Week to Date Chart of Part A Crimes
Assaults: 2 Washington St Sewall Av Burglaries: 6 Linden Pl Harvard St Egmont St St Mary’s St Harvard St Stearns Rd (2) Larcenies: 11 5 Bike 2 Building 2 Car Break 1 Other 1 Auto Parts Weekly Overview This past week, there were 19 Part A Crimes reported:
Last Week’s Reported Part A Crimes & Attempts By Sector MurderRapeRobberyAssaultBurglaryLarcenyMV TheftTotal Sec Sec Sec Sec 4 Sec 5 22 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8 Sec 9 This past week, there were 19 Part A Crimes reported and 0 Attempts:
There were 6 Burglaries reported last week: Linden PL: On 8/4 at approximately 1940hrs, officers met with resident, who reported that when he arrived at his apartment at approximately 1920hrs, he found his door ajar and noticed that his door was pried open. However, officers came to the conclusion that the door was opened with body force only, there was no evidence of a prying tool. SP took a laptop and jewelry. A check of the area revealed a rear basement door that was open and another door that faces the rear of the building was unlocked. Harvard St: On 8/5 at approximately 1600hrs, residents returned home to their apartment to find the door open and door frame damaged. Officers reported signs of forced entry and sustained damage around the lock and the door frame. The bedrooms had been rummaged through. SP stole strictly jewelry. Egmont St: On 8/6 at approximately 2020hrs, officers met with resident who reported that she arrived home at 2020hrs and discovered that her apartment was ransacked. The door to the apartment had pry marks along the frame and officers observed the dead bolt lock ripped off of the door and still attached to the dead bolt cradle on the door jam. Stolen property includes jewelry and a laptop. All other doors in apartment were intact. St. Mary’s St: On 8/7 at approximately 1400hrs, officers met with residents who reported that they left their apartment early in the morning on 8/6 and arrived home that same day at 1430hrs. They locked their front door but left their rear interior door unlocked because maintenance was going to replace their kitchen window. The morning of 8/7 the resident noticed that her White Beats Pill speaker valued at $200, her IPhone 5 was missing and a ring valued at $3,500 were all missing. Harvard St: On 8/7 officers met with a resident who stated that when she arrived at her apartment she unlocked the door to her apartment and noticed that the strike plate from the door frame was on the floor. Three bedrooms had been rummaged. Stolen property includes electronics, jewelry and watches. The break occurred between hrs Stearns Rd: On 8/7 at approximately 2017hrs, officers were dispatched for the report of a theft of a bicycle. The Vic left his bicycle in the lobby, which isn't accessible from the street without a key to the building. Vic stated that many of the tenants in the apartment building leave their bikes in the lobby. However, his bike, along with another bike, was stolen between 1400 and 1745hrs. The door had a fresh pry mark on it, suggesting that entry was made via a tool used to pry the locking mechanism free. Burglary
Car Break There were 2 Larceny - Car Break reported last week. Case #DateTimeAddressSecPOEForce /3/ /4/ Buckminster Rd5DoorUnsecured /5/ Egmont St1DoorLocked
Car Break
Bike Theft There were 5 Bikes reported stolen last week Case #DateTimeAddressSecLocForceDescription /2/ /3/ Bartlett Cres3DrivewayUnsecured Draft Lite SE, Dark Blue w/ Blue Lettering /4/ Egmont St1Bike RackLocked2011 Raleigh Grand Sport /4/ Clinton Rd5GarageUnsecuredGirls Style Trek Mountain Bike /6/ Thatcher St1StreetLockedBlack men’s Bike /2/ /7/ St Paul St1 Parking LotLockedRed Schwinn Le-Tour Bicycle
Bike Theft Trend Bike Thefts by Sector Sector Total Bike Thefts by Month Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov506 4 Dec450 0 Total
Package Theft
Special Attention & Noteworthy Incidents Graffiti On 8/8 at approximately 0130hrs, officers responded to a call of fresh graffiti on the side of Dummer Street. Officers observed the word “ANKER” spray painted in blue paint on the side of the building at Dummer Street. The paint appeared to still be wet and officers were able to smell it, as if it had just been painted.