Remember how we started off saying you either land it or you don’t? Well, God says you either go to heaven or you don’t. Go round and get each person to say whether they are going to heaven when they die AND why they think they are. There are two boxes below. Ask your leader what heaven will be like and ask them what hell will be like. Then draw a picture of what you think they will be like for you!
1) CHOICE First word we have to start with is choice God gives us a choice whether we live the way he wants us to, or whether we live our own way (the way that we reckon is best). Choose you this day who you will serve…as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15 Think of an example of a way God might want us to live compared to how we might live. 2) CONSEQUENCES There are consequences to our actions. If I try and Ollie and don’t know how to do it, chances are, there will be consequences – painful ones! If we choose to live different to what God says, there will be consequences. Can you think of an example of a wrong action and the. consequences? Sin pays off with death. Romans 6:23 3) FORGIVENESS We can ask God for forgiveness. And God will forgive us for our stuff ups, because Jesus died on the cross. He wants to do that! And then he has a place in heaven for us. But God’s gift is eternal life given by Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 4) WHO’S THE BOSS? If we really believe in God, we will want to live how he asks us to. We aren’t perfect. We won’t get it right all the time. But God asks us to try and live the very best way – his way! Go round the group and say whether you have ever asked God to forgive you for your wrong things. And then say if you have made him boss of your life. And then say whether you are trying to live how he wants you to. Maybe one or people in the group could say how’s it been since they have made God boss of their life. How do you make God boss of your life? We’ve all seen them skaters do their stuff. And I don’t know if you have noticed something. Maybe it’s just me. But as far as I can see, only one of two things will happen when they do a trick. You see, when they try and do an Ollie or a Kickflip or a Backside Pop Shove-it or a Fakie Manual or a Frontside Crooked Grind or a Frontside Varial Heelflip or a Half-Cab Kickflip or a Switch Heelflip or even a Rock to Fakie, one of only two things can happen. They either land it, or they don’t. Now I tried an Ollie….once. It hurt. Lots. I thought I had smashed my elbow. It definitely fitted into the not making it category. You might be a gun skater, or someone like me who thinks an Ollie is just a bad idea to hurt people. But no matter how good or bad you are, when you hop on that board, you will either nail that move, or you won’t. And it’s a bit like that when you hop on this earth. We go round and half the time we seem to do the right thing, and the other half of the time, we seem to stuff up. Go round the group and say one thing that you think you have done well this week (and then go round and say one thing that you have stuffed up). I’ve also seen skaters that when they stuff up, they get all agro – you know, do the big piledriver with the board. And the world is full of people who let us know when we stuff up! We know what people’s reactions around us are like when we stuff up (our parents, mates, teachers etc). The big question is – what is God’s reaction when we stuff up? Does God do the big discus on us and chuck us on the scrap heap? Does he want to do the big lumberjack & chop us down to size?