The Supernatural Life you’ve always wanted – Part One 1.Pursue His presence above all else 2.Grow in increasing faith & Boldness
The supernatural life you’ve always wanted Part Two
3. Understand – we are Kingdom people! i.Our job is to contend for the Kingdom 'on earth as it is in heaven’ ii.Kingdom now but not yet (but don't let the 'not yet' be an excuse!)
3. Understand – we are Kingdom people! iii.What to expect when the Kingdom comes (From Isaiah: deliverance, justice, peace, joy, God's presence, healing, comfort etc) iv.Knowing our identity is critical (in Christ, heavenly citizens, recreated, royalty, heirs, ambassadors)
3. Understand – we are Kingdom people! … as disciples we are both citizens and ambassadors of another world. This world is our assignment, but not our home. Our purpose is eternal. The resources needed to complete the assignment are unlimited. The only restrictions are those between our ears.’ Bill Johnson: When Heaven Invades Earth
4. Battle and overcome obstacles to faith i.Unbelief/Cynicism/Mockery - Revelation releases power! Unbelief attacks the source of power ‘I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.’ Eph 1: 18
4. Battle and overcome obstacles to faith ii.Previous poor teaching or advice: – "you are not healed because of your lack of faith“ – "if you had faith you'd stop taking your medicine“ – "if you visit a doctor it shows lack of faith“ – "if you pray more than once it shows a lack of faith“ – "I am really healed -these are lying symptoms“ – "God sent this to teach me something"
4. Battle and overcome obstacles to faith iii.Hype - don’t hype stories - it brings healing into disrepute iv.Holding experience over scripture 'I refuse to lower scripture to my experience, instead I will seek to raise my experience to the level seen in scripture‘ Bill Johnson
4. Battle and overcome obstacles to faith v.Lack of perseverance (Luke 18:1 -/(do not lose heart')
5. Develop a robust theology to overcome disappointment i.Offense is a breeding ground for unbelief and toxic to a faith filled community (John the Baptist - Matt 11:6) ii.Work through your own pain and disappointments (Paul - 2 Cor 11:25, Psalms)
5. Develop a robust theology to overcome disappointment iii.Focus not on what God hasn't done but on what He has, not on what He isn't doing but on what He is. iv.Simple theology 'God is good, devil is bad, God can use bad for good but he doesn't want bad‘ 'thief comes to kill, steal & destroy' - John 10:10 'doing good and healing all oppressed by the devil - Acts 10:38
5. Develop a robust theology to overcome disappointment v.'I don't know' is sometimes the best and most truthful answer vi.Worship through the pain is a unique privilege that we have while on earth and moves the heart of God in powerful ways (Acts 16:25) - Paul and Silas singing praise to God in prison…
5. Develop a robust theology to overcome disappointment vii.Lay down the right to understand so that they can receive true peace (Phil 4:7 'the peace that goes beyond understanding') viii.Recognise levels of authority and power and contend for them ('this kind' -Mark 9:29)
5. Develop a robust theology to overcome disappointment ix.Celebrate others' breakthrough while waiting for your own-it's often the ground that prepares them. x.Care for the individual - at least leave them feeling loved by God and you!