Health and social care integration -Better Care Fund 2016/17 Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March
Better Care Fund Plan 2016/17 -Sets out the vision and plan for integrated care over the next five years in Suffolk -Covers the whole of Suffolk HWB area -Requires a one year activity and spending plan -Required by the Department of Health and Department of Communities and Local Government Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March
How does the BCF relate to other plans Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March Health and Wellbeing Strategy Supports the delivery of the HWS Health and Care Review Describes what we are delivering Integrated Care System Describes what we are delivering Sustainability and Transformation Plans Consistent with the two STPs in Suffolk
Another way of looking at it…. Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March System plans and £££ BCF activity and £££
What is in the Better Care Fund Vision for health and care in Suffolk Our case for change How we will meet 8 national conditions How we will spend the Better Care Fund – our schemes What our targets are for measuring success Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March
National conditions Plans to be jointly agreed Maintain provision of social care services 7 day services to prevent admissions and facilitate discharge Better data sharing between health and social care Joint approach to assessment and care planning Agreement on the impact of BCF changes on providers Agreement to invest in NHS Commissioned out of hospital services Local action plan to reduce delayed transfers of care Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March
Better Care Fund Schemes Ipswich and East Suffolk and West Suffolk schemes -Providing proactive care in the community -Reactive care – urgent care Waveney schemes -Supporting independence by community based interventions -Integrated community and out of hospital teams -Care at home -Dementia and mental health Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March These are all part of our existing transformation programmes
Better Care Fund measures Non-elective emergency admissions to hospital Delayed transfers of care Permanent admissions to residential and nursing care Successfulness of reablement How well people with a long term condition feel that they are supported by the health and care system Dementia diagnosis rate Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March
Pooled funding Total amount of BCF Pool - £51,438,000 (15/16 - £50.04m) Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March
What does the funding get spent on? Delivery of the schemes, including – Support for carers – Reablement services Disabled Facilities Grant Small amount is paid to acute hospitals for non-elective admissions This will all be set out in our Plan Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March
HWB role in respect of the 16/17 BCF Health and Wellbeing Boards are asked to jointly agree plans for how the money will be spent, with plans signed off by the local authority and the CCGs. (from the 2016/17 BCF Policy Framework – DH and DCLG) - draft plan will be circulated for comment to the Board in April -Sign off on behalf of the Board by Chairman for submission on the 25 th April. -Quarterly updates to monitor progress Health and Wellbeing Board 10th March