, public health Complements existing development opportunities Two ‘pathfinder cohorts’ in North West and London – c30 participants Working with local agencies, employers and employees in designing and setting up a local programme for testing during 2014/15 9
Multi-disciplinary teams in local authorities Joint guidance produced by PHE, LGA, Association of Directors of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health and staff side – due to be published in July 2014 Covers public health consultants and directors of public health Discusses mix of skills and disciplines which councils may need Advises on terms and conditions of service, including equal pay issues Recommendations about continuity of service across the public health system 10
For further information Kathryn Rowles Deputy Director of HR – Professional Workforce Development Tel: Tel: (for Ebony Charles PWD Administrator) or Mobile: