Narcissus and Echo Michael Hoctor
Summary Echo is a nymph with great stories, and often entertained the goddess Hera with the many tales that Echo knew. When Echo was with Hera however, Zeus would sneak into nymph country and ravished them. Blaming Echo, Hera took away her voice, except to echo the words of whoever spoke near her. Echo falls in love with Narcissus, who is a selfish young nymph born into a rich family. Echo approaches Narcissus and they an awkward moment occurs when Echo runs up and hugs Narcissus, he responds with indignation. Long story short, Echo weeps for the rest of her life, and eventually succumbs to it. Narcissus is punished by being forced to love only himself, which is caused by him looking into a pool shortly after rebuking Echo, and falling in love with his reflection. This was hard to withstand, and the story endswith an unhappy ending for the selfish Narcissus. Setting: Olympus/ Forest/ Woods
Archetypes The Innocent, Echo: She is an innocent character because everything is blamed on her, and she has wronged nobody throughout the whole story, but is still punished. The Explorer, Narcissus: He fits best with this archetype, because he is selfish, and curiosity and exploring is usually done alone in this context and for personal gain. Tree, We learn many things at or near trees, just as Echo learned exactly what Narcissus thought of her. Mountain, The mountain Echo resides on later in is a symbol of her goal to have a relationship with Narcissus.
What goes around comes around. Theme What goes around comes around. The explanation of this theme is quite simple. Narcissus is selfish to others and does not except them as equal to him, therefore, he is to love another selfish person who cannot materialize, for the rest of his life.