Grade 10 Module 1 How Do Author’s Develop Complex Characters and Central Ideas?
Module Overview Students engage with literature and nonfiction texts and explore how complex characters develop through their interactions with each other. Students also learn how these interactions develop central ideas parental and communal expectations self-perception and performance competition and learning from mistakes.
Text Unit 1: “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” (1599), “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” (1600) “Raleigh Was Right” (1940) Unit 2: “The Palace Thief” from The Palace Thief (1994) (1 of 4 short stories from the book) Unit 3: The Joy Luck Club (1989) (2 chapters) “Dreaming of Heroes” (1990) from Friday Night Lights(1 chapter)
Module Literacy Skills Read closely for textual details Annotate texts to support comprehension and analysis Engage in productive, evidence-based discussions about text Collect and organize evidence from texts to support analysis in writing Make claims about and across texts using specific textual evidence Develop and incorporate domain-specific vocabulary in written and verbal responses
Lesson Strategies Classroom Discussions Text Dependent Questions Quick Writes AIR (Accountable Independent Reading)
Lesson Tools Common Core Learning Standards Tool Text Analysis Rubric and Checklist Short Response Rubric and Checklist Speaking and Listening Rubric and Checklist Collecting Evidence Tools
Unit 1 “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” (Marlowe, 1599), “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” (Raleigh, 1600) “Raleigh Was Right” (Williams, 1940) Focus Poets in Conversation Connections Across Texts Central Idea/Themes Structure of Text Point of View Word Choice on Meaning and Tone Assessments End of Unit Assessment Multi-Paragraph: How does Williams draw upon and transform the themes established by Marlowe and Raleigh?
Unit 2 The Palace Thief Focus How do Character Interactions and Motivations Develop Central Ideas? Nature of Character Influence of History Manifestations of Power Figurative Language to Evolve Characters and their Emotions Students explore the battle of education and morals against politics, power, and wealth. Assessments Mid-Unit Assessment Written Response: Analyze how the narrator has developed over the course of the text End of Unit Assessment Multi-Paragraph: What central idea is developed in the “Palace Thief”?
Unit 3 The Joy Luck Club (1989) (2 chapters) “Dreaming of Heroes” (1990) from Friday Night Lights(1 chapter) Focus Develop Central Ideas through Interactions Between Complex Characters parental and communal expectations identity formation performance Identify thematic Connections between texts Assessments Mid-Unit: Student collaborated presentation: How does Tan develop a central idea in “Two Kinds”? End of Unit: Students choose either “Rules of the Game” or “Two Kinds” from Joy Luck Club, and compare it to Bissinger’s “Dreaming of Heroes” from Friday Night Lights. : How do the relationships between children and their parents develop the central ideas of these two texts?
Module Performance Assessment Students respond to the prompt: Select a relationship from one of these texts. How does this relationship develop a central idea over the course of your chosen text? Multi-paragraph Textual Evidence Edit/Revise Key Relationship Ethan Canin’s “The Palace Thief” Hundert and Sedgewick Bell Hundert and Deepak Mehta Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club Waverly Jong and Lindo Jong Jing-mei Woo and Suyuan Woo H. G. Bissinger’s Friday Night Lights* Mike Winchell and Billy Winchell Don Billingsley and Charlie Billingsley