National and Higher Physical Education ‘The Physical Factor’ Factors of Skills and Techniques
So...What is involved? Cycle of Analysis Investigate- Aspects of Fitness and Fitness Testing Analyse- Identify strengths and Weaknesses, comparing ourselves to a model performer Develop- Design a training programme to improve our weakness and maintain our strengths Evaluate- Has our training improved our weakness; how do we know. Re- testing and game specific examples
3) Factors of Skills and Techniques Skills Classification Skills and Skilled Performance The Stages of Learning
Definitions… Skill – The purpose of a movement Technique – The way of carrying out a skill
Classification: Simple and Complex Skills The term skill is short for motor skill (movement skill). As we already know sports are made up of many motor skills. Skills can also be classified as simple or complex and can be placed on this Continuum. Simple Complex Running and jumping are examples of simple skills, we can perform these from a very young age. Simple skills require few sub-routines. They have a simple order of movements and are easily co-ordinated. For example to run a fast time in a 100m sprint requires a low level of co- ordination and decision making is required. Complex skills are made up of many more sub-routines, they often require more coordination and require more information to be processed. In gymnastics a Handspring is a complex skill. It is made up of many different parts (sub-routines) and requires very good timing. In other athletic running events such as the 1500m the skill demands are still relatively simple, however are more complex than 100m sprint. Complexity is added through decision making about overtaking opponents, pace judgement, when to begin sprint for the line etc.
Continued... Skills can also be classified into Closed and Open skills. Closed skill – a movement that involves no external pressure from an opponent or the environment Open skill – a movement that must react to external pressures in a competitive context Free Throw - Closed Lay Up - Open
CLASS TASK Copy and complete the table below for badminton or basketball Simple SkillComplex Skill Closed SkillOpen Skill
Question... In your jotter write down words which you think describe a skilled performance (Remember think skills and techniques not fitness!) Think of the Greats... You have 1 minute...
What makes a skilled performance? There are four key Factors of a skilled Performance. You will probably have words which fall under these characteristics. Control and Fluency Decision Making – right shot right time Maximum efficiency with minimum EFFORT - movement Consistency This is Skill!
Control and Fluency For the overhead to be successful it has to be executed with control and fluency. A sound preparation, action and recovery are evident with a reasonable degree of technical refinement displayed for more complex shots. Players are able to last the duration of the game with a high skill fluency and control when under pressure. Creativity is often evident through shot variation, definition or disguise.
Decision Making Decision making is a key element of a skilled performer. Decisions have to be made when under pressure to help you overcome your opponents. Performers are required to use both attacking and defensive shots and select effective skills in order to build towards winning rallies. You are able to adapt effectively to a shot and can employ various tactics play to your opponents strengths and weaknesses.
Maximum efficiency with minimum effort Model performers always look effortless. When watching an Olympic badminton player, they float around the court, they react quickly and play sublime shots. They play shots that you cannot imagine. However when you watch them, you always think “I could do that”, However one thing to note, theses skills despite looking effortless are always played with intent. They watch the shuttle and at the right moment they attack.
Consistency When performers are put under pressure they have to use their experience to correctly choose the most suitable skill which will help them out off danger. In badminton you will always face the net, you will always concentrate on shuttle flight and you always attempt to be balanced and side on. Top players set up the same way for every skill, whether it is closed or open. Their consistent execution means they make very few mistakes.
Using a model performance A model performer could be a classmate, teacher or world class athlete. A model performance paints a picture of what the performance should look like – giving you motivation and a focus to improve. A model performances highlights the ‘perfect’ execution of P.A.R. – if we record a model performance we can slow it down and pause it to focus on correct footwork, weight transference, follow through etc.
CLASS TASK From the information from the previous slides, apply this to the OHC in badminton or smash in tennis.
Collecting Data Now that we have INVESTIGATED what makes a skilled performance, we now need to collect data on this. There are several ways in which we can collect data: Initial Skill Repertoire Sheet (why would we do this first) Video Analysis Focused Movement Analysis (PAR Analysis) Scatter Gram Training Diary Teacher/ Peer Feedback #Why are each appropriate?
Skill Repertoire Sheet Set Up: Two people on a court; Play a full court game. A Third person will complete a skill repertoire sheet (a)What is a skill repertoire sheet? (b) Will you find out all the S and W in one game? How many games should you play? (c)How did you keep track of the consistency/ inconsistency of a skill/ technique?
Movement Analysis PAR Analysis (Preparation Action Recovery) Set Up: Two people on a court; one feeds and one returns with an OHC. A third person will complete a movement analysis as they hit the OHC. Some of you may have went into a rally of overhead clears and been observed (why cant everyone do stage two?) What sub routines will we be looking for?
PAR Movement Analysis Model Performer My Performance My Performance After Practicing Preparation 1.Track the shuttle. 2.Stand side on to the net. 3.Take the racket behind your head. 4.Weight on back foot Action 1.Bring your racket through quickly 2.Hit the shuttle with a straight arm, slightly infront 3.Snap wrist, striking shuttle to front/middle of court Recovery 1.Follow through in the direction of the shot. 2.Get into the ready position to play the next shot.
Scattergram - OHC Example Your partner will feed high serves and you will return with and OHC. Your partner will let the shuttle land on the court. The third person will mark down on the court where your shuttle lands: X X X X X X X X X X X X
Scattergram- Smash Example Your partner will feed high serves. Your partner will let the shuttle land on the court. The third person will mark down on the court where your shuttle lands: X X X X X X X
A reminder… For Data Collection to be valid/appropriate it must be… 1.Accurate – Knowledgeable Observer and not a one off – eliminate the luck factor 2.Simplistic – Easy for the observer and performer to understand 3.Retrievable – For comparisons before and after
Diary/ Feedback Diary- During your training it is important that you keep a personal note of how you are performing. This could include match results, knowledge of results, kinaesthetic and extrinsic feedback Feedback is information you collect about your performance. There are many different types of feedback that can be used, depending on the task you are completing, the type of skill and the nature of the activity. The main types of feedback you should learn are: Internal Feedback (intrinsic): This concerns movement awareness e.g. The feeling (kinaesthetic awareness) of different parts of the action. For example in football or hockey as you strike the ball you are able to feel whether you have struck it sweetly, without even seeing the outcome.
FEEDBACK (Continued) External Feedback (extrinsic): This is information received from secondary source and can be gathered in many different ways: Written- Movement Analysis, Scatter graph Verbal– Teacher or coach giving advice Visual – Watching model performance which has been video taped Knowledge of Results – The outcome of the skill/technique (think of your scatter graph- what knowledge can you obtain?) 25
For feedback to be effective it must be: (a) Positive - positive feedback focuses on what you did well and suggests how further improvements can be made. Giving negative feedback to a performer is not at all useful as it fails to explain how improvement can be made. (b) Precise and accurate – Correct information must be given to the performer, this will help them to adapt their performance in order to improve. (c) Given as soon as possible – Information should be given as soon after the performance or period of play as possible. This is crucial for the performer as information is forgotten over time and becomes meaningless. For example basketball coaches often call a time out after a specific period of play so he can explain to players what has worked successfully and what must be improved. (d) Bite size chunks 26
What do we do with the information we have gathered? What does the information on the previous slides tell us about our OHC? With your partner discuss what you would do with the information you have received about your performance. Write this down in your jotter.
Example of Completed P.A.R Analysis PhaseSub RoutinesStrength Weakness X Preparation Starts from baseX Tracks path of shuttle and begins moving towards place where shuttle will be played from Side on, racket scratching backX Weight is on the back footX Action Action resembles throwing action Transfers weight from back foot to front foot Hit shuttle with straight armX Performer strikes through shuttle and body weight continues to move forward X Recovery Racket comes down and across the body Forward movement at end of stroke leads to return to ‘base’ and recovery of ‘ready’ position
Approach to develop performance - Plan a Programme of Work Now that you have identified your strengths and weaknesses it is important to set up a planned programme of improvement. During this programme you will: Establish your stage of learning Set targets Employ suitable practice methods Adopt principles of effective practice IMPROVE (Note- why do we need to know our strengths)
Considerations Stages of Learning Practices should be directly related to your stage of learning (why?) » Principles of Effective Practice SMARTERVP
Principles of Effective Practice - SMARTERVP To allow us to make improvements, we must ensure that our practices are effective by applying the following principles: Specific Measurable Achievable Rest:Work Timed Enjoyable Recordable Varied Progressive Always comparing performance to that of a model performer
CLASS TASK Choose three principles of effective practice and describe how you applied them to your practices. What effect did these principles have on the quality of your practices?
Cognitive (Planning) Stage There are four key elements to this stage: 1.During this stage you find out the main sub routines and you learn each one – P.A.R. 2.You will make many errors during this stage and your skill level will be relatively low 3.You groove the moment by getting a ‘feel’ and seeing what’s involved in the skill – slow the skill down. 4.Encouragement from teacher/ peers is necessary to ensure you stay motivated and make effective progress.
Associative (practice) Stage There are four key elements to this stage: 1.You link together all the sub routines of the OHC 2.You will now practice the skill e.g. feeder practice 3.Practice will depend on a number of factors, including motivation, experience, complexity of the skill and level of fitness 4.Practising effectively will reduce errors
Autonomous (Automatic) Stage There are four key elements to this stage: 1.All sub routines can be executed automatically 2.Errors are less likely due to a high skill level 3.Focus can be applied to other aspects such as oppositions movement, direction, next shot 4.You are able to use internal feedback to correct errors and rely less on external feedback
Methods of Practice Now that we have established the importance of the stages of learning we now need to find practices which are suited to each stage Cognitive: Shadow Drill, Comparison to model performer, simple feeder drill. Associative: Whole/part/Whole, Hoop Drill (type of feeder drill), repetition drill, Autonomous: Combination Rally, Pressure Drill, Conditioned games
Whole/ Part/ Whole Feeder Drill (Hoop) Training Programme Stages of Learning and Methods of Practice AUTONOMOUS ASSOCIATIVE COGNITIVE PROGRESSION Shadow Practice Simple Feeder Drill Combination Rally Pressure Drill Conditioned Game r Repetition Drill Week 1 ALWAYS COMPARING TO MODEL PERFORMER Week 6 Combination Rally Hoop Feeder Drill Whole Part Whole
Information Processing Model Explaining how we learn and develop movement skills… 1)INPUT – Information you receive from your senses (Sight). Opponent positioning, shuttle flight etc. 2) DECISION MAKING – What would be most effective…should I play a smash, drop, kill, lift? Where should I move to after? 3) OUTPUT – You decision, for example, an OHC to back right corner 4) FEEDBACK – Use information to aid future performances
Monitoring the effectiveness of our training programme o Monitoring/Evaluating- Have we improved? o How do you know? o Compare and Contrast – Start Midpoint End o What can you do now that you could not do before? Specific Examples: o Re-do P.A.R Movement Analysis exactly as before o Training Diary (practices done, improvements made) o Feedback (Teacher, Peer, Knowledge of Results) o Record Video of performance and compare to previous
CLASS TASK (1) Describe how you monitored the effectiveness of your overhead clear (means of testing; results) (2) Describe how you monitored the effectiveness of your training programme on your WHOLE performance (how has your performance improved; what can you do now that you could not do before?)