eLanguages workshop
Agenda Part 1: IntroductionIntroduction Part 2: Exploration of eLanguagesExploration of eLanguages Part 3: Your personal pageYour personal page Part 4: Your first project pageYour first project page 4.1. Your hello page 4.2. The discussion forum 4.3. Project stages 4.4. Project Resources Part 5: Finding and joining projectFinding and joining project Part 6: Extend your partnershipExtend your partnership Part 7: Next stepsNext steps
Part 1: Introduction to eLanguages << back to agenda
What is eLanguages? An online collaborative tool for teachers globally, developed by the British Council and Rages for the Department of Education and Skills Launched December 2005 Free at the point of use Enables teachers to share resources and create projects Simple to use Offers each project 100 MB of space Multilingual (English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Russian and Arabic. Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Punjabi, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati and Hindi versions to be added in Spring 2006).
What are the main benefits? Motivational for teachers and students Makes learning fun and effective Exchange of high quality digital resources Authentic resources Help to raise standards in language learning Enhances cultural understanding
What resources does it support? A comprehensive range (movies, sound files, pictures, galleries, text, polls, web links) Resources are added to the project page by teachers but can be created or sourced either by teachers or students
How does a project look like? Open model project
Part 2: Explore eLanguages Home page Why page What page How page Language versions Explore navigation << back to agenda
Why What How Language versions Explore for 5 minutes Trail Navigation
eLanguages projects Click on view or start project
eLanguages projects projects are categorized by age groups Open a model project
Explore model project project description 1 st project stage resources first project stage participants Explore model project for 5 minutes
Part 3: Personal Profile personal login card login process my page update profile change password << back to agenda
Login process Click on Login
Login page Fill in your account name and password click OK
Logged in view Login and Register are replaced with Mypage and Logoff after Login Let’s open Mypage
Mypage: activity tab Multiple tabs Use help to learn more about the page functions Click on Help
Mypage: profile tab Check and update your details and ensure you are using your personal address (not school address)
Mypage: profile tab A good personal description helps in finding and attracting new partnerships You can choose to keep your personal details private
Mypage: profile tab Let others know which partnerships you are looking for and if you are available to start a new project Save your partnership preferences
Mypage: change password Click on the administration tab
Change your password use help for tips write down / remember your password
Part 4: Your project page Start a new project Your project page Normal view and edit mode Hello page Discussion forum Project sections Adding resources Find your project << back to agenda
Start a new project 1/4 Go to Mypage and click on Start a new project
Start a new project 2/4 Select the age group for your project (soon a teacher development project category will be added as a 4 th option)
Start a new project 3/4 Start a new project in this age group
Start a new project 4/4 Complete the page and save (the proposal is your project window, your project commercial to the world! Other teachers will ready your proposal and make a decision to join your project or another project. You can always change your proposal at any point in time )
Empty project page (edit mode) instructions content insertion points Looking for partners Project details Project participants Normal view, properties, permissions Resource tools Explore the page Open the 3 minute guide and read the 3 minute guide
Shift to normal view No more content insertion points (normal view link is replaced with link to edit mode)
How to switch back to edit mode?
How to change your project proposal Click on the properties icon
Project page: the discussion page Each project page has a discussion page. The purpose of the discussion page is a discussion or message board for each project Instead of using to communicate with your partners, you should post messages to your partner in the discussion forum We explain later how the system can notify you when a new message is waiting for you.
Project page: the discussion page Explore the forum and post a message
Project page: project stage An eLanguages project is divided into project stages. We expect the teachers to define project stages. Within the project stages you can incorporate resources linked to the stage. Why? By defining project stages you will make your project more accessible to other teachers. Clearly defined project stages will make it easier for other teachers to understand your project and could encourage them to contribute to your project.
Project page: project stage Use the content insertion points to add new content to your page Click on add icon under project stage
Project page: project stage Before you can add any images, documents or other resources to your page you must define your first project stage / lesson activity Click on the project stage icon
Project page: project stage Insert a title for you project stage / lesson activity Insert a description of the activity Define the main language for the activity Enter your first project stage and hit save
Project page: project stage 1 st project stage in edit mode 1 st project stage in normal view
Project page: add resources to a project page You can add new resources to the project stage You can add resources to the project stage folder You can add a 2 nd project stage under the first project stage Decide what you want to add to the page and click on add at the intended location
Project page: add resources to your project page Select the resource you intend to add from the list and follow the instructions on the page.
Project page: the Hello page Each project page has a Hello page. The purpose of this page is to present the classes, the schools and even the towns of the participating teachers to the world
Hello page Open the hello page from your project homepage and goto edit mode
Hello page Edit Cut Paste Delete Permissions Help Click on edit icon next to Describe the class in the first school
Change the text on the hello page Describe your class and save
Add an image to the hello page Your class description changed Click on add under your class description to add an image or gallery of images of your class
Add an image to the hello page Select add an image and read the instructions on the page.
Finding your project There are three ways to find your project 1. Go to Mypage 2. Select age group or view or start a project from the homepage 3. Select Find project from the top menu (only lists your project when it is open for partnerships) Explore these options and try to find each other’s projects
How to keep track of changes or new postings on your project pages Watch function At the bottom of each project page you find the Watch function (after login) Watch function allows you to set a Watch on a page. The system will send you an to notify a change to a page. For example when someone has posted into your discussion forum, you will receive an with a direct link to the forum. Use Help to learn more about Watch
Part 5: How to join a project << back to agenda
How to join an existing project (proposal) Look for projects with Join! Next to project title
Part 4: How to find a partner Send a message to the project owner to explain why you want to join his or her project. The project owner will receive an and can decide to accept or reject your request
How to join a project Alternatively you can click on the join now button on a project homepage
How to find a partner Follow the Find partner link at the top of the page Two options 1. Find for partners through eLanguages 2. Find for partners through the Global Gateway
Part 6: How to extend your partnership eLanguages will offer programmes to extend your partnership - Visits to your partner school or from your partner schools - Local workshops on how to create new resources - Links to other exchange programmes - Teacher assistant programmes - … << back to agenda
Part 7: Next steps Complete your project page. The pages are live and soon teachers from the UK could contact you to join your project Explore the system, use the Help system for immediate actions. Online support is available via CONTACT at the bottom of the screen << back to agenda
Platform by teachers for teachers Future developments by April 3 rd Find resource tool (NEW) supports you in finding resources on the eLanguages platform - Hello page linked to profile page (NEW) the hello page will be part of the profile page, this way you only have to create one hello page and people will be able to browse through your hello page when visiting your profile We welcome you to send any suggesting or feedback to us. It is our objective to continuously improve the service….