Department of Education MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context
Introducing some of the programme team Dr Tristan Bunnell Dr Rita Chawla Duggan Dr Mary Hayden HoD and research cluster leader Dr Lizzi Okpevba Milligan Dr Janet Goodall Graham Nutbrown Dr Harry Kuchah MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context Dr Susan Martin – Director of Learning and Teaching Dr. Eugenia Katartzi
On the aims of education..some conclusions from research… Aims must be grounded in … values, for education is at heart a moral matter … And aims should shape curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and the wider life of the school … (Cambridge Primary Review)
MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context – Why do it? Course Aims Knowledge about learning and education in a range of national and international contexts; Engaging students in critical questions about the aims, values and outcomes of education and schooling and its relationship to different societies; Exploring fundamental concerns about education’s relationship with social justice, equality, inequality, social mobility and globalisation; A qualification designed to provide a broad grounding in the social sciences; Enabling students to work towards Masters level, whilst also developing links to particular career directions.
Potential careers…. …in teaching and leadership …Every one of our graduates are asked to have their vision for their classroom, (this is) something we try to develop. I think it is useful …you have considered leadership and management strategy. We do compete very well, because we are working graduates who have the potential to develop leadership, problem- solving, be self-evaluative, and resilient. Given that you are reflecting on some of the research elements with a view to developing skills, I would say that you will produce well-grounded, employable graduates.(Head of Graduate Selection: Teach First National Graduate Department in Teaching).
Potential careers…. …in publishing ……they have specialisms to develop English language teaching products and development education. In that respect, I felt that they are looking for graduates who are experts in particular areas that link very well with the strands of the programme. (Senior Commissioning Editor for Education - Palgrave Macmillan)
Potential careers…. …and in international schools ‘… good graduates who are internationally minded are always going to be employed’ (CEO of COBIS - Council of British International Schools)
MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context Unique features Engaging with international issues in education; The opportunity to work towards a Masters level qualification; The development of advanced research skills; Following interests in key research areas - language education (which includes a TEFL interest), international schooling and education and international development; The possibility of an additional placement year in the UK or overseas.
Course structure Shared 1 st year units linked to different social science perspectives; Applying perspectives to units in subsequent years; Core and optional units in all years linked to key research areas; Key research areas include: International schooling, Language Education, Education and International Development; Optional placement year; Masters year - consolidate advanced research skills, an opportunity to specialise in a research area and advance your leadership skills. MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context
Teaching and learning for International and National Schooling Language and Education Education and International Development Education in an International Context (Yr 1) Designing and Analysing National and International Curricula (Yr2) Children and Technology : a global perspective (Yr 3) Teaching English to Young Learners (Yr 1) Introduction to the teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (Yr 2) Language Issues in Development Contexts (Yr 3) Children’s Rights: a global approach (yr 1) Education Inequality in Low Income Contexts (Yr 2) Contemporary Issues in Asian or African Development (Yr 3) Research Methods in International Education and Globalisation Education in an International and Global Context Research Methods for Second Language Education 1 & 2 Language Awareness Research Methods in International Education and Globalisation Education and International Development Key research areas and examples of units
Dr Lizzi Okpevba Milligan, Lecturer in International Education Research interests: Education and international development The ways in which issues such as gender and language impact on learning and well-being; Global policies that affect children, e.g. Education for All MSci(Hons) Education in an International context
Educational and Social Inequalities Children’s rights Language and social justice Education and International Development MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context
Optional Units available from International Development: Introduction to International development. Development Policy and Practice. Civil Society and NGOs in the Developing World. Contemporary Issues in South Asian Development. Contemporary Issues in African Development. MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context
14 1.How are life prospects for ALL people across the world changing? 2.What explains variation in this: by country, gender, generation..? 3.How should and could our prospects be improved? 4.How do we turn ideas into action? … wants … welfare … poverty … wellbeing … justice … inequality … basic needs … rights … International Development with Economics ?
Social anthropology, sociology, social policy Politics and international relations ECONOMICS INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Geography Policy sciences Others?! Philosophy International Development with Economics?
The Masters Year Learn to ‘be critical researchers’; Make connections between the Advanced Research Project and the particular units; Be more familiar with the needs of user groups, and the potential impact of their research; Be part of a wider research community (the MA International Education and Globalisation) and (MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) (TESOL), and join a Department research cluster; Option to develop your advanced leadership skills ‘Advanced Educational Leadership and Management Theory and Practice: Contemporary International Perspectives’. MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context
Placement Year Overview of the placement year Benefits to student Placement providers Support from the University MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context
UCAS applications What do we look for? Entry requirements Personal statement MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context
Further Information Dr. Rita Chawla-Duggan: Programme Leader Graham Nutbrown: Admissions Tutor Sophie Hatchwell : Undergraduate Programme Administrator Department of Education University of Bath Bath BA2 7AY Tel:+44 (0) or Web: international-context/ MSci(Hons) Education in an International Context