Continental Drift: Theory that states that the continents have drifted from one location to another over time Wegener’s support to his hypothesis: a. Coasts of continents fit like puzzle pieces b. fossil remains found on two separate continents c. Rock formations found on different continents would match up d. Climate change evidence.
Earth’s lithosphere is broken into plates that move on the asthenosphere Plate Tectonics: A theory that describes the formation, movements and interactions of these plates
Support: Data about earthquakes, magnetism, the age of rocks on the ocean floor, some of Wegner’s findings As the plates move, the continents move.
Most locations of earthquakes and volcanoes = Location of plate boundaries
Magnetic minerals in magma orient themselves to face the magnetic pole as the magma solidifies Magnetic pole has reversed several times in the geologic past Record of age and pole switches
Mid-Ocean Ridge: long chain of volcanic mountains on the ocean floor As new rocks rise in the middle as magma, it forces older rocks out to the side