Approaching The King
Earthly Kings Kings Power: Own you and the land you are on Do what he tells you to do Kill you
Earthly Kings King's Responsibility: Protection Make sure the kingdom is running smoothly
Earthly Kings Getting under their power Take over land Swear allegiance Born into it Captured as slave
Earthly Kings Approaching a King They are busy Waging war Protecting their people Settling disputes Trade agreements Keeping the kingdom running smoothly
Earthly Kings Approaching a King You are beneath them You are a resource Military Trade Goods creator Part of the lower classes
God our King God's power Creation Own you and the land you are on He set the universe in motion. Death by Disobedience
God our King God's Responsibility To take care of you.
God our King Getting under God's power Jacob's vow Be obedient The Way of the Cross
God our King Approaching God Never to busy to talk to you You are not beneath him. Sent the Son to make a covenant with us and to intercede on our behalf
God our King Elohim – The All-Powerful One, Creator Jehovah - “I AM”, The One Who Is The Self-Existent One Adonai – The Lord, My Great Lord. El-Shaddai – The All Sufficient One, The God Of The Mountains, God Almighty Jehovah-Jireh – The Lord Will Provide Jehovah-Rophe – The Lord Who Heals
God our King Jehovah-Nissi – The Lord is My Banner Jehovah-M'Kaddesh – The Lord Who Sanctifies Jehovah-Shalom – The Lord is Peace Jehovah-Tsidkenu – The Lord Our Righteousness Jehovah-Rohi – The Lord is My Shepherd Jehovah-Shammah – The Lord is There, The Lord is my Companion