Presented by Cheryl Sullivan
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Why use pivot tables—if you have a lot of information that you need summarized, Pivot Tables are critical The presentation will be in Excel All of the information is similar for Pivot Tables in 2003 are located on the Data menu In the following example, we will use a Simple Query from Datatel to pull information. For selected records we will count the number of students in a zip code
Get Data From a query: Type as shown. Then press Okay out of every screen.
All Pivot Tables must be in a range without a break (you can fake it with a numbered column out front like we did on the data sort, but every column must have a header in your range). The area containing the details must have a header at the top Okay Not
In this example the data contains zip codes with extra sub-sets. We will use “Text-to-Columns” on the Data Tab to move that to the next row. Use Fixed Width with use Delimited and use “-” Make sure to add an extra header From (zip code together) To (zip separtated)
This will activate the wizard On this first step make sure that the range is correct for the data you are trying to capture On the Insert Tab in 2007, select the Pivot Table button (located on the far left)
Drag the items you want in the Row Labels, and then drag values you want summed or counted into the values area. In this case I wanted the city in the row and zip for both row and value.
In this example I added many more data elements to the Row Labels
Another example of formatting, to make the row labels go out horizontally rather than vertically, you must change the Report Layout to “Show in Tabular Forms”
To get rid of the subtotal information, right click on the header(s) and uncheck the Subtotal
Run Query Builder Verb=LIST; File: STUDENTS; Output= XNCOA.STU.CITY XNCOA.STU.ZIP; Before = GET.LIST CS.LIST; change PC settings and advanced settings. (see slide 5-2; hit okay out of all screens “Text To Column” the separating the Zip fields Select All Data in the Range (make sure to have column headings On the Insert Tab hit “Pivot Table” Select your data in the pivot table wizard Change the Report view to “Show in Tabular Format” on the Design Tab
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