PA Queen Bee Improvement Program
"This project supported [in part] by the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. SARE is a program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture."
Jeff Berta-Slippery Rock Mark Gingrich-Dover Roger Williams-Manchester Warren Miller-State College Jeremy Barnes-York Kathleen Berta-Warren Bobby Lee Hawrenko-Saxonburg Maryann Frazier-PSU Christina Grozinger-PSU
SARE 2011-Russians & Carniolan SARE Carniolan & Ontario Buckfast SARE AI queens w/ the PA Survivors SARE 2014-AI queen daughter share w/ local clubs Do you want to help?
Drone comb above excluder 25 days prior
Pa Virgins and Ontario Buckfast Virgins Crossed w/ Survivor Stock Drone Semen
No Chemical treatments Survived 2 Winter
Measure Frames Brood and Honey
Count Mites
Powder sugar is sifted over the bees Parasitic mites fall to bottom Counted and recorded
Excess honey is weighed
Record Data Using UPC/QR Code
Upload data Using iPhone Beetight database Accessed by all
Quality Score QS= FB + FH - Mites
What does it really mean? Does it live through the Winter?
Jeff Berta-Always Summer, LLC Slippery Rock, PA Mark Gingrich-Gingrich Apiaries, LLC Dover,/York, PA