Copsewood Medical Centre is a two doctor partnership with a list size of approximately 4300 patients. The premises is a 1930s bungalow situated on Momus Boulevard, which runs parallel to a busy main road. The practice primarily serves the areas of Stoke, Ernesford Grange and Binley on the eastern side of Coventry. Copsewood Medical Centre is committed to ensuring that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided by our practices.
Posters displayed in patient waiting area Text messages were sent to patient mobiles Patients were asked opportunistically by clinicians and admin staff Advertisement was placed on Practice web page
Female = 51.3% Male = 48.7% Socio Economic Status = Working/ Middle Class Ethnicity = Large Asian/White British population
On the whole the PRG represents the practice as it represents the wider Asian and White British population. The PPG in under-represented to the younger generation, African and European community The practice will look to actively involve these groups by verbally inviting them to join, if language is a deterrent to joining, an interpreter would be booked.
PRG Meeting held on 17/10/2012, priority areas agreed: (minutes taken) Disability/Elderly Access Telephone Triage Experience Overall Satisfaction
Postal Online In the practice Total Distributed = 200 Total Responses = 119 Practice Size = 4,300 Represents 2.8% of practice population
White - British % White - Irish - 2.5% White - Other White Background – 2.5% Mixed - Any other Mixed Background - 0.8% Asian or Asia British - Indian % Asian or Asia British - Pakistani – 0.8%
Within the last week – 33.6% within the past month % within the past 6 months % last 7-11 months - 5% more than 12 months - 3.4% more than 2 years ago –2.5%
Good-41.5% Very Good –56% Overall Satisfaction =97.5% Very Poor– 0% Poor – 2.5% Overall Dissatisfaction =2.5%
Good- 49% Very Good –48% Overall Satisfaction = 97% Poor –2% Very Poor–1% Overall Dissatisfaction =3%
Easy –52% Very Easy –20% Overall Satisfaction = 72% Difficult –21% Very Difficult –7% Overall Dissatisfaction =28%
There weren’t any appointments – 59% Times offered didn't suit – 5% Appointment was with a Dr I didn't want to see- 1% A nurse was free, but I wanted to see the Dr- 1% Another Reason - 3% Wasn't given a reason –3% Can't remember - 4% No Response -24%
Agree – 49% Strongly Agree - 48% Overall Dissatisfaction = 97% Strongly Disagree-0% Disagree –3% Overall Dissatisfaction = 3%
Agree –55% Strongly Agree – 38% Overall Satisfaction = 93% Strongly Disagree-1% Disagree –6 % Overall Dissatisfaction = 7%
Strongly Agree- 41% Agree – 58% Overall Satisfaction = 99% Disagree – 0% Strongly Disagree – 1% Overall Dissatisfaction = 1%
Strongly Agree- 39% Agree –54% Overall Satisfaction = 93% Disagree –6% Strongly Disagree –1% Overall Dissatisfaction = 7%
Strongly Agree- 56% Agree –43% Overall Satisfaction = 99% Disagree – 0% Strongly Disagree –1% Overall Dissatisfaction = 1%
Positives Overall experience of a Telephone Consultation was well received (93%) Happy with practice receptionist (97.5%) Positive feedback on consultation with clinicians (>90%) Positive overall experience in visiting the surgery (97%) Negatives High volume of respondents stated they were unable to get an appointment on the same day or in the next two working days to see a Dr or Nurse. 58.8% stated the reason being “there weren’t any appointments” 55% of patients did not know the practice complaints procedure.
Survey Findings Agreed ActionAction by who Action by when Date Completed Access Advertise and re-educate patients on the usage of telephone consultation, use posters and practice web site NafisaMay2013 Advertising Instead of having several posters, best to have one notice board with all the necessary information about the services. NafisaJune2013 Disability/ Elderly Access Awaiting planning permission on constructing a new entrance which is accessible to disabled and elderly patients, Make sure there is very minimal disturbance to the practice. BrendaJune2013