- Progression to HE from Diplomas The Extended Project Sandra Stalker Newcastle 11 July 2008
The Foundation, Higher and Extended Projects QCA
3 Timetable for introduction For level 3: –The extended project pilot began in 2006 and will be completed this summer –The full qualification begins in September For levels 1 and 2: –The foundation and higher project pilots began in September 2007 and will be completed by summer 2009 –The full qualification begins (within Diplomas) in September 2008 and September 2009 elsewhere.
4 Projects The Projects are qualifications that: will be graded: –on a six point scale of A* to E for the extended project –on a four point scale of A* to C for the higher project –on a three point scale of A* to B for the foundation project are stand-alone qualifications but are a compulsory part of a Diploma at all three levels will provide a ‘tool kit’ of skills that better prepare students for further study, higher education and employment involve a taught element – teaching relevant skills may involve group projects, but the individual’s role needs to be clearly identified may have as their outcome: a report of an investigation; a dissertation; an artefact, or a performance.
5 Assessment objectives of the Projects The following aspects will be assessed at the appropriate level: identifying, designing and planning the project selecting, organising and using a range of resources selecting and using a range of skills to take decisions and achieve planned outcomes reviewing or evaluating all aspects of the project; using a range of communication skills and media to present the outcomes of the project.
6 When to take the projects There is flexibility as to when students take Projects. For example, they may be positioned: as a culminating activity at the end of a course in the middle of a scheme of work for a one-year course towards the end of the first year of a two-year programme to run over the end of the first year and the start of the second year of a two-year programme. Students should be advised to target completion of the extended project: in their second year since they will have increased maturity and are likely to have developed their skills to a greater extent at a time well removed from submission dates/examinations for other assessments in their programme to avoid conflicting pressures at a time that will allow them to include reference to it in their UCAS application form.
7 Implications for teaching Teachers' involvement will be: to deliver the taught element including the teaching of research skills, critical thinking skills, ethical issues, etc, and advising on project management to support students in scoping the project to ensure that they will meet the criteria to monitor student progress to ensure that they remain on target to complete the project by the due date to mark the project. Teachers are advised to attend awarding body training sessions to ensure that they are appropriately skilled and aware of requirements. QCA will provide guidance in August.
8 8 Jude Jude is a post-16 student taking the Advanced Diploma in IT. He is a very bright and able student who achieved A* in GCSE Physics, Maths, Additional Maths, Chemistry, Applied ICT, Business Studies, English and German, and an A in Biology. He is fascinated by the way information technology is constantly changing and improving. He is personable, energetic and very enthusiastic about computers. He can’t wait to work in the industry, so he has decided to take an apprenticeship rather than go to university, at least at this stage. His aim is one day to run his own computer-services company.
9 Jude: Advanced Diploma in IT 9 generic learning 180 GLH 3 x functional skills at level 2 (prerequisite) extended project qualification (120 GLH) 10 days work experience personal, learning and thinking skills (60 GLH) principal learning 540 GLH 7 mandatory units The potential of new technology Understanding organisations Professional development Creating technology solutions Multimedia and digital projects Making projects successful Managing technology systems additional and/or specialist learning GLH BTEC National Award for IT Practitioners (360 GLH)
10 Example progression route: Higher Apprenticeship for ICT Professionals. His current role is to manage the day-to-day maintenance of clients’ websites. AND... principal learning; functional skills; personal, learning and thinking skills Extended Project Because Jude is so interested in the cutting edge of IT development, he decided to research new ways in which users might interact with the computers other than through a keyboard and mouse. He was able to visit two companies involved in developing voice and infra-red devices. They provided him with some surplus pieces of hardware which he used to create a prototype infra-red interaction device. He gave a presentation about his device to his class and produced a detailed report which evaluated the device’s commercial potential. Work Experience Jude spent three weeks with a IT company which provides computer services for small organisations who are not large enough to have their own IT department. He was involved in a wide range of activities, from discussions with clients about their website and database needs, to helping to specify, purchase and install a complete computer network in a solicitor’s practice. The company was so impressed with them that they offered him an apprenticeship.
11 Josh Josh is a post-16 student taking the Advanced Diploma. He did his KS4 work experience in the local hospital’s physiotherapy department and was intrigued by the complexity of a hospital’s organisation. The Advanced Diploma in SHD will give him a basis for a health-related career. At present, he wants to aim for a career in management but is not yet sure in which aspect, or whether it will involve higher education. He decides to follow courses for ASL that support those diploma aspects that most interest him - choosing accounting and management. He intends to go straight into a job at the end, but he may well consider applying for an advanced apprenticeship in the sector or apply to university.
12 Josh: Advanced Diploma in society, health and development 12 generic learning 180 GLH 3 x functional skills at level 2 (prerequisite) extended project qualification (120 GLH) 10 days work experience personal, learning and thinking skills (60 GLH) principal learning 540 GLH 6 mandatory units The sectors in context Principles and Values in practice Partnership working Communication and information sharing Personal and Professional development in the Work Environment Safeguarding and Protecting individuals and Society (Edexcel) ASL 360 GLH GCE AS in Accounting 180 GLH Level 3 BTEC certificate in Management 180 GLH
13 Progression route: Keen on a management career in the NHS (probably in a hospital) – Josh knows that he may require a degree. He also feels, however, that he will benefit from a period of intensive sector-related experience and would prefer to go to university when he is a bit older. He is applying to the medical voluntary sector for an administrative post. Work experience A two week block placement in a large, community GP practice with a full range of services. On a daily basis and as well as supporting the various clinics, Josh liaised with hospital departments, the local hospice and pharmacies on administrative matters such as appointments and repeat prescriptions. While with the practice, Josh was given responsibility for designing a record-keeping system for the newly established nutrition and dietetic clinic. AND... principal learning; functional skills; personal, learning and thinking skills Extended Project Coming into contact with the local hospice via his work experience, Josh decided to investigate ‘What is palliative care and which partners work together to support people at the end of their life?’ In the course of researching the scope of palliative care in England, and how local agencies and national charities work together, he included in his study international comparisons and the scale and nature of support available to family members and others. Josh’s extended project was written up as a conventional and referenced essay. During the Christmas holiday of year 13, Josh managed to get a job working for a diabetes charity. He was given the job of logging donations and posting out acknowledgements. Work experience contd.