Biology 484 – Ethology Chapter 11 – Evolution of Mating Systems
Chapter 11 Opener: The mating systems of many species involve defense of food resources
11.1 The monogamous honey bee drone dies after mating
11.5 Female burying beetles combat polygyny
11.6 A monogamous pair of cleaner wrasses
11.7 An exceptionally paternal rodent
11.8 Male care of offspring affects fitness in the California mouse
11.11 Paternal male starlings keep their clutches warmer by helping mates incubate their eggs
11.15 Polyandry has fitness costs
11.16 Polyandry has fitness benefits
11.17 A father’s mating success can be transmitted to his sons
11.19 Polyandry boosts female reproductive success in a pseudoscorpion
11.20 Egg fertilizations in female crickets that have mated with a sibling and a nonrelative (Part 1)
11.20 Egg fertilizations in female crickets that have mated with a sibling and a nonrelative (Part 2)
11.28 Resource defense polygyny in an African cichlid fish
11.30 Does polygyny reduce female fitness?
11.32 An explosive breeding assemblage