Grading and Class Expectations Sra. Gargiulo Spanish Levels 1 and 2
Grading Grading is based on a points and percentage system. Each assignment receives a point value, whether it is a homework assignment, quiz, test, or project.
Category Weights Each category of assignments is also weighted. Following are the weights for this class: Tests = 45% Quizzes = 25% Homework = 20% Class participation = 10%
Homework Homework must be handed in on time and must be complete to receive full credit. We review daily homework in class every day. I cannot accept late homework because we review the answers in class. If you are absent, you must turn your homework in upon your return to school. This is the only time that I will accept a daily assignment past its due date.
Projects Projects will be assigned periodically. You will be given sufficient time to complete these projects. Please manage your time wisely and do not wait until you are close to your due date to start them. Projects may be assessed as a Quiz or Test grade. You will be notified when they are assigned. You will receive either a Rubric or guidelines for each project to help guide you.
Quizzes Quizzes are given frequently throughout each chapter. Quizzes help both you and me! They reinforce the material that you are learning to better prepare you for your chapter tests. They also help evaluate comprehension of the material. If you do poorly on a quiz, you should come see me for help in order to clarify what you didn’t understand. This way you will do well when you take your chapter test.
Tests At the end of each chapter, you will take a chapter test. Chapter tests in Spanish class can consist of a combination of assessments, including: Vocabulary Reading comprehension Writing Listening Speaking Culture
Make-Up Work Make-up work such as quizzes, tests, assignments, or classwork must be made up promptly. If too much time passes, you will feel overwhelmed. If you are going to miss my class due to a field trip, music lesson, or other activity, you must see me before the activity to discuss make-up work. If you arrive late to school, you are expected to turn in your homework that is due that day or take any quiz or test that is being given that day.
Extra Help I am usually at school by 7:15AM every day. If you are planning to come in for morning help, it is best to let me know a day in advance so that I can be sure to be in my classroom. After school help is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 3:30PM. You are welcome to come in after school to do your homework with me.
Class Expectations Arrive to class on time and be prepared. Arriving late is disruptive to me and to the other members of the class. Excessive tardiness will reduce your marking period grade because it reduces the amount of time that you can participate in the lesson. Be prepared and ready to work. All appropriate materials, including your homework should be out on your desk when the bell rings. If there is a “Do Now” on the board or on your desk, start it immediately while I check for homework.
Respect Respect all equipment and school furnishings. Do not write on or destroy anything that does not belong to you. I take pride in keeping my classroom clean for you, please be respectful of our classroom and your school. Do not damage our classroom laptops. Your parents will be charged! You are responsible for your textbook. You will be using the same book for 7 th and 8 th grade. Any damage to your textbook will result in fines or the replacement cost of approximately $80.00 Communicate with respect Learning a language involves taking risks. Respect is essential to the process. Put downs, name calling, negative attitude, or inappropriate language of any kind will NOT be tolerated.
Listening and Speaking Listen carefully in order to learn. Listening is one of the most important skills in language learning. Learning a language requires active listening, which is really hard work! It is impossible to listen carefully to others when you are speaking. I won’t speak when you are speaking, and I expect the same in return for myself and for others in the class. Adjust your voice level to suit the activity. Follow directions the first time they are given.
No No No Eating Drinking Gum chewing
Bathroom Use You must sign out to use the bathroom. If I find that you are using the bathroom too frequently, I will assume that there is a medical issue that I am not aware of. Over use of the bathroom will require you to report to the nurse when you use the bathroom so that she can monitor you and assess whether it is a medical problem. If you in fact have a medical condition that require frequent use of the bathroom, your parents must notify the school nurse in order to provide you with the proper accommodations.
School Website All homework assignments will be posted on my School Wires homework page. Please check for your assignments under your grade level. You will be required to create a Quizlet Account for my class. We will be discussing this soon. There is no charge for the student account. Once you have the account set up, you will need to join our class. You also will have access to an online textbook. You will be required to set up your account for this as well.