How many colors do our eyes really detect?
All the different colors of light that we see are actually combinations of red, green and blue light. Red, Green and Blue are the three primary colors of light.
Yellow The three primary colors of pigment are Red, Blue and Yellow. The primary colors of pigment are different than those of light because they reflect the color that we see and absorb all other colors.
How do our eyes see these colors? We have receptors in our eyes called rods and cones. Rods detect black and white. Three different types of cones detect color: 1 for Red 1 for Blue 1 for Green
How do our eyes see these colors? Three types of cones (color) One type of rod (B/W only)
Color Blindness/Color Deficiency Color Blindness does NOT mean that a person only sees black and white. A person is color blind when one or more of their cones does not function like a normal cone. Almost 1 out of 12 men in the world is color blind (color deficient). Only about 1 out of every 200 women in the world is colorblind. There are several different kinds of color blindness, but most people who are color blind either have difficulty seeing red or seeing green.
Color Blindness/Color Deficiency
Colorblind individuals should see the yellow square. Color normal individuals should see the yellow square and a "faint" brown circle.
Color Blindness/Color Deficiency
Colorblind individuals should see the yellow circle. Color normal individuals should see the yellow circle and a "faint" brown square.
Color Blindness/Color Deficiency
Colorblind individuals should see nothing. Color normal individuals should see a "faint" brown boat.
Color addition The three primary colors of light combine to form different colors. Red + Blue = Red + Green = Green + Blue =
Color addition Magenta, yellow, and cyan are called the three complementary colors of light.
Do our eyes play tricks on us?
Stare at the cross for 15 seconds
What happened? Your red cone receptors got tired, or fatigued Your blue and green cones tried to compensate, so you saw CYAN, the combination of blue and green.
Stare, unfocused at the flag for 15 seconds. What colors will you see next?
Cyan (blue + green) Red cone fatigue Magenta (blue + red) Green cone fatigue Yellow (red + green) Blue cone fatigue
COLOR QUIZ Question: What are the three primary colors of light?
COLOR QUIZ Question: What are the three primary colors of light? Answer: Red, Blue and Green
COLOR QUIZ Question: What are the receptors in our eyes that see black and white?
COLOR QUIZ Question: What are the receptors in our eyes that see black and white? Answer: Rods
COLOR QUIZ Question: The receptors in our eyes that detect color are called what?
COLOR QUIZ Question: The receptors in our eyes that detect color are called what? Answer: Cones
COLOR QUIZ Question: What are the three complementary colors of light?
COLOR QUIZ Question: What are the three complementary colors of light? Answer:
COLOR QUIZ Question: Red + Blue = ???
COLOR QUIZ Question: Red + Blue = ??? Answer:
COLOR QUIZ Question: Red + Green = ???
COLOR QUIZ Question: Red + Green = ??? Answer:
COLOR QUIZ Question: Green + Blue = ???
COLOR QUIZ Question: Green + Blue = ??? Answer:
COLOR QUIZ Question: What is a more appropriate term for “Color Blind”
COLOR QUIZ Question: What is a more appropriate term for “Color Blind” Answer: Color Deficient