Easy FlowTM and Smart FlowTM Tecniplast Air Handling Units By Corporate Marketing Department
+ TP Features Low ENERGY consumption & HEAT emission Running costs Plastic Cover Eco-friendliness HEPA filtration efficiency through DOP TEST Safety for animals & operators Light & Ergonomic Needed force to move < 35 N + User-friendly interface at eye level Effort for the operators
TP Features MULTILINKING CAPACITY Up to 2 Double Sided or 4 Single Sided Racks SUPPLY PLENUM SUPPLY PLENUM EXHAUST PLENUM EXHAUST PLENUM RACK # 2 RACK # 1 Homogeneity of the intra-cage parameters across the rack Pressure drop
New Features PMD: Performance Monitoring Device Immediate and intuitive information about HEPA filter load status and blower status Automatic calculation of the HEPA filter lifespan Lifespan of the HEPA filters is automatically calculated by the AHU’s software depending on the number of cages to be ventilated, optimizing the lifetime of the HEPA filters.
Easy Flow vs. Smart Flow Easy Flow (Basic Version) Smart Flow (Top Version) Control Panel: Soft Touch Pad Touch Screen (Latest Generation) Settings: Type of Cage and Number of Cages Pressure Mode: Positive (Bioexclusion)/ Negative (Biocontainment) ACH (Air Changes per Hour) Two Password Levels HEPA Filters Lifespan Night Mode Language RAS Transmitter: (Remote Alarm System) Optional Alarm: Alarm Codes shown (No Report Available) Fixed Alarm Threshold Range Alarm Description shown (Chronology with Report Available on Display) Adjustable Alarm Threshold Range Pressure Sensor: Not Available High Flexibilty High Security and Monitoring Wide Range of Options Simplicity of Use
RAS Remote Alarm System Wireless system that monitors the status of the animal holding equipment Standalone system: very fast set-up Possible connection to the Building Management System or to an Automatic-Phone-Dialer Monitoring of up to 100 AHUs with 1 RAS Collector 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x Optional connection Transmitter TX Receiver RX Collector CX Voice-Phone-Call
AHU Quality Test Tecniplast‘s quality commitment: Test of 100% of AHUs before distribution Tests are carried out under actual operative conditions 4-STEP Testing Procedure: Burn-in test: AHU working continuously for at least 24 hours No alarms reported = AHU has successfully passed the test D.O.P test: (unique on the market) Check for leakages on the supply and exhaust Via a photometer and an aerosol generator Result of the D.O.P. test is enclosed with the test certificate Electrical compliance test: AHU is tested under extreme conditions Calibration of the sensors: Via a calibrated and certified anemometer (Aeraulic tests in positive and negative pressure mode) Test results are included in a “Test Report” which is unique for each AHU
AHU Pictures
TP Features Stainless steel main frame with eco-compatible plastic cover High resistance to chemical disinfection, eco-compatible recyclable materials, hygienic, shock resistant, ergonomic Low heat emission and power consumption Environmental friendly, low running costs for facility air conditioning, no heat is transmitted to the animals, AHU long lifespan Unique product quality tests (D.O.P. test) Garantees safety for the operators, the animals and the environment Wireless (RAS or WDM) / Serial Data Transfer / Alarm Dry Contact outputs available Monitoring flexibility, security, BMS integration
TP Features Intuitive control panel interface User friendly software - no specific training needed PMD: constant monitoring of AHU status User friendly and maximum safety for staff and animals Calculation of HEPA filters lifespan Optimization of the HEPAs lifespan and reduction of costs
COMPANY CERTIFICATIONS UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT (according to ISO 14025) CO2 FOOTPRINT (according to PAS 2050) MEMBER of the GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL ITALIA PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA) (ISO 14040:2006 / ISO 14044:2006) ISO 9001 – Cert. n° 0875 ISO 14001 – Cert. n° 0256A/0
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