Context Speech, Language and Communication Needs [SLCN] classed as most common childhood disability Incidence significantly higher in particular groups.


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Presentation transcript:

Context Speech, Language and Communication Needs [SLCN] classed as most common childhood disability Incidence significantly higher in particular groups of children: o Looked after and accommodated children o Children living in disadvantaged surroundings o Children living in poverty  Figures reach 50 – 60% in this population

SOGS indentifying significant proportion of children in Airdrie not meeting SLC milestones at 27 months Risk of poor attainment and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties Impact on literacy and future employment Existing systems mean children from vulnerable groups are more likely to be discharged from SLT due to non- attendance

What is your project Aim: 85% of children at Richard Stewart Family Learning Centre will reach their speech, language and communication milestones by 2016 Parental motivation and engagement Increased parental awarness of SLC development Awareness of SLT service role and how to access advice/input Standardised processes for communication and collaboration with parents and EYWs Nursery knowledge of when/where appointments are Shared responsibility or planning and implementing intervention and meeting targets Consistent SLT presence in nursery High levels of parental and partner engagement for early intervention SLT involvement at initial discussion around any SLC concerns with parent Increased joint decision making with parents around treatment options and expectations Co-location of SLT interventions in nursery Increased staff knowledge and skills Involvement of staff in identifying training needs Implementation of new knowledge and skills into daily practice Consistent support and carryover of therapy plans

Parental Motivation and Engagement SLT attends enrolment days Drop-in sessions in nursery Appointments co-located in nursery Joint planning meetings with parents & key workers Joint therapy sessions with parents & key workers Enhanced information sharing & case discussion

Standardised Processes for Communication and Collaboration Appointment information sharing system Consistent SLT presence in nursery Review DNA pathway Clear pathways for children accessing service

High Levels of Engagement for Early Intervention SLT involvement at pre-referral stage Co-location of SLT services in nursery Enhanced joint decision making with parents (treatments, expectations, outcomes) Level 2 services to increase parental knowledge and skills Assertive appointment allocation process

Increased Staff Knowledge and Skills Engaging staff in identifying training needs Support to embed theory into practice Support carryover of specific therapy plans Responding to training needs

Higher attendance rates appear to be achieved as a result of a combination of factors: Co-location of SLT service in nursery Parental involvement in arranging appointments Reminders Collaboration with staff Review of DNA procedures Attendance Data

Early Learning Practitioners in the 2 – 3 Room were asked what areas of childhood SLC development they would most benefit from support with. It is predicted that a needs responsive training package will improve staff engagement and outcomes for children. (Training sessions TBA) Identifying Training Needs

Ongoing Training Hanen, ‘ABC and Beyond’ – Building Emergent Literacy in Early Childhood Settings Blacksheep Press ‘Languageland’ – Language programme for 3 – 7 year olds

Aim: Increase parent/carer confidence in supporting SLC development AP SD A P S D AP SD D S P A DATA FEEDBACK TO FRONTLINE STAFF: Compliance w PVC check D S P A Cycle 1a: Co-locate drop-in clinic in Family Learning Centre Cycle 1c: SLT Consultation upon request Cycle 1e: Spreading Cycle 1d: Increased promotion of consultation advice service Cycle 1b: SLT available at drop-off and pick-up times Measures

How have you used the model to support your improvement?

Challenges Scale and scope of project Contextual factors influencing engagement Complexity of caseload Staff release for training Data collection Vision for spread/scale within wider service

Learning Points Better SLC outcomes achieved Co-location improves parent/carer engagement Collaboration and joint working increases staff knowledge, skills, motivation and confidence Levels of intervention effectively utilised with co-located service Staff satisfaction improved (Health and Education) Alignment with GIRFEC Early adopters expressing interest in spreading change

Q& A Xenia Dennison Naomi Priest Karen Dixon karenaphsslt