West Chester Borough Master Parking Plan West Chester Borough Parking Committee Interview 2/9/16
DESMAN Over 5,000 Parking and Transportation Projects Parking Studies and Master Plans Parking Management & Operations Consulting Parking Planning/Functional Design Traffic Impact Analysis Functional System Capacity Analysis Financial Feasibility Experience of Key Personnel David Taxman, P.E., has been performing parking and transportation studies for more than 10 years. Gerald Salzman, AICP has over 35 years of multimodal traffic and parking studies experience. Greg Shumate, CAPP has a background as a principle administrator of a large municipal parking system. Eric Haggett has performed parking supply/demand analyses for small and large cities across the nation. About Company Founded in 1973 Nine Offices Nationwide with Over 100 Personnel Nationally Recognized Parking Consulting Firm Provide Parking Design, Engineering, Restoration, Planning, and Transportation Services “Innovation through Collaboration, Success by Design” Our firm encourages the creative process. We share ideas and talents among all of our in order to deliver an exceptional end-product to our clients. DESMAN is committed to providing excellence in the design of parking facilities, rehabilitation programs for existing structures, and innovative parking studies for all market sectors.
Key Personnel
Experience in Pennsylvania Meadville, PA – Downtown Parking Study Goal: Garage site selection analysis for both SEPTA/AMTRAK and Lower Merion community Action: Parking supply/demand analysis and future surplus/deficit analysis Action: Assessed economic growth estimates, future projects, and projected ridership data from SEPTA/AMTRAK Conclusion: Determined ideal garage location, size and funding mechanisms Easton, PA – Comprehensive Parking Review Goal: Develop a strategic parking plan to maximize the value of and service provided by the public parking assets and assess the financial feasibility for a new Intermodal Transportation Center/Parking Facility Action: Comprehensive review of parking system Action: Financial analysis of parking facility Conclusion: Recommended operational and managerial changes, parking rates and fines, meter technology enhancements, enforcement and operating policies, wayfinding signage, and site analysis for future parking
Additional Experience in Pennsylvania Erie, PA – Downtown Parking Study Goal: Feasibility of a Downtown Parking Garage Action: Parking supply/demand analysis and future surplus/deficit analysis Action: Assessed economic growth estimates, future projects, and potential infill Action: Needs and financial analysis of parking garage Conclusion: Determined the appropriate sizing and financial outlook for a new Downtown Parking Garage Pittsburgh, PA – Parking System Privatization Analysis Harrisburg, PA – Parking System Privatization Analysis Bethlehem, PA – Southside Downtown Core Feasibility Study Scranton, PA – Financial and Operations Analysis
Impressions and Challenges 1.Support Parking for a Variety of Users (i.e. Visitors, Residents, Employees, Students, etc.) 2.Influx of Students 3.Defining the Limits of the Residential Parking Program 4.Creating an Accepted and Effective Residential Parking Program 5.Supporting Employee Parking Demand 6.Future Development and Growth 7.Maintaining a Historic, Walkable and Pedestrian-Friendly Environment 8.Parking Strategies to Ease Traffic Congestion 9.Supporting Alternative Modes of Transportation 10.Management of Delivery Vehicles in High Activity Areas 11.Similar On-Street and Off-Street Rates
Study Approach Project Initiation Kick-Off Meeting Final Project Scope and Schedule Study Area and Goals Community and Stakeholder Meetings Stakeholder and Staff Meetings Presentation of Initial Findings Public Forum Meetings #1 and #2 Summary of Comments Received at Meetings and Public Forums Parking Inventory and Utilization Surveys GIS Shapefile Map of On- and Off-Street Public Parking Inventory Parking Inventory by Space Type Parking Utilization Analysis Existing and Future Parking Surplus/Deficit Analysis Existing Parking Supply/Demand Analysis 10-Year Future Parking Surplus/Deficit Analysis by Facility and User
Study Approach Parking Enforcement and Management Strategies On- and Off-Street Parking Management Plan Parking Rate Structure per Facility and On-Street Outline of Residential Parking Permit Program Parking Demand and Supply Solutions Parking Facility Site Selection Analysis Peripheral Parking with Shuttle Strategy Assessment Event Parking Plan Transportation/Parking Demand Management Strategies Master Parking Plan Report and Presentation Master Parking Plan ‘Draft’ and ‘Final’ Report Presentation of Master Parking Plan
1.Understanding of Issues Faced by West Chester Borough 2.Extensive Experience Working in Pennsylvania 3.National Experience at Comparable Historic Towns 4.Expertise in Each of the Defined Tasks 5.National Network of Over 100 Staff Members 6.Concentrate on Outreach, City Goals, Implementable Strategies, and a Sustainable Parking Plan Why DESMAN?