Adaptive Project Framework Managing Complexity in the Face of Uncertainty Presented by Robert K. Wysocki, Ph.D. Enterprise Information Insights, Inc.
Meet Your Discussion Leader Robert K. Wysocki Ph.D. Consultant, trainer, author, publisher 40+ years experience in IS/IT PM Author of 16 books on PM and IS/IT Author of the PMI recommended book Effective Project Management: Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme, 4th Edition, Wiley 2007 Developed more than 20 PM courses Trained over 10,000 project managers Facilitator Notes 3 minutes Discussion Points This is your time to introduce yourself before the attendees introduce themselves.
Agenda Contemporary IS project landscape APF fundamentals A high-level look at the APF cycles Adaptations of APF Like all well planned presentations we are going to tell you what we are going to tell you, tell you and then tell you what we told you. So let’s spend some time telling you what we are going to tell you. Some basic logistics first: This course is interactive. Ask questions Challenge what you hear Engage the instructor in applications at your company What works? What doesn’t work? Spend a few minutes on each topic to give them a sense of what the course is about.
Contemporary IS Project Landscape To the traditional project manager every IS project looked like a nail and they had the hammer.
Contemporary IS Project Landscape NEEDS WANTS What the client wants is probably not what the client needs. The PM’s job is to make the client want what they need.
Contemporary IS Project Landscape Why do you think over 70% of all IS projects fail?
Contemporary IS Project Landscape Projects fail for lack of: Executive management support User involvement Experienced project manager Clear business objectives Minimize scope Standard infrastructure Firm basic requirements Formal methodology Reliable estimates Skilled staff APF Explain how each of these contributes to the growing importance of project management in the business world. Source: Standish Group
One size does not fit all. Contemporary IS Project Landscape One size does not fit all.
What basic approach makes sense for this type of project? Contemporary IS Project Landscape What basic approach makes sense for this type of project?
Contemporary IS Project Landscape Would you rather follow the recipe or know how to develop the recipe?
Contemporary IS Project Landscape SOLUTION Clear Not Clear Not Clear Clear GOAL
Contemporary IS Project Landscape SOLUTION Clear Not Clear Not Clear Clear GOAL TPM TPM = Traditional Project Management
Contemporary IS Project Landscape SOLUTION Clear Not Clear Not Clear Clear xPM GOAL TPM xPM = Extreme Project Management
Contemporary IS Project Landscape SOLUTION Clear Not Clear Not Clear Clear xPM GOAL TPM APM APM = Agile Project Management
Contemporary IS Project Landscape Emertxe Project Management GOAL SOLUTION Not Clear Clear Clear Not Clear TPM APM xPM MPx MPx = Emertxe Project Management
Contemporary IS Project Landscape Distribution of Projects across the Landscape SOLUTION Clear Not Clear …10%... Not Clear Clear GOAL 20% 70%
Contemporary IS Project Landscape SDLCs map directly into this Project Landscape TPM Linear Standard Waterfall Rapid Development Waterfall Incremental Staged Delivery Waterfall APM Iterative Evolutionary Development Waterfall Feature-Driven Development Adaptive APF ASD Scrum RUP DSDM xPM & MPx Extreme INSPIRE SOLUTION Clear Not Clear MPx xPM Not Clear Clear GOAL Extreme Extreme TPM APM Linear Incremental Iterative Adaptive
Contemporary IS Project Landscape Other Factors Affecting Choice of PMLC Let me help you get on top of this situation. This is harder than I ever imagined. Risk Cost Duration Complexity Market Stability Business Value Technology Used Business Climate Customer involvement Goal & Solution Clarity # Departments Affected Organizational Environment Team Skills & Competencies Completeness of Requirements Risk Cost Duration Complexity Market Stability Business Value Technology Used Business Climate Customer involvement Goal & Solution Clarity # Departments Affected Organizational Environment Team Skills & Competencies Completeness of Requirements
Contemporary IS Project Landscape Project Management Life Cycles
Adaptive Project Framework APF is unique among Agile Models Product and process development Scope Change Scope Bank Integrative & Probative Swim Lanes APF can be imbedded in other PMLCs Meaningful client involvement Cumulative delivery of maximum business value Terminate any time without loss of business value
Examples of Projects TPM: Install an intranet network in field office APF: Put a man on the moon and return him safely by the end of the decade xPM: Cure the common cold
Contemporary Project Landscape
Characteristics of APF Thrives on change rather than avoiding it Adapts traditional and agile tools Based on the principle: learn by doing Assures maximum business value Just-in-time planning Squeezes out all non-value added work Scope is variable
Working Definition of an Adaptive Project An adaptive project consists of a number of cycles each comprising a sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities that must be completed within fixed time and budget constraints, and deliver maximum business value. Explain how each of these contributes to the growing importance of project management in the business world.
Overview of APF APF originated out of two client engagements: Supermarket kiosk design and development Software development project management process design
Version Scope Adaptive SDPM Strategy for APF Version Scope DELIVERABLES Conditions of Satisfaction Project Overview Statement Prioritized functionality Mid-level WBS and dependencies Cycle length and # of cycles Version Scope Cycle Plan Cycle Build Customer Checkpoint Post-Version Review
Cycle Plan Adaptive SDPM Strategy for APF Cycle Plan DELIVERABLES Low-level WBS for this cycle Dependencies and schedule Partition activities to sub-teams Sub-teams develop micro-plans Version Scope Cycle Plan Cycle Build Customer Checkpoint Post-Version Review
Cycle Build Adaptive SDPM Strategy for APF Cycle Build DELIVERABLES Whatever functionality can be built before the cycle time-box expires Version Scope Cycle Plan Cycle Build Customer Checkpoint Post-Version Review
Client Checkpoint Adaptive SDPM Strategy for APF Client Checkpoint DELIVERABLES Quality review of completed functionality Adjust next cycle functionality and time-box Version Scope Cycle Plan Cycle Build Customer Checkpoint Post-Version Review
Post-Version Review Adaptive SDPM Strategy for APF Post-Version Review DELIVERABLES Check on business outcomes Lessons learned to improve next version Lessons learned to improve APF Version Scope Cycle Plan Cycle Build Customer Checkpoint Post-Version Review
Characteristics of an APF project Incomplete requirements Meaningful client involvement Short cycles Daily 15 minute team meetings Co-located team of professionals Fixed time and cost Cycle ends when time-box expires Cycles converge on a solution Probative & Integrative swim lanes No scope change management process Variable scope
APF is a robust approach Prototyping Business justification Business process improvement New product development Research & Development APF can even be used within a TPM project!
Adaptive Project Framework Selected Bibliography “Effective Project Management: Traditional, Adaptive Extreme, 4th Edition”, 2007, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-0-470-04261-8 “Effective Software Project Management”, 2006, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-7645-9636-5 “Adaptive Project Framework: Managing Complexity in the Face of Uncertainty”, 2009, Addison Wesley, in preparation. “Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, 5th Edition,” 2009, John Wiley & Sons, in preparation
Enterprise Information Insights, Inc. Thanks for being a great audience!!! Robert K. Wysocki, Ph.D. Enterprise Information Insights, Inc.