European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 1 COMPETITIVEANDSUSTAINABLE GROWTH GROWTH Arturo GARCÍA-ARROYO
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 2 l Growth : Assuring long term future for the EU economy: creation of wealth, employment opportunities, enhancement of quality of life and better working conditions l Sustainability : Achievement of growth within a responsible economic system, not endangering the next generations needs (preservation of the environment and of natural resources) l Competitiveness : Capacity to create wealth by providing high quality, customer oriented goods and services in efficient organisations
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 3 I FP (83- 87) II FP (87- 91)III FP (90- 94) IV FP (94- 98)V FP ( ) Years Single ActMaastrichtAmsterdamEuro Framework Prog’s SUPPLIER ORIENTED MARKET ORIENTED ENVIRONMENT & CUSTOMER DRIVEN CONCENTRATION NETWORKING NATIONAL ORIENTED EUROPEANGLOBALISATION UNPREDICTABLE & MAKE TO ORDER Market Industrial approach Specific Programmes Brite EURAM Raw materials Brite-EuRam SMT Transports Competitive & Sustainable Growth (I) (II) (III) (BCR) (M&T) (SMT) Technology push Market PullSystem oriented Society oriented Sustainable & problem-oriented Research approach Evolution of R&D programmes
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 4 Technological Innovation Sustainable development Industrial Competitiveness Low social acceptance out-of-date uneconomic RTD actions Global approach for a longterm growth
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 5 A new strategic approach Social objectives employment health, quality of life environment l European added value H critical mass H EU policies, problems, standards H complementary skills l Economic development and S &T prospects H growth H competitiveness H technological prospects KNOWLEDGE BASE S&T EXCELLENCE
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 6 Innovative products, processes and organisation (731) Mobility & Intermodality (371) Aeronautics (700) Land & Marine (320) Generic Technologies (546) Support for Research Infrastructure (37) P3: Budget (Mio EURO)
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 7 1st Activity : 4 Thematic Programmes Living Resources Information Society Preserving Ecosystem2125 2nd Activity : International Role of Research475 3rd Activity : Innovation and SMEs363 4th Activity : Human Potential1280 JRC (Direct Action)739 EURATOM1260 TOTAL : Competitive and Sustainable Growth th FP Budget Breakdown (M€ )
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 8 New & Improved Materials Steel & Its Production Measurements & Testing Innovative Products Process & Orgs Sustainable Mobility & Intermodality Land Transport & Marine Technol. New Perspectives for Aeronautics Generic Technologies Generic Technologies Key Actions Support for Research Infrastructures Support for Research Infrastructures Access to Installations Virtual Institutes European Metrological Infrastructure Reference Databases Programme 3 : Structure
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 9 l European market: estimate 4500 B€ per year; 2 million enterprises; 99% of which are SMEs; need for highly qualified employees l Objectives : improve innovation capacity; improve quality and reduce resource consumption by 50% for all sectors of industry, including services l How : RDT to cover integration of new technologies for design, fabrication, control, organisation of “intelligent”, “clean” and cost-effective systems; Study of human organisational and socio-economic determinants Innovative Products, Processes & Organisation
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 10 KA1 : Innovative Products, Processes, Organisation Integrated product-service advanced production extended life Applications of IST in : design of products & processes intelligent manufacturing optimal use of industrial systems Eco-efficient Design Clean processing Product recovery and waste recycling New methods of work organisation Human-oriented production Management of change Critical technologies and approaches for : EFFICIENT DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE INTELLIGENT PRODUCTION ECO- EFFICIENT PROCESSING ORGANISATION OF PRODUCTION AND WORK 1. Customised production 2. Miniaturised products and processes 3. New machinery 4. Towards zero-waste 5. Sustainable construction 6. Evolutionary prtoducts - services 7. Agile networked enterprise TargetedResearchActions
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 11 l Traffic to double by 2025; turn-over: 7.5% of GDP, but 2% of GDP are costs linked with transport congestion l Objectives : support to sustainable, safe, intelligent and interoperable transport systems, without damage to the environment, whilst reducing external costs (-20%); intermodal transport systems l How : RTD on development of systems for management and safety of transport, navigation and positioning, as well as on infrastructures; socio-economic research Sustainable Mobility And Intermodality
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 12 INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT MEANS SCENARIOS FOR MOBILITY OF PEOPLE & GOODS TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT KA2 : Sustainable Mobility & Intermodality Infrastructure Environment Safety, security Human factors Decision-making and quantitative tools Driving forces in transport Policies Traffic management Traffic services Second generation GNSS Critical methodologies and tools for : Integration and andCoordination 1. With other key actions 2. With national programmes 3. In support of EU- policies for : - Efficiency & Quality - Sustainability - Safety & Security
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 13 l Land and Marine transport more than 90% of passengers and goods. Composite turnover of industry: 600 B€. More than 12 million employed (direct + indirect) l Objectives : development and integration of knowledge and technologies specific to land transport and sea-based activities for consolidation of competitive position of European industry and full exploitation of the sea’s potential l How : developing and integrating critical technologies, as well as systems into concepts for sustainable and efficient vehicles,vessels and related infrastructures; Land Transport & Marine Technologies
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 14 KA3 : Land Transport and Marine Technologies Ultra-low emission Vehicle optimisation Noise & vibration Aerodynamics Handling and transhipment Automated monitoring of systems and components Ergonomy Health/usage monitoring In-cabin environment Active + passive safety Design & production, Safety Clean & efficient ship Fluid dynamics Unmanned survey and remote sensing Data links and control systems for off-shores operations Critical technologies for : ECONOMIC, SAFE, CLEAN, EFFICIENT, INTELLIGENT VEHICLES USE OF THE SEA FOR TRANSPORT HUMAN- VEHICLE INTER- ACTION ADVANCED SHIPS & VESSELS MONITORING AND EXPLORATION OF THE SEA 1. New land transport vehicles concepts 2. Advanced concpets of ships 3. Enchanced design & manufacturing 4. Sustainable and modular train 5. Efficient, safe & clean ship and platforms 6. Efficient transhipment Targetedplatforms
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 15 l Air traffic to double by 2010; EU industry exports 2/3 of production, necessary restructuring of industry; Efforts and critical mass only achievable at EU level l Objectives : reduction of 30% of time to market; 60% of usage costs; improved safety and environmental impacts; thus consolidating position in world market l How : RTD on new generation aircraft concepts; technologies for integrated design and production, reduced energy consumption, emissions and noise; technology integration and validation; operational safety New Perspectives For Aeronautics
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 16 REDUCING DEVELOPMENT COST AND TIME TO MARKET IMPROVING EFFICIENCY IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLINESS IMPROVING CAPACITY AND SAFETY KA4 : New Perspectives in Aeronautics Design Manufacturing Quality control Aerodynamics Structures and materials Propulsion Avionics, … Systems and equipments Reduction of pollution External noise Cabin environment ATM airborne systems Operational maintenance Accident prevention and survivability Critical technologies for : 1. Low weight, low cost structures 2. Efficient / clean engine 3. Novel rotary-wing aircraft 4. More autonomous aircraft 5. Power optimiseation 6. Low external/internal noise 7. Novel fix wing configuration 8. Integrated & modular electronic systems Targetedplatforms
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 17 Steel Steel production Steel utilization GENERIC MATERIALS ACTION Advanced Functional Materials Advanced Functional Materials Cross Cutting Technologies Cross Cutting Technologies Structural Materials Structural Materials Sustainable Chemistry Sustainable Chemistry Membranes, catalysts New synthesis routes Reaction mechanisms Electronic materials Optics and opto-electronics Biomaterials Nanotechnology Surface eng. Coatings Interfacial Science Expanding limits Degradation mechanisms Construction materials
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 18 Actions Objectives MEASUREMENTS & TESTING Fight against Fraud Fight against Fraud Support to Standardisation & EU Policies Support to Standardisation & EU Policies Improvement of Quality Improvement of Quality Instrumentation Methodologies CRMs
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 19 Objectives RTD INFRASTRUCTURE Metrology Infrastructure Metrology Infrastructure Use of RTD results Use of RTD results Research and Industry Networking Research and Industry Networking Actions Virtual Institutes Virtual Institutes Reference Databases Reference Databases Support Research facilities Support Research facilities EU-Metrology Infrastructure
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 20 l Shared cost projects (basic, industrial, demonstration, co-operative research) l Training (Marie Curie Fellowships) l Co-ordinated actions (networks, concerted actions) l Accompanying measures Modalities for Implementation Periodic, targeted, open, joint and dedicated calls in co-ordination with Committee and Advisory groups...
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 21 Criteria for selection of RTD actions Harmonised quality indicators: S&T Excellence Community Added Value Social and environmental objectives Economic development and S&T Prospects Partnership and management Also used for the follow-up of Projects Life Cycle
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 22 RTD Objectives & Priorities COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Programme 3 Key actions & generic techs. Coordination International activities (EUREKA, EUROCONTROL, etc) Member and Associated States RTD Programmes Third Countries RTD Programmes Horizontal Activities Programme 2 : User-friendly Information Society Programme 4: Preserving the Eco-system E.g. : Integration of IST ATM, IMS E.g. : Sustainable production, Energy consumption
European Commission Science, Research and Development DG XII C Lisboa.ppt 27/01/99 23 For Information : INTERNET :