Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. Latin. Vulgate Source Created or Published 1491 Physical Description A2r Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number INC B526 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. Latin. Vulgate Title (Hamnet) Biblia integra, summata, distincta, sup[er]eme[n]data, vtriusq[ue], Testame[n]ti [con]corda[n]tijs illustrata. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Basilee... : Publisher (Hamnet) Per Ioha[n]nem Froben de Hammelburck, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) anno [27 June 1491] Physical Description (Hamnet) [992] p. (the last [4] p. blank) ; 16 cm. (8vo) Associated Name (Hamnet) Froben, Johann, d. 1527, printer. Associated Name (Hamnet) Ko ̈ nlein family, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Petit, R., binder. Notes (Hamnet) Manuscript notes at foot of leaf X5v, erased, illegible; notes and quotations on parchment flyleaves; same leaves also bear manuscript text, reading upside down and mostly effaced (on verso of front flyleaf, dealing with astronomy, and recto of back flyleaf, illegible). Notes (Hamnet) Capital spaces with guide letters. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: [*] ⁴, a-y ⁸, A-Z ⁸, 1-10 ⁸, II ⁴, [2nd]II ⁸, [2nd]A-[2nd]E ⁸. Notes (Hamnet) Folger copy lacks leaves [*]2-[*]4 with table, a1 (blank), and [2nd]E8 (blank); verso of t.p. is blank. Notes (Hamnet) Brown morocco binding (R. Petit) blind and gold tooled, with marbled and gilt edges; remains of a finding tab on leaf [2nd]E5 and evidence of others at beginning of each Book; repaired. Notes (Hamnet) Imprint from colophon (leaf [2nd]11 8v), date in Latin words. Notes (Hamnet) Initials, paragraph marks and underlining of headlines and titles of chapters provided in red paint throughout the book; initial in red and blue at beginning of Genesis; all capitals in Book of Psalms have been highlighted in yellow. Notes (Hamnet) Leaves a1, [2nd]E7 and [2nd]E ⁸ are blank. Notes (Hamnet) Purchased in Notes (Hamnet) Several sets of ownership inscriptions on front and back flyleaves and on verso of last leaf, reading: "Georgius Ko ̈ nley ̈ nn sibi suisq[ue] hunc vendicat librum Anno D m.d.lxvi [...]", "Georgius Ko ̈ nleynn, Pastor Ecclesie Dorffgu ̈ etingenssis M.D.LXVI", and "Georgius, & Georgius Fridericus, Georgij Ko ̈ nleini, pastoris Ecclesiae Dorffgu ̈ tingensis, piè defuncti, filij, hunc librum communem habent. Actum Argentinae Anno M.D.XCI. die vero 27. Iulij [...]"; also handwritten calculation of the age of the book to the years 1624 and 1631; another ownership inscription at foot of leaf a2r, defaced, illegible. Notes (Hamnet) Printed in 2 columns. Citations (Hamnet) BM 15th cent., III, p. 789 (IA.37873). Citations (Hamnet) Goff B-592. Citations (Hamnet) GW Citations (Hamnet) Hain-Copinger Call Number (Hamnet) INC B526
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. Latin Source Created or Published 1502 Physical Description fo. 23v Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number f vol. 1 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. Latin Title (Hamnet) Biblie iampridem renouate pars prima[-sexta]... : vna cu[m] glosa ordinaria, et litterali morali[que] expositione Nicolai de Lyra, necno[n] additio[n]ibus Burge[n]sis, ac replicis Thoringi, nouis[que] distinctionib[us] et marginalib[us] su[m]marijs[que] annotationib[us]. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [Basel] : Publisher (Hamnet) Cura [et] impensis prouido[rum] d[omi]no[rum] magistri Iohannis de Amerbach, Ioha[n]nis Petri de Langendorff et Ioha[n]nis Fro ̈ ben de Ha[m]melburg ciues Basilen[sis] : Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [15 May 1502] Physical Description (Hamnet) 6 v. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 36 cm. (fol.) Subject (Hamnet) Illustrated works -- 15th and 16th centuries. Associated Name (Hamnet) Brant, Sebastian, Associated Name (Hamnet) Capuchins (Bamberg, Germany), former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Dominicans (Bamberg, Germany), former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Bangor Theological Seminary (Me.). Library, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Froben, Johann, d. 1527, printer. Associated Name (Hamnet) Nicholas, of Lyra, ca Associated Name (Hamnet) Pablo de Santa Maria, Bishop of Burgos, ca Associated Name (Hamnet) Amerbach, Johannes, 1441?-1513, printer. Associated Name (Hamnet) Do ̈ ring, Mathias, ca Associated Name (Hamnet) Petri, Johannes, , printer. Associated Name (Hamnet) Petrus Anspach, former owner. Notes (Hamnet) Imprint from colophon (v. 6), which gives date as: Anno Domini millesimoquingentesimosecu[n]do, idibus Maijs explicit. Notes (Hamnet) Petrus Anspach-Dominicans (Bamberg, Germany)-Capuchins (Bamberg, Germany)-Bangor Theological Seminary Library copy. Notes (Hamnet) Rubricated in red and blue. Notes (Hamnet) Vol. 1: gathering Z misbound after 2a. Notes (Hamnet) "Sebastianus Brant Ioanni Fro ̈ ben de Hammelburg Impressorie artis insigni chalcographo... salutem" (v. 1, a1v) dated [13 Sept. 1501]. Notes (Hamnet) Folger copy incomplete: v. 3 and 5 lacking; v. 4 from 1507 ed. Citations (Hamnet) Adams B983. Call Number (Hamnet) f
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. Latin. Vulgate Biblia : Biblia cum concordantijs Veteris... Image Details digital composite of two images Source Created or Published 1527 Physical Description f. a1r and bb6v Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number f HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. Latin. Vulgate Title (Hamnet) Biblia : Biblia cum concordantijs Veteris et Noui Testamenti et sacrorum canonum necnon et additionibus in marginibus varietatis diuersoru[m] textuu[m] : ac etiam canonibus antiquis quattuor Euangeliorum : nouissime autem addite sunt concordantie ex viginti libris Iosephi de antiquitatibus et bello Iudaico excerpte : que solerti cura nuperrime repurgata est et excusa : in qua pluribus scatebat mendis. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Impressa autem Lugduni : Publisher (Hamnet) Per Iacobum Mareschal feliciter explicit, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) [14], 296, [24] leaves : ill. (woodcuts) ; 37 cm. (fol.) Subject (Hamnet) Borders (Type evidence) rbtyp Subject (Hamnet) Illustrated works -- 15th and 16th centuries. rbgenr Subject (Hamnet) Bible -- Illustrations. Associated Name (Hamnet) Josephus, Flavius. Associated Name (Hamnet) Buxheim (Carthusian Monastery), former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Mareschal, Jacques, ca or 30, printer. Notes (Hamnet) Includes indexes. Notes (Hamnet) Woodcuts on t.p. and on leaf L7v are hand colored. Notes (Hamnet) Place of publication and publisher statement from colophon. Notes (Hamnet) Buxheim copy. Notes (Hamnet) Calf binding, blind tooled, two clasps, vellum tab index, rebacked in pigskin. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: 2a ⁸, 2b ⁶, a-q ⁸, r-s ⁶, A-R ⁸, S-T¹ ⁰, 2A-2C ⁸. Notes (Hamnet) Title-page and leaves M1-M3 in red and black. Notes (Hamnet) Woodcut t.p. border. Citations (Hamnet) BM STC French, , p. 53. Citations (Hamnet) Baudrier, H.L. Bib. lyonnaise, XI, p Call Number (Hamnet) f
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. N.T. German. Luther Source Created or Published 1522 Physical Description title page Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number f HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. N.T. German. Luther Title (Hamnet) Das new Testament, yetzund recht gru ̈ ntlich teutscht : Welchs allein Christum vnser seligkeit, recht vnd kla ̈ rlich leret : Mit gantz gelerten vnd richtigen vorreden, vnd der schweristen o ̈ rteren kurtz, aber gu ̈ t, ausslegung. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Zu ̈ Basel : Publisher (Hamnet) durch Adam Petri, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) im Christmond [Dec.], Physical Description (Hamnet) [4], CLXXXI, [1] leaves : ill. (woodcuts) ; 31 cm. (fol.) Subject (Hamnet) Biblical scenes -- N.T. Subject (Hamnet) Borders (Type evidence) Associated Name (Hamnet) Stickelberger, Emanuel, 1884-, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Holbein, Hans, Associated Name (Hamnet) Graf, Urs, ca ca Associated Name (Hamnet) Luther, Martin, Associated Name (Hamnet) Lu ̈ tzelburger, Hans, 1495? Associated Name (Hamnet) Petri, Adam, , printer. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A ⁴, B-2G ⁶, 2H ⁸. Notes (Hamnet) Early manuscript notes by various hands; listing of some of Luther's Biblical commentaries and concordance on fly leaf. Notes (Hamnet) The 2nd ed. of Luther's New Testament (known as the "September Bible"), with dialectic changes. Notes (Hamnet) Imprint from colophon. Notes (Hamnet) With: Register der Epistel vnd Euangelion... wo die in dem Newenn Testament gefunden werden. [Bamberg] : Gedruckt durch Georig Erlinger, Concordantz des Newen Testaments zu ̈ teu ̈ tsch. Zu ̈ Strassburg : bey Hans Schotten..., Notes (Hamnet) Woodcut t.p. border with the symbols of the 4 Evangelists, Peter and Paul, with date 1523 in Adam Petri's device, after Hans Holbein, by Hans Lu ̈ tzelburger. Cf. Pflugk-Harttung 81. Woodcuts with Biblical scenes (repeated) at beginning of each book, by same artists. Cf. Hollstein XIVA, Hans Holbein, 48 a-i. Small initials attributed to Hans Holbein, a few larger ones to Urs Graf. Cf. Stickelberger, E. Reformation, 36. Notes (Hamnet) Blind-stamped pigskin binding on wooden boards; remains of 2 clasps. Citations (Hamnet) BM STC German, , p Citations (Hamnet) VD 16 B4317. Call Number (Hamnet) f
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. English. Great Bible. Source Created or Published 1540 Physical Description title page Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2070 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. English. Great Bible. Title (Hamnet) The Byble in Englyshe, that is to saye the conte[n]t of al the holy scrypture, both of ye olde, and newe testame[n]t, with a prologe therinto, made by the reuerende father in God, Thomas archbysshop of Cantorbury. This is the Byble apoynted to the vse of the churches. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [London] : Publisher (Hamnet) Prynted by Edward whytchurche cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) M.D.xl. [1540] Physical Description (Hamnet) [9], lxxxiiij; cxxiij; cxxxii; lxxx; cii, [2] leaves ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Printing privileges (Publishing) Associated Name (Hamnet) Cranmer, Thomas, Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: * ⁶ [Maltese cross] ⁴ a-k ⁸ l ⁴, A-P ⁸ Q ⁴, 2A-2P ⁸ 2Q-2R ⁶, 3A-3K ⁸, 2A-2N ⁸. Notes (Hamnet) The second edition of the Great Bible; the earliest containing Cranmer's Prologue. Notes (Hamnet) Title pages and calendar in red and black. Notes (Hamnet) In five parts; "The seconde parte of the Byble", "The thirde parte of the Byble", "The volume of the bokes called Hagiographa" and "The newe Testame[n]t in Englyshe" have divisional title pages; registers and foliation separate. Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 53 Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2070 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Imperfect; leaves *1, title page, *2-[Maltese cross]3, Q4, blank, and ²2N8 lacking, supplied in facsimile. Provenance: Francis Fry copy, with his bibliographical descriptions tipped-in Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2070
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 4549 Image Title The holie Bible. London, Title page from a copy presented to Queen Elizabeth I Source Title The. holie. Bible. Image Details title page, from a 4x5 color transparency Source Created or Published [1568] Physical Description title page Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2099 Copy 3 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Title (Hamnet) Bishops' Bible Title (Hamnet) The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe Title (Hamnet) The. holie. Bible. Title (Hamnet) The newe testament of our saviour Jesus Christe Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) in povvles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [1568]] Physical Description (Hamnet) [25], cxxviii, clxxxv, xlvi, xlix-cciii, cxviii, clii, clv, clix l. : ill., maps ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Made-up copies (Publishing) rbpub DFo Associated Name (Hamnet) Parker, Matthew, Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: pi ⁸ *¹ ⁰ ²* ⁸ A-Q ⁸ ; A-Y ⁸ Z¹ ⁰ ; A-E ⁸ F ⁶ G-2A ⁸ 2B¹²; A-O ⁸ P ⁶ ; A-T ⁸ U ⁶. Notes (Hamnet) Imprint from colophon. Notes (Hamnet) Date of publication suggested by STC (2nd ed.). Notes (Hamnet) Includes Apocrypha. Notes (Hamnet) Each part has divisional title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) Imperfect: tightly bound, with loss of inner margin print. Notes (Hamnet) In five parts. Notes (Hamnet) Numerous errors in paging. Notes (Hamnet) "The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe" has engraved title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) "A revision of the Great Bible version, undertaken by Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, with the assistance of many bishops and well known Biblical scholars. In correcting the Great Bible, both the Hebrew and Greek originals were consulted."--NUC pre-1956 imprints. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S1185 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Crimson velvet binding with engraved silver clasps and bosses with Tudor roses and Elizabeth I's coat of arms (rebacked). Possibly a made-up copy. Pt. 1, *2-10 bound after pi1, ²*7 bound after *1; pt. 1: ²*8 and pt. 5, U6, blanks, lacking. Purchased at Sotheby's July 3, 1922 (lot 1066). Provenance: a presentation copy to Queen Elizabeth that was probably used in her private chapel; Honywood family library - Michael Tomkinson copy (with their bookplates) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2099 Copy 3
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. English. Geneva. The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred vvith the best translations in diuers langages. With moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader. Source Created or Published [1570] Physical Description leaf RR1 verso (folio 121 verso) || leaf RR2 recto (folio 122 recto) Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2106 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. English. Geneva. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Sternhold & Hopkins. Title (Hamnet) Calender historical Title (Hamnet) The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred vvith the best translations in diuers langages. With moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader. Title (Hamnet) Whole booke of Psalmes Edition (Hamnet) There is added in this second edition certeine tables, one of the explication of the degrees in mariage in Leuiticus, with another for the Maccab. & a calender historical, with other things. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) At Geneua : Publisher (Hamnet) Printed by Iohn Crispin, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) M.D.LXX. [1570] Physical Description (Hamnet) [4], 388, ; 94, [6]; 129, [11]; [8], 82, [8] leaves, [5] folded plates : ill. (woodcuts), maps ; 4 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Annotations (Provenance) rbprov DFo Associated Name (Hamnet) Gilby, Anthony, ca Associated Name (Hamnet) Hopkins, John, d Associated Name (Hamnet) Oxford, Edward De Vere, Earl of, , former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Sampson, Thomas, 1517? Associated Name (Hamnet) Sternhold, Thomas, d Associated Name (Hamnet) Whittingham, William, d Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: 3* ⁴ a-c ⁴ d-z ⁸ A-Gg ⁸ ; a ⁴ b-n ⁸ ; AA-BB ⁴ CC-SS ⁸ TT ⁴ ; AAA-YYY ⁴ ZZZ²; [par.] ⁸. Notes (Hamnet) Sternhold and Hopkins Psalms identified as STC 2440a on UMI microfilm reel Notes (Hamnet) The Apocrypha begins new foliation and register. The New Testament has separate foliation and title page on AA1r dated "The whole booke of Psalmes" (the Sternhold and Hopkins version) has separate foliation and title page on AAA1r dated Variant 2: this title page dated "Calender historical" has separate title page dated Notes (Hamnet) The Geneva version, translated by William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson, and perhaps others. Notes (Hamnet) Variant 1: general title page imprint dated Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 130 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2106 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) cs1472. Imperfect: lacking sig.[par.] ⁸, 2S2-8, 3Z1-2, maps after m5, p8, 2D1, 2A1, 2K8, and table after i4. MS. notes. Contemporary maroon velvet with silver clasps (partially restored), corners and center plates, with the engraved crest of the Earl of Oxford on front cover; on back cover, a center plate of quartered pointed shield, ribboned coronet and a star. Provenance: probably Edward De Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford copy; purchased in 1925 from Bernard Halliday, Leicester. Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2106
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. English. Geneva. Source Created or Published 1560 Physical Description page 27v, New Testament Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2093 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. English. Geneva. Title (Hamnet) The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. With moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) At Geneva : Publisher (Hamnet) Printed by Rouland Hall, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) M.D.LX. [1560] Physical Description (Hamnet) [4], 474; 122, [14] leaves, 5 folded leaves of plates : ill., maps ; 4 ⁰. Associated Name (Hamnet) Gilby, Anthony, ca Associated Name (Hamnet) Sampson, Thomas, 1517? Associated Name (Hamnet) Whittingham, William, d Notes (Hamnet) Translated by William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson, and perhaps others. Notes (Hamnet) "The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ" has separate dated title page, pagination, and register. Notes (Hamnet) The Geneva version. Notes (Hamnet) With the Apocrypha. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2093 Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 107 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) cs726. Rebound in the 19th century by Blunson & co., using 17th-century panels with the arms of James I. 3*1 and 3L4 lacking, supplied by photostat from Library of Congress copy; 3L4 also supplied in facsimile. Stained; a number of leaves frayed and re- margined. Provenance: signatures of Thomas Hixs, John Miller, and Jon Gibson (1740); with small label on front paste-down: Ecclesiastical Art Exhibition 700 Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2093
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. English. Authorized. Source Created or Published 1611 Physical Description title page Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2216 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. English. Authorized. Title (Hamnet) Newe Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Title (Hamnet) The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New: newly translated out of the originall tongues: & with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Maiesties speciall co[m]mandement. Appointed to be read in churches. Title (Hamnet) Nevve Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Anno Dom Physical Description (Hamnet) [1464] p. ; 2 ⁰. Associated Name (Hamnet) Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. Associated Name (Hamnet) Bol, Cornelius, fl , printmaker. Associated Name (Hamnet) Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), b. 1851, former owner. Notes (Hamnet) With the Apocrypha. Notes (Hamnet) The title page is engraved and signed "C. Boel fecit in Richmont". Variant 1: lacks engraved general title page, has instead a letterpress title page with the same woodcut border used for the New Testament title page. The words "Appointed to be read in churches" are hand stamped on the letterpress title pages. Variant 2: this phrase is omitted. Notes (Hamnet) Calendar printed in red and black. Notes (Hamnet) "The Nevve Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ" has separate dated title page and register. Notes (Hamnet) In this edition Ruth III, 15 has: he went. Notes (Hamnet) Issued with "The genealogies recorded in the Sacred Scriptures" by John Speed. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A ⁶ B² C ⁶ D ⁴ ; A-4Z ⁶ 5A-5C ⁶ ; ²A-²Z ⁶ ²2A ⁶. Notes (Hamnet) The Authorised version. Notes (Hamnet) There is a facsimile of the engraved title page with the vowel points placed wrongly in the Tetragrammaton, and the fifth line of the title, "and the New", ending with a full stop. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2216 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 309 Citations (Hamnet) Pforzheimer, 61 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Smedley. T.p. (A1) lacking, supplied by facsimile on paper watermarked '1869'; 2A6 lacking, supplied by pen facsimile. A number of leaves re-margined; several leaves at the end damaged and repaired. Bound with: Speed's Genealogies (STC 23039). Provenance: W.T. Smedley copy Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2216
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. English. Authorized. Source Created or Published 1611 Physical Description page A3v, Mathew 4-5, Sermon on the Mount Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2216 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. English. Authorized. Title (Hamnet) The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New: newly translated out of the originall tongues: & with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Maiesties speciall co[m]mandement. Appointed to be read in churches. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Anno Dom Physical Description (Hamnet) [1464] p. ; 2 ⁰. Associated Name (Hamnet) Bol, Cornelius, fl , printmaker. Associated Name (Hamnet) Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. Associated Name (Hamnet) Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), b. 1851, former owner. Notes (Hamnet) The title page is engraved and signed "C. Boel fecit in Richmont". Variant 1: lacks engraved general title page, has instead a letterpress title page with the same woodcut border used for the New Testament title page. The words "Appointed to be read in churches" are hand stamped on the letterpress title pages. Variant 2: this phrase is omitted. Notes (Hamnet) Calendar printed in red and black. Notes (Hamnet) "The Nevve Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ" has separate dated title page and register. Notes (Hamnet) In this edition Ruth III, 15 has: he went. Notes (Hamnet) Issued with "The genealogies recorded in the Sacred Scriptures" by John Speed. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A ⁶ B² C ⁶ D ⁴ ; A-4Z ⁶ 5A-5C ⁶ ; ²A-²Z ⁶ ²2A ⁶. Notes (Hamnet) The Authorised version. Notes (Hamnet) There is a facsimile of the engraved title page with the vowel points placed wrongly in the Tetragrammaton, and the fifth line of the title, "and the New", ending with a full stop. Notes (Hamnet) With the Apocrypha. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2216 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 309 Citations (Hamnet) Pforzheimer, 61 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Smedley. T.p. (A1) lacking, supplied by facsimile on paper watermarked '1869'; 2A6 lacking, supplied by pen facsimile. A number of leaves re-margined; several leaves at the end damaged and repaired. Bound with: Speed's Genealogies (STC 23039). Provenance: W.T. Smedley copy Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2216
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. English. Authorized. Source Created or Published 1613 Physical Description C. 6 Matthew 26:36 Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2224 Copy 1 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. English. Authorized. Title (Hamnet) The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New: newly translated out of the originall tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised by his Maiesties speciall commandement. Appointed to be read in churches. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Anno Dom Physical Description (Hamnet) [1464] p. ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Printing privileges (Publishing) Associated Name (Hamnet) Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. Associated Name (Hamnet) Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), b. 1851, former owner. Notes (Hamnet) The Authorised version. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-B ⁴ C ⁶ D ⁴ ; A-5C ⁶ ; A-2A ⁶. Notes (Hamnet) A reissue, with at least cancel title page, of STC Notes (Hamnet) About a third of the sheets are in two settings, indiscriminately gathered. Notes (Hamnet) At foot of title, xylographic: Cum priuilegio. Notes (Hamnet) Calendar printed in red and black. Notes (Hamnet) "The Newe Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ" has separate register, and title page dated Notes (Hamnet) With the Apocrypha. Citations (Hamnet) Pforzheimer, 63 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2224 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Smedley. Cambridge-style binding. Lacking A1, supplied by facsimile of the t.p. of the first edition. Bound with: Speed's Genealogies (STC ). Slightly stained; last leaf mended. Provenance: bookplates of David Richardson and W.T. Smedley; inserted are some bibliographical notes by Francis Fry Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2224 copy 1
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 2657 Source Title Bible. Polyglot. Walton Biblia Sacra polyglotta : complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum, versionumque antiquarum, Samaritanae, Graecae LXXII interp., Chaldaicae, Syriacae, Arabicae, Aethiopicae, Persicae, Vulg. Lat. : quicquid comparari poterat : cum textuum, & versionum Orientalium translationibus Latinis ex vetustissimis mss. undique conquisitis... cum apparatu, appendicibus, tabulis, variis lectionibus, annotationibus, indicibus, & c : opus totum in sex tomos tributum / edidit Brianus VValtonus, S.T.D. Source Created or Published [1657, i.e ] Physical Description p.130 (sig. T verso): Gen. 30:22-35 Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number f v.1 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. Polyglot. Walton Title (Hamnet) Biblia Sacra polyglotta : complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum, versionumque antiquarum, Samaritanae, Graecae LXXII interp., Chaldaicae, Syriacae, Arabicae, Aethiopicae, Persicae, Vulg. Lat. : quicquid comparari poterat : cum textuum, & versionum Orientalium translationibus Latinis ex vetustissimis mss. undique conquisitis... cum apparatu, appendicibus, tabulis, variis lectionibus, annotationibus, indicibus, & c : opus totum in sex tomos tributum / edidit Brianus VValtonus, S.T.D. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Londini : Publisher (Hamnet) Imprimebat Thomas Roycroft, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) MDCLVII [1657, i.e ] Physical Description (Hamnet) 6 v. : ill., maps, plans, port. ; 47 cm (fol.) Associated Name (Hamnet) Roycroft, Thomas, d. 1677, printer. Associated Name (Hamnet) Hollar, Wenceslaus, , artist. Associated Name (Hamnet) Lombart, Pierre, , printmaker. Associated Name (Hamnet) Walton, Brian, Associated Name (Hamnet) Webb, I., printmaker. Notes (Hamnet) Engraved port. in v. 1 states that the work was begun in 1653 and completed in According to Darlow & Moule, printing began in 1653, but the first volume was not completed until 1654; one of the pieces in the 6th v. is dated Jan Notes (Hamnet) The 1st v. contains Walton's preface, essays, a plan, and the prolegomena; the Biblical text begins after the 1st special t.p.: Bibliorum sacrorum tomus primus. Notes (Hamnet) "The fourth and latest of the great Polyglots; known as the London, or Walton's Polyglot. Though less sumptuously printed than the Antwerp and Paris Bibles, this is the most accurate and best equipped of the great Polyglots.... This polyglot was one of the earliest publications printed by subscription in England"--Darlow & Moule, Notes (Hamnet) Engraved frontispiece port. of Walton signed: Lombart sculpsit; engraved t.p. signed: I. Webb, inv.; W. Hollar fecit. Notes (Hamnet) Main t.p. in each v. dated 1657; vols. 2-5 have colophons dated 1655, 1656, 1657 and 1657 respectively. Notes (Hamnet) v. 1. Prolegomena, Genesis-Deuteronomium (t.p. dated 1657) -- v. 2. Josue-Esther (colophon dated 1655) -- v. 3. Job-Malachius (colophon dated 1666) -- v. 4. Notes (Hamnet) The preface exists in two states, a "republican" version (printed under the Commonwealth) and a "loyal" version (printed after the Restoration). The loyal version barely mentions the Protector ("Inter hos effusiere bonitate labores nostros prosecuti sunt") and in the list of names following, uses the honorifics "Serenissimus", "Illustrissimus", and "Honoratiss." on the penultimate page of the preface. Some copies also contain a 2-leaf dedication to Charles II. Notes (Hamnet) Texts in Vulgate Latin, Arabic, Aramaic (the Targum Onkelos), Ethiopic, Greek (the Septuagint), Hebrew, Persian, and Syriac (the Peshitta); editorial matter in Latin. The Ethiopic and Persian translations are here published for the first time in a polyglot. Citations (Hamnet) ESTC R36567 Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule 1445 Citations (Hamnet) Wing (2nd ed.) B2797 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) With the "loyal" preface, but without the dedication to Charles II. Ruled in red throughout. Small burn marks and holes on some leaves. Leaf ³P4 is a temoin. Leaf with a couple of ms. annotations on the text laid in between leaves 2K2v-2K3r (p ), removed to curatorial file. Minor ms. corrections in preliminaries. Bound in mottled sheep, rebacked. Call Number (Hamnet) f
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Figures de la Bible declarees par stances, par G.C.T…. Source Creator Chappuys, Gabriel Source Created or Published 1582 Physical Description sig. A5r, Cain killing Abel Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number N8023 C5 F4 Cage HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Caroso, Fabritio. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Ballarino Title (Hamnet) Ballarino Title (Hamnet) Nobiltà di dame. del sr. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta ; libro, altra volta, chiamato Il ballarino Edition (Hamnet) Nuouamente dal proprio auttore corretto, ampliato di nuoui balli, di belle regole, & alla perfetta theorica ridotto : con le creanze necessarie à caualieri, e dame : aggiontoui il basso, & il soprano della musica, & con l'intauolatura del liuto à ciascun ballo... Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) In Venetia : Publisher (Hamnet) Presso il Muschio, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) [24], 370, [6] p. : ill., ports. (engravings), music ; 26 cm. (4to) Subject (Hamnet) Dance music. Subject (Hamnet) Courtesy books. rbgenr Subject (Hamnet) Ballet. Subject (Hamnet) Dance. Subject (Hamnet) Music -- Dance. Subject (Hamnet) Music -- Instruments -- Lute. Subject (Hamnet) Music -- Tablature. Subject (Hamnet) Lute music. Subject (Hamnet) Tablature (Music) Subject (Hamnet) Illustrated works -- 15th and 16th centuries. rbgenr Associated Name (Hamnet) Franco, Giacomo, Associated Name (Hamnet) Muschio, Andrea, fl , printer. Notes (Hamnet) Page 200 misnumbered 100. Notes (Hamnet) Folger copy: leaves [dagger]1, [dagger]3 and [dagger]4 lacking, replaced by photostat. Notes (Hamnet) Most engravings signed: Giacomo Franco. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: [dagger]-3[dagger] ⁴, A-3A ⁴ (M1 unsigned). Notes (Hamnet) Folger copy has half-title, probably printed at later date, replacing engraved t.p. Citations (Hamnet) Kelso, R. Doctrine for the lady, 186. Citations (Hamnet) Kelso, R. English gentleman, 185. Call Number (Hamnet) GV1590.C Cage
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 4032 Source Title Four embroidered bindings Image Details digital composite of four images: STC 2943, STC , STC 2308, STC 2956 copy 1 Physical Description front covers Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2943, STC , STC 2308, STC 2956 copy 1 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. O.T. English. Selections. Title (Hamnet) The third part of the Bible: (after some division.) Containing five excellent books: most commodious for all Christians. As they are part of the Bible newly translated and revised by his Majesties speciall Commandment. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) printed by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Anno Physical Description (Hamnet) [288] p. ; 24 ⁰. Associated Name (Hamnet) Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-M¹². Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. N.T. English. Authorized. Title (Hamnet) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviovr Iesus Christ. Newly translated out of the originall Greeke: and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Maiesties speciall commandement. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) [264] leaves ; 24 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Printing privileges (Publishing) Associated Name (Hamnet) Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. Notes (Hamnet) At foot of title: Cum priuilegio. Notes (Hamnet) In this edition sig. A2r has 15 verses. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-Y¹². Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 485 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2943 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. N.T. English. Authorized. Title (Hamnet) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviovr Iesus Christ. Newly translated out of the originall Greeke: and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Maiesties speciall commandement. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) [264] leaves ; 24 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Printing privileges (Publishing) Associated Name (Hamnet) Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. Notes (Hamnet) At foot of title: Cum priuilegio. Notes (Hamnet) In this edition sig. A2r has 15 verses. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-Y¹². Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 485 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2943 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. N.T. English. Authorized. Title (Hamnet) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviovr Iesus Christ. Newly translated out of the originall Greeke: and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Maiesties speciall commandement. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) [264] leaves ; 24 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Printing privileges (Publishing) Associated Name (Hamnet) Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. Notes (Hamnet) At foot of title: Cum priuilegio. Notes (Hamnet) In this edition sig. A2r has 15 verses. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-Y¹². Citations (Hamnet) Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 485 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2943 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. N.T. English. Authorized. Title (Hamnet) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Newly translated out of the originall Greek: and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Majesties speciall commandment. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) [528] p. ; 24 ⁰. Associated Name (Hamnet) Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer. Notes (Hamnet) In this edition "The New Testament" on the title page occupies two lines. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-Y¹². Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 2956 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) 12/17/45. Embroidered binding (c. 1638) of orange satin and colored silk threads, design of stylized flowers on covers, with two braided bookmarks. Purchased in 1945 from Dobell's Antiquarian Bookstore, Tunbridge, Wells. Provenance: signature of Grace Bastard, 1674 Call Number (Hamnet) STC Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Embroidered English binding of white satin and silk threads, tulip in center, gilt edges. Bound with: The whole booke of Psalmes (STC ) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2943 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Embroidered English binding of white satin and silk threads, tulip in center, gilt edges. Bound with: The whole booke of Psalmes (STC ) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2943 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Embroidered English binding of white satin and silk threads, tulip in center, gilt edges. Bound with: The whole booke of Psalmes (STC ) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2943 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Bound in an English embroidered dos-à-dos binding, gilt and gauffered edges. Bound with: STC (The whole booke of Psalmes) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2956 Copy 1
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. English. Selections. Source Created or Published late 1600's Physical Description title page Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number V.a.529 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. English. Selections. Title (Hamnet) Part of the Holy Bible [manuscript], late 1600s / scripsit. Arth. Woolley. Physical Description (Hamnet) 89 leaves : port. ; 120 x 71 mm (8vo) Subject (Hamnet) Shorthand -- 17th century -- Manuscripts. Subject (Hamnet) Clasps (Binding) -- 17th century. Subject (Hamnet) Drawings -- 17th century. Subject (Hamnet) David, King of Israel, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Harps, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Manuscripts -- 17th century. Subject (Hamnet) Portraits -- Male -- 17th century. Associated Name (Hamnet) Woolley, Arthur, 17th cent., scribe. Notes (Hamnet) Selections of the Bible in English shorthand. Includes pen and ink drawing of King David playing his harp on title page. Notes (Hamnet) Exhibited: Technologies of Writing in the Age of Print, curated by Peter Stallybrass, Michael Mendle, and Heather Wolfe, Folger Shakespeare Library, September 28, 2006-February 17, Notes (Hamnet) Text ruled in red ink. Notes (Hamnet) Title and statement of responsibility from title page. Call Number (Hamnet) V.a.529
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Bible. English. Selections. Source Created or Published late 1600's Physical Description fol. 2 Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number V.a.529 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bible. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Bible. English. Selections. Title (Hamnet) Part of the Holy Bible [manuscript], late 1600s / scripsit. Arth. Woolley. Physical Description (Hamnet) 89 leaves : port. ; 120 x 71 mm (8vo) Subject (Hamnet) Shorthand -- 17th century -- Manuscripts. Subject (Hamnet) Clasps (Binding) -- 17th century. Subject (Hamnet) Drawings -- 17th century. Subject (Hamnet) David, King of Israel, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Harps, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Manuscripts -- 17th century. Subject (Hamnet) Portraits -- Male -- 17th century. Associated Name (Hamnet) Woolley, Arthur, 17th cent., scribe. Notes (Hamnet) Selections of the Bible in English shorthand. Includes pen and ink drawing of King David playing his harp on title page. Notes (Hamnet) Exhibited: Technologies of Writing in the Age of Print, curated by Peter Stallybrass, Michael Mendle, and Heather Wolfe, Folger Shakespeare Library, September 28, 2006-February 17, Notes (Hamnet) Text ruled in red ink. Notes (Hamnet) Title and statement of responsibility from title page. Call Number (Hamnet) V.a.529