Slid 1 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 1 Radioactive Beams and Exotic Nuclei – New Facilities and Future Possibilities for Astrophysics 7 April, 2011 Bradley M. Sherrill
Slid 2 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 2 Outline Introduction Opportunities in astronomy and nuclear astrophysics and importance of rare isotopes (nuclides far from stability) Rare isotope production An example: FRIB – Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Summary
Slid 3 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 3 Forefront of Observational Astronomy: High Resolution Telescopes The measurement of elemental abundances is at the forefront of astronomy using large telescopes Large mirrors enable high resolution spectroscopic studies in a short time (Subaru, Hubble, LBT, Keck, …) Surveys provide large data sets (LSST (priority of the 2010 Decadal Study), SDSS, SEGUE, RAVE, LAMOST, SkyMapper, …) Future missions: JWST - “is specifically designed for discovering and understanding the formation of the first stars and galaxies, measuring the geometry of the Universe and the distribution of dark matter, investigating the evolution of galaxies and the production of elements by stars, and the process of star and planet formation.” Hubble Space Large Binocular Telescope
Slid 4 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 4 Chemical History of the Universe – Stellar Archeology Abundance data on many elements allows the study of chemical and structural evolution of the Universe There are many mysteries, e.g., what does the [Ba/Fe] of early stars tell about their history The process that makes Ba in early stars must be different from the main process that makes Fe
Slid 5 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 5 There are a number of nucleosynthesis processes that must be modeled Big Bang Nucleosynthesis pp-chain CNO cycle Helium, C, O, Ne, Si burning s-process r-process rp-process νp – process p – process α - process fission recycling Cosmic ray spallation pyconuclear fusion + others AZAZ fission (α,γ) β +, (n,p) β-β- (p,γ) (α,p) (n,2n) (n,γ) (γ,p) Sample reaction paths (α,n)
Slid 6 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 6 Decay studies Masses Transfer reactions Direct rate measurement Decay studies - drip line Masses Decay studies Masses Transfer reactions rp - process r-process Neutron star crusts r-process p-process Direct rate measurement Nuclear astrophysics experiments with rare isotope beams Charge exchange reactions (n,γ) rates Type I&II Supernovae s-process novae synthesis
Slid 7 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 7 Rare Isotope Production Techniques Target spallation and fragmentation by light ions (ISOL – Isotope separation on line) Photon or particle induced fission In-flight Separation following nucleon transfer, fusion, projectile fragmentation/fission beam target beam target Target/Ion Source Accelerator Neutrons Fragment Separator Beam Gas catcher/ solid catcher + ion source Beams used without stopping Accelerator Reactor Protons Accelerator Uranium Fission Electrons
Slid 8 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 8 World view of rare isotope facilities Black – production in target Magenta – in-flight production
Slid 9 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 9 Production of Rare Isotopes by Projectile Fragmentation Cartoon of the production process – projectile fragmentation (fission) To produce a key nucleus like 122 Zr from 136 Xe, the production cross is estimated to be 2x b (2 attobarns, 2x m 2 ) Nevertheless with a 136 Xe beam of power 400 kW ( ≅ 8x10 13 ion/s) and modern separation techniques (fragment separators can select 1 out of produced), a few atoms per week can be made and studied For comparison: Element 117 production cross section was 1.3 ( ) pb (Oganessian, Yu. Ts. et al. Phy Rev Lett 104 (2010) ) projectile target
Slid 10 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 10 In-Flight Production and Separation of Rare Isotopes Example: NSCL’s CCF fragment yield after targetfragment yield after wedgefragment yield at focal plane Example: 86 Kr → 78 Ni K500 K1200 A1900 production target ion sources coupling line stripping foil wedge focal plane p/p = 5% transmission of 65% of the produced 78 Ni 86 Kr 14+, 12 MeV/u 86 Kr 34+, 140 MeV/u
Slid 11 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 11 The Reach of Modern Isotope Production Facilities Next generation facilities will produce more than 1000 NEW isotopes at useful rates (4500 available for study; compared to 1700 now) Exciting prospects for study of nuclei along the drip line to A=120(compared to A=24) Production of most of the key nuclei for astrophysical modeling Theory is key to making the right measurements and interpreting them Rates are available at
Slid 12 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide Known half-life NSCL reach First experiments FRIB reach for (d,p) β-decay properties masses (Trap + TOF) (d,p) to constrain (n,γ) fission barriers, yields (66) Dy (68) Er (70) Yb RISAC Key Nuclei (67) Ho (69) Tm Future Reach N=126 FRIB reach for half-lives Reach of FRIB – Will Allow Modeling of the r-Process Current reach H. Schatz, JINA
Slid 13 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide >10 All reaction rates up to ~Ti can be directly measured most reaction rates up to ~Sr can be directly measured key reaction rates can be indirectly measured including 72 Kr waiting point direct (p, ) direct (p, ) or ( ,p) transfer (p,p), some transfer rp-process FRIB Reach for Novae and X-ray burst reaction rate studies H. Schatz, JINA
Slid 14 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 14 Location of US Initiative - FRIB
Slid 15 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 15 Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, FRIB - USA
Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 16 US Community’s Major New Initiative – Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Laboratory Director Konrad Gelbke, Project Director Thomas Glasmacher Estimate of TPC $614.5M Project completion in 2020, managed for early completion in 2018 Upgradable To 400 MeV/nucleon ISOL Light-ion driver Multi-user 2x Experimental area Space for Reaccelerated beams to 15 MeV/u Isotope harvesting FRIB
FRIB External Overview
FRIB Driver Linac Β=0.04β = 0.08β = 0.29β = 0.53 Superconducting RF cavities 4 types ≈ 400 total E peak ≈ 30 MV/m
Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 19 FRIB LINAC Tunnel 40 ft 12 m
Slid 20 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 20 FRIB LINAC and Production Areas
Slid 21 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 21 FRIB Facility Layout
Slid 22 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 22 FRIB Fragment Separator 5 th Order Ion Optical Design Target and beam dump capable to handle 400 kW beams 86 m long
Slid 23 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide kW Beam Dump ORNL SNS target group: A. Aaron, T. Burgess, M. Glisson, I. Remmik, T Gabriel, et al. Up to 400 kW of unreacted beam must be stopped in a beam dump Beam sixe is 3 x 1 cm; range is.5 to 5 cm
Slid 24 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 24 Harvesting of Isotopes in the FRIB Fragment Separator Marc Hausman; Project leader FRIB Fragment Separator Selects individual isotopes out of the thousand different ones produced Harvesting on unused isotopes is possible at certain positions along the device Beam dump water Mass slits at end of 1 st 2 nd and 3 rd stage Mass slits at end of 2 nd stage
Slid 25 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 25 Sample Interesting Isotopes Summary from the workshop on Harvesting Isotopes at FRIB, Santa Fe Oct., 2010 NuclideHalf-lifeUse 32 Si153 yOceanographic studies; climate change 221 Rn25 mTargeted alpha therapy 225 Ra/ 229 Pa15 dEDM search in atomic systems 48 V, 85 Kr11 y High specific activity 85 Kr for s-process and homeland security 44 Ti60 yTarget and ion-source material 67 Cu62 hImaging and therapy for hypoxic tumors
Slid 26 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 26 Target Facility Engineering/Design
Slid 27 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 27 Overview Reaccelerators, and Experimental Stations Fast, stopped, and reaccelerated beam capabilities ReA12 experimental hall will be ready for occupancy in October 2011 ReA12 is not yet funded, but has been reviewed and received a high rating
Slid 28 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 28 Key FRIB component: Beam Stopping Three schemes will be implemented: Cyclotron gas stopper Linear gas stopper Solid stopper (LLN (Belgium), KVI (Netherlands)) G. Savard, ANL, D. Morrissey NSCL LLN, GSI, et al. Fast ions He gas
Slid 29 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 29 Current NSCL Laboratory – Cyclotrons and Reaccelerated Beams
Slid 30 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 30 Energy upgrade of ReA3 High priority for NSCL/FRIB user community ReA3 (commissioning in 2011) Upgrade path to ReA6 requires minor disruption of ReA3 operations Upgrade path from ReA6 to ReA12 is non-disruptive
Slid 31 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 31 One possible SECAR design Designed for: (α,γ) and (p,γ) direct reaction measurements Preliminary design started Collaboration with Notre Dame, ANL, Colorado School of Mines, ORNL, LSU, MSU, FSU, Beam γ-ray detector Windowless hydrogen gas jet target
Slid 32 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 32 Examples of Opportunities at NSCL and FRIB Possibilities for direct and indirect reaction measurements at NSCL and FRIB With a solid catcher system it may be possible to produce 5x10 11 /s 15 O at FRIB Reaction Shown Critical NSCL Projected Beam intensity [/s] FRIB Raw Rates [/s] 23 Mg(p, ) Nova4.1 x x Al(p, ) Nova5.1 x x P(p, ) Nova8.0 x x P(p, ) Nova3.2 x x Cl(p, ) Nova1.8 x x Cl(p, ) Nova9.7 x x Ar(p, )XRB6.3 x x10 11 Illiadis et al., APJ supp 142 (2002) 105 Main uncertainties in novae nucleosysthesis 18 F(p,α), 25 Al(p,γ), 30 P(p,γ)
Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 33 ReA3 and Upgrade Path to Higher Energies (ReA6 and ReA12) ReA6 ReA9/12 PAC 37 will be held in late 2011 or early 2012 –Proposals for reaccelerated beam experiments with ReA3 will be accepted –Continue to accept proposals for fast and stopped beam experiments Earliest start of (small scale) user program January 2013 Operations budget has been approved by NSF Funding proposal has been submitted to NSF (pending)
Slid 34 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 34 FRIB Project Schedule With Preliminary Accelerated Construction Milestones CALENDAR YEAR TPC covers schedule range Arrows indicate targets for early construction with preliminary planning dates CD-3a 8/1 2/3 2/28 10/02 10/2 9 Rev. 1/12/2011 Manage to early completion in 2018
Slid 35 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 35 Summary We have entered a time where many of the key isotopes for astrophysics will be available Nuclear theory will remain necessary to answer many questions, but will benefit as well from the broader view of the nuclear chart FRIB, RIBF, SPRIRAL2, FAIR and other facilities will allow production of a wide range of new isotopes –Nuclear structure –Nuclear astrophysics –Fundamental symmetries –Applications of isotopes Stay tuned there are likely many surprises we will find along the way
Slid 36 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 36 Rare Isotope Crusts of Accreting Neutron Stars Nuclear reactions in the crust set thermal properties Can be directly observed in transients Directly affects superburst ignition Understanding of crust reactions offers possibility to constrain neutron star properties (core composition, neutrino emission…) H. Schatz Cackett et al (Chandra, XMM-Newton) KS (Chandra)
Slid 37 Bradley Sherrill Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Slide 37 FRIB Reach For Crust Processes Properties of nuclei out to the drip line (where ever it is) are important Electron capture rates Haensel & Zdunik 1990, 2003, 2008 Gupta et al Known mass Mass measurements Drip line established H. Schatz