Assessment Evening March 2016
Previously… Children’s attainment was described in terms of levels. 5b 5c 4a 4b 4c 3a 3b 3c 2a 2b 2c 1a 1b 1c Expectation for end of Year 6 Expectation for end of Year 2
Following the introduction of a new National Curriculum in September 2014, the government decided that ‘levels’ were no longer suitable for assessing children’s learning.
The problem with levels … Too narrow Pace – ‘too many things quickly’. Gaps in learning
We believe this system is complicated and difficult to understand, especially for parents. It also encourages teachers to focus on a pupil’s current level, rather than consider more broadly what the pupil can actually do. Prescribing a single detailed approach to assessment does not fit with the curriculum freedoms we are giving schools. (Department for Education)
Giza not Piza! Good strong foundations. Broad deep understanding. No racing too far, too fast and too high With a new assessment system we are aiming for:
In the future: Instead of levels, children will be assessed against the end of year expectations for each subject. Schools have the freedom to develop their own approach to assessing progress.
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 End of Year expectations Please note that the expectations for what each year group is expected to achieve are higher than in the previous curriculum. Children who grasp concepts quickly will be challenged through ‘mastery’ or ‘deeper learning’ tasks which will allow them to apply their learning in different contexts through problem solving and investigation. This is how children will progress through the curriculum:
What is greater depth? Here are examples from the Year 3 Maths Curriculum:
End of Year Expectation for Year 3 I can add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of column addition and subtraction.
Working at Greater Depth Year 3 I can add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of column addition and subtraction.
The national picture of assessment in education remains one of change which means that some practice in our school will change over time too.
Assessment at Cononley Primary School We carry out teacher assessments of our children on a daily basis: Through questioning and discussion to check that they understand. Marking work regularly to check learning. Giving children feedback so that they know how to improve. Giving children tools to assess their own work and time to make improvements.
When we report our assessments of your children’s learning, we will use the following descriptions: Prior (achieving below expectation for the year group) Working Towards End of Year Expectation At end of year expectation Mastery / Working at greater depth Exceeding Year group expectation PW1W2W3AME
Here is an example of how we will report progress at the end of this term: Mickey Mouse Year 1 Teacher Assessment Spring Term: Predicted standard at the end of the year: Targets ReadingWorking towards W2 Working at expected standard To decode words using phonics. WritingWorking towards W1 Working towardsTo use capital letters and full stops. MathsWorking at expected standard W3 Working at greater depth To solve problems using addition facts to 20. GPASWorking towards W1 Working towards / at To spell the words on the Y1 list.
Please note that the expectations for what each year group is expected to achieve are higher than in the previous curriculum. The expectation is that the vast majority will work within their own year group expectations. In exceptional circumstances, some children may access work from either above or below their year group.
We will also carry out tests every term and national tests / assessments as follows: EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles (July 2016) EYFS - Baseline Assessment (September 2016) Y1- Phonics Check Y2 – SATS Y6 – SATS
How can I help my child? By completing homework tasks set by the class teacher Reading regularly with your child (a little and often) Helping them to learn their spellings Helping them to learn their times tables
Thank you for attending our Assessment Evening. We hope you have found it useful. We would appreciate it if you would take 2 minutes to complete the feedback forms on the tables at the back of the room. At Parents’ Evening you will receive: A short guide to Assessment at Cononley Primary School based on this evening. End of year expectations for your child’s year group in Maths, Reading and Writing. Ideas for how you can help your child. By the end of term you will receive: A short report based on the one you saw earlier, showing their current standard and a prediction for where they will be at the end of the year.