LivePlan Best Practices in Deployment & Promotion Arlene Soto
Why Use LivePlan? Clients receive ongoing business planning assistance Client has access to Palo Alto Software $10,000 Boost grant competition Client feedback has been the template is user friendly Clients can create and track milestones Can be incorporated into a business plan training strategy Clients can link to QuickBooks data for budget to actual comparison and analysis Ability for counselor and client to work together on problem areas in a business plan Creates long term client relationships Creates technology impacts Creates capital formation impacts Provides a means to reach out to lenders and other client referral sources
Create Client Access Counselor setup access from Center IC Customer Library Internal Library Palo Alto For Counselors – LivePlan Sign up Create client account using SBDC2110 (2110 is the SWOCC center, use the number for your particular center) as the password You will be logged in to LivePlan as the client at this point
Create Counselor Access as a Contributor to the Plan While logged into the client account create access for you as the counselor to review and comment on the plan. Access as a contributor will allow you to work closely with the client in development of the plan. Go to account tab Add or manage users Add a contributor. You will receive an inviting you to contribute to the client’s plan. You have 24 hours to login through that and accept the invitation. Make sure you do not have LivePlan open at the time you do this or you will get an error message. Click on the client’s “Go to account” to verify all is working Log out of LivePlan Copy the login link to paste into an you will send to the client telling them you have created access for them
Communicate Access is Available Send an introductory to the client with the login link, login address and password. Recommend the client change their password the first time they login. Provide initial directions to help them get started and encourage them to contact you for assistance as they work on their plan. They will also receive an from LivePlan giving them login instructions. Your is more a reminder and to let them know they are not alone as they work on their plan.
Using Center IC to Establish a Follow-up Routine In client Center IC record select “Categories/Related” Add/Edit categories Select Clients/LivePlan You will now be able to create a custom list in Center IC to see how long it’s been since you reviewed a business plan or contacted the client If the client is dropped from LivePlan after 6 months free has expired, unselect this category so the client will no longer appear on the follow-up list
Client Follow-up Each week create a custom list and review business plans. Send follow up s to encourage clients In Center IC go to Customers tab Select Custom Lists Select Category (unclick session date and session type) Clients: LivePlan Display Links Using the report and the number of days since the last contact, select client plans that need review and follow up Login to LivePlan and access each client account you would like to review the plan
Reviewing Business Plans: No Plan Started If the client has not yet logged in to LivePlan you will get a message “You do not have any active plans.” Send a follow up reminding them of the login instructions and offer assistance in getting started. Make a note in Center IC that you have done a follow-up with the client. This can be done in your office or using ReadyTalk or telephone with you and the client both logged into LivePlan. Go to Account tab Switch Accounts Access the next client plan on your list
Reviewing Business Plans Review plan either in plan view or printed to a pdf (I like pdf it’s easier to see the flow of the plan) Make comments in plan view Edit the section Enter a comment The comments list can be used to track communications with clients regarding their plan Use milestones to schedule and track progress toward business plan goals Send an to the client regarding the new comments and suggestions. If appropriate invite them to meet with you especially if they have not logged in for 2 weeks or more. Create a counseling record. Attach a pdf copy of the plan in Center IC record for future reference Go to Account tab Switch Accounts Access the next client plan on your list
Follow-up Schedule Review plans and follow-up with clients at least 1-2 times per month during the 6 months they have free access Remind clients as they near the end of their 6 month free time frame Business plan copies can be easily attached in Center IC records Completed business plans are another opportunity to work with clients as they implement their plan or seek funding
Promotion LivePlan provides SBDC counselors a way to reach more clients with a tool they can use In presentations discuss as another free resource we can offer to businesses Every startup business advising session talk about the usefulness of a good business plan and the Boost grant program from Palo Alto Software, local programs, IDAs or places a business plan will be an asset to the business Client sessions with any client seeking financing unless they already have another way to write a plan Outreach to lenders as a way to assist their client’s success
LivePlan usage at SWOCC SBDC Over 50 clients have used or are currently using LivePlan Long term client engagement has increased significantly More clients have written business plans because the tool has been easier for them to use Bankers who have heard a presentation about LivePlan have sent more referrals to the center Capital formation has increased significantly partially due to LivePlan use by clients Palo Alto Software has been very responsive if a problem occurs