OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMS Davis Joint Unified School District Adult High School Diploma Concurrent for credit recovery English as a Second Language Community Interest Courses Davis Parent Nursery School K-12 Summer Enrichment Career Technical Education Pharmacy Technician
HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA All High Schools Davis Senior High Martin Luther King Jr. High School Da Vinci Charter High School 32 students enrolled ~16 attend each week on average 2 hours per week Most students need credits Credits Earned in students (~10 credits p/student)
HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Largely minority, low-socio-economic LCAP Target Groups English Learners Foster Youth High percentage of students: Criminal background Teen pregnancy 80 students enrolled ~15 attend each week on average Most students need 50+ credits
WASC ACCREDITATION Never previously accredited Institutional Knowledge Consequences for graduates Students are not eligible for Financial Aid Students are not eligible for most military service Students are not eligible for some jobs (e.g. Corrections, State Worker, etc….)