Greek Mythology Vocabulary I
creation myth Narrative explaining how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. Multiple versions because it was passed down by the oral tradition. Most common form of myth, found in every human culture. Reveals how a culture views itself and the world.
Synonyms: confusion, disorder chaos (noun) Definitions: (1) a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order. (2) the infinity of space or formless matter that existed before the ordered universe. Synonyms: confusion, disorder
cunning (adjective) Definition: the quality of being very clever and resourceful Synonyms: clever, smart Daedalus is a cunning mythological character known for his inventions such as the labyrinth.
divine (adjective) (noun form: divinity) Definitions: given or coming from the gods; or having superhuman qualities Greek gods could give divine qualities to mortals.
dominion (noun) Definition: an area of control Synonym: realm Mount Olympus was the dominion of the gods.
immortal (noun, adjective) Definition: one who is incapable of dying Antonym: mortal Greek gods are also referred to as the immortals.
Cornfield labyrinths are popular in this area. labyrinth (noun) . Definition: the original name of a maze created by a mortal named Daedalus Synonym: maze Cornfield labyrinths are popular in this area.
mortal (noun, adjective) Definition: a being who must eventually die Antonym: immortal Despite her goddess-like qualities, Ms. Hart is a mere mortal.
Definition: home of the Greek gods Mount Olympus was ruled by Zeus. Mount Olympus (noun) Definition: home of the Greek gods Mount Olympus was ruled by Zeus.
Definition: a prediction of what is to come prophecy (noun) Definition: a prediction of what is to come In mythology, gods, goddesses, and oracles often give prophecies, and they are always accurate.
Narcissus, narcissus (noun) (adjective form: narcissistic) Definitions: 1. (a) a mythological character completely absorbed by his looks (b) any self-centered, self-absorbed person a daffodil-like flower The narcissus is one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. It’s named after Narcissus, a self-centered character from Greek mythology.
nymph (noun) Definition: Minor goddesses, often associated with water or forests. Echo is a famous mythological nymph who pursued Narcissus.
pomegranate (noun) Definition: a fruit associated with the myth of Persephone Because Persephone ate some seeds from the pomegranate, she was forced to spend a portion of the year in the underworld with Hades.
precipitous (adjective) Definition: Extremely steep. Precipitous heights make many people nervous
rage (noun) Definition: extreme, violent anger Synonym: anger Gaea felt rage when Uranus banished some of their children.
Definition: three-pronged weapon used by Poseidon trident (noun) Definition: three-pronged weapon used by Poseidon Poseidon held off Cronus with his trident until Zeus killed Cronus with a thunderbolt.
veer (verb) Definition: to turn sharply, with the connotation of doing so dangerously Synonyms: swerve, turn My dad had to veer in order to avoid hitting the deer that had bound in front of our car.