Governing Body IBF and BWF
Year originated --1873
Inventor Duke of Beaufort
Place of origin -England
Objective -to score points by hitting the shuttle cock across the net into the opponent’s half of the court without the other player/team being able to return.
Basic Skills -Serve -Forehand -Backhand -Smash
Positions -Server and receiver &
Basic Rules Team-1 (singles) Team-2 (doubles) Winner-player/team who scores 15 or 21 points, wins the best out of 2 games Time- n/a Start game- with a serve right baseline diagonally cross court over the net into the service box Server 1- attempt (birdie must be contacted below the waist) When serving side loses a rally, the serve passes to the opponent Singles- the server stands in his right service court when the score is even and in his left service court when the score is odd Doubles- if the serving team wins the rally, the same player continues to serve, but he/she changes service courts, so that he/she serves to each opponent in turn. If the opponents wins the rally and their new score is even, the player in the right service court serves, if odd the player in the left service court serves. The players service courts are determined by their positions at the start of the rally, not by where they were standing at the end of the rally. Each time a side regains service the server will be the player that did not serve last time. Fault-racket not below waist level on serve, foot, shuttle hits net on serve, or serve does not land in service box, miss shuttle Offense- place shuttle away from defense Defense- protect lines and rally Boundaries- stand anywhere within and around the sidelines and end lines Shuttle hits line is good Inning- serice Side out- loss of service Player cannot touch or crossover/under net with body
scoring Unsuccessful returned shuttle 1 point
Unsportsmanlike conduct Automatic 1 point for the other team
etiquette Call score, serve when receiver is ready, walk around net, don’t touch net, compliment shots
Terms back court, base position, baseline, carry, centerline, clear, court, endline, fault, frontcourt, net, passwing shot, push shot, rally receiver, server, sideline, smash
Safety Swing racket, eyes with shuttle, body with net, hold on to racket
Facilities/space (court/field dimensions ) Court 44x20 feet with net at 5 feet
Indoor/outdoors Yes - gym, backyard, beach
Equipment Racket, shuttle cock, net, standards
Olympic sport yes, - 1992 Bracelona
Lifetime sport Yes, all ages and genders
Special notes Oldest existing club- New York badminton club. Played all over the world Thomas cup- men 1948 every 3 years Uber cup- women 1957 every 3 years Equal footing- skill and finesse not strength