Key Stage 4
%5+ A*-C inc English and maths is headline measure Progress KS2 to KS4 measured for English and for maths New rules for vocational qualifications apply Floor standard 40% 5ACEM + 73%* progress English & maths 2014 / 2015 Accountability
Progress 8 and Attainment 8 English* / Maths double weighted 3 EBacc subjects 3 ANY subject including approved HIGH value Vocational courses Secondary Accountability 2016
From 2016 Progress 8 outcome will be used Prior attainment will be measured from KS2 Floor standards
Info for parents Progress 8 outcomes Attainment 8 outcomes Basics Ebacc Secondary accountability
Schools held to account for: The attainment of disadvantaged pupils The progress of disadvantaged pupils The in-school gap in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and their peers The use of Pupil Premium funding Focus on Disadvantaged pupils
KS4 Headlines Key Stage 4 % 5+ A*-C inc English &Maths % English Baccalaureate % 5+ A*-C % 5+ A*-G inc English & maths % A* - C English and maths (Basics) Capped Average Point Score % Expected progress in English % Expected progress in maths Devon Devon Boys Devon Girls Devon Target National National Rank Statistical Neighbour rank (/11) SN Minimum SN Maximum
Devon Headline 2013
Devon performance threshold 2013
Devon VA summary
KS2 to 4 VA by pupil characteristic
KS2 to 4 Expected Progress