Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) Middle School Example
Welcome! Thank you for being here We both want the same thing for the students: To thrive To enjoy school To be career or college ready To learn, grow and succeed
Goal of the APTT: Working together with parents to be knowledgeable of their child’s academic performance and to be a partner on the academic team
Schedule for Middle School APTT Meetings: GradeCore Course Meeting TimesOther Courses and Electives – in the gym 6 th Grade Feb 27th Language Arts: 5:30 – 6:00 Math: 6:00 – 6:30 Parent Reception 6:30 – 6:45 1:00 – 5:00, 6:45 – 8:00 or by appointment 7 th Grade Feb 27th Parent Reception 6:30 – 6:45 Language Arts: 7:00 – 7:30 Math: 7:30 – 8:00 1:00 – 6:00 or by appointment 8 th Grade Feb 28 th Language Arts: 5:30 – 6:00 Math: 6:00 – 6:30 Parent Reception 6:30 – 6:45 1:00 – 5:00, 6:45 – 8:00 or by appointment
How do APTTs work? Three Team Meetings per Year All classroom parents meet as a team Each parent receives a student academic report Parents look at classroom data Parents receive activity materials One individual Parent-Teacher Meeting with Math and Language Arts Teacher Discuss individual needs Set up within the school year as needed/requested What is My Responsibility as a Parent? Attend Meetings (2 team meetings – Oct. & Feb.) Help my child meet their academic goals by practicing the activities
What is my Responsibility as a Parent? Attend Meetings 3 full class meetings 1 individual meeting Set an Academic Goal for my Student Realistic, data based Practice Academic Activities at Home Practice, Practice, Practice!
Let’s Look at the Data 1. Behavior 2. Reading Data 3. Writing Data
Behavior Data
Schoolwide Behavior Expectations Use Respect Safety First Accept Responsibility
Schoolwide Behavior Expectations We have Taught Expectations Extensively at the Beginning of the School Year and After Long Breaks from School Re-teaching occurs daily informally by teachers Re-teaching occurs weekly through lessons in homeroom
Schoolwide Behavior Expectations Use the Bucks System to Reward Students Students earn Bucks by acting appropriately at school and following the expectations Can earn fun things with their bucks Free lunch Free Ticket to Dances Ticket to Fourth Friday Fun School Spirit Items School Supplies
Schoolwide Behavior Expectations WWhy do we do all of this work to improve behavior? SSo that we have the best behavior we can in the classroom DDon’t lose classwide teaching time to problem behavior SSo that we have the students in class rather than in the office NNeed students in class to be able to learn MY CLASSROOM IS WHERE THE STUDENT NEEDS TO BE TO BE ABLE TO LEARN!
7 th Grade Behavior – Location
7 th Grade Behavior – Problem Behavior
7 th Grade Goals for Behavior Decrease Referrals Associated with: Inappropriate Language Disrespect Goal is to have less referrals in the second half of the year related to these problem behaviors Homeroom re-teaching lessons will focus on Respectful Language to Peers and Adults Goal is to keep all kids in class and learning!
How Can Parents Help? Remind child about the school expectations Use Respect Safety First Accept Responsibility Help child consider alternative ways to communicating with teacher and classmates other than disrespectful words Tell your child how much you appreciate their respectful words when they are used
Reading and Writing Data
Overall Reading Data
Student Data – Reading Fluency
Student Data – Comprehension
Set a Reading Goal Pick either Comprehension or Fluency If at “Green or Yellow” – aim to be at or above “Green” at the May assessment: Fluency: 171 Words Read Correctly per Minute Comprehension: 29 Correct If at “Red” – aim to be at or above the “Yellow” at the May assessment: Fluency: 130 Words Read Correctly per Minute Comprehension: 20 Correct
How Can Parents Help? Continue to encourage reading at home Continue repeated reading strategy taught at the October APTT Meet with me individually if you are concerned about reading and would like more information about what we are doing at school and what you can do at home
Writing Data
Overall Writing Data
Student Data – Writing
Set a Writing Goal If at “Green or Yellow” – aim to be at or above “Green” at the May assessment: 51 Correct Sequences If at “Red” – aim to be at or above the “Yellow” at the May assessment: 35 Correct Sequences
Learn and Practice New Writing Activity for Home Writing a Paragraph Summary Step 1: LIST Step 2: CROSS OUT Step 3: CONNECT Step 4: NUMBER Step 5: WRITE Step 6: EDIT
When to Use This Activity? At least once a week With homework assignments that include doing a summary paragraph When reading something online, a book, magazine, etc.
What’s Next? Spend time at least 30 minutes a week at home doing the new learning strategies and monitoring your child’s at-home work. We will continue to work hard to teach and move your student forward Next APTT: My 25 th for 6 th and 7 th grades May 26 th for 8 th grade Schedule an individual meeting with me or other teachers as needed. Phone Number: address:
Thank-you for your support!