CIRTL Network Administrative Meeting 11:00-12:00 ET/ 10:00-11:00 CT/ 9:00-10:00 MT / 8:00-9:00 PT This meeting will be recorded Begin by running the Audio Setup Wizard Select : Tools>Audio> Audio Setup Wizard or click the audio setup wizard button Backup Call-in: Toll-free Number 1 (888) Passcode: #
Agenda Announcements: Invoices will go out on May 1 st Final Report "Participants" Form Other? Topic 1: Cross-Network In-kind Contributions Topic 2: Cross-Network Needs Assessment Report
Cross-Network Learning Community In-kind Contributions: Proposal Process and Accounting
Review: In-Kind Categories CIRTL Cross-Network In-Kind Contributions Sept Dec 2013 Category 1 (e.g. teach a semester course, organize a year long series) Category 2 (e.g. one-time presentation at event) Feb 2013 Admin Meeting
Review: In-Kind Ramp-Up Plan CIRTL Cross-Network In-Kind Contributions Sept Dec 2013: One Category 1 contribution Two Category 2 contributions Feb 2013 Admin Meeting
In-Kind Current Accounting Cross-Network Contributions Accounting through 5/2013:
CN Proposal Process Proposals for fall 2013 submitted via:
CN Proposal Process Cross Network Operations Group evaluates proposals to determine a best set of initiatives for fall 2013 based on Needs Assessment, diversity of topics and formats, capacity of CC to provide support and quality of applications. Institutions must get all information (including dates, times, names, titles and descriptions) for their initiative to CIRTL Central by August 15 in order for it to be advertised on the Annual CIRTL Event Calendar in the fall. CN Ops Group will solicit feedback on process the end of the fall semester Cross-Network Proposal Procedure:
CN Proposal Timeline May 10Cat 1 Proposals for fall 2013 due Cat 1 proposals for spring 2014 optional Cat 2 welcome (pass-through to organizers) June 1Applicants & Network informed of CN Op Group’s decisions Aug 15Institutions get all information on initiative to CIRTL Central Sept 1Annual CIRTL Event Calendar posted, distributed Sept 1Cat 1 proposals for spring 2014 due Dec 15CN Op Group solicits feedback on process
2013 Cross-Network Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment Goal of the Needs Assessment To determine perceived needs for effective cross-Network learning community programs and opportunities that accomplish the CIRTL mission, comprising a diverse blend of activities based on the CIRTL core ideas and evolving to suit needs of future faculty development across the CIRTL Network institutions.
Survey Results 21 member institutions responded 82 suggestions for learning opportunities submitted 71 specific topics identified A mix of single and extended events and synchronous and asynchronous formats advocated Networking activities and targeted learning communities proposed
Major Topic Categories
Ideas to Consider Book clubs Journal clubs Reading groups Cross-institutional mentoring network Student “speaker’s bureau” Cross-disciplinary collaborations CIRTL Commons
Support for Local Initiatives Trainer-the-trainer courses Online TA Training Postdoc professional development series Video library of local sessions
Formats 65% expressed need for a mix of formats to serve wide range of participants, including – One-time events – Series of events – Semester/extended events Mix of synchronous and asynchronous events
Formats CIRTLCasts – 75% Coffee Hours – 85% Workshops, seminar, webinars – 50% Semester-long limited enrollment courses – 33% Semester-long large enrollment courses – 33% Self-paced modules, hybrid courses, learning communities for asynchronous events New format? CIRTL Series – high engagement, less than semester-long commitment
Suggested Cross-Network Offerings Courses College Classroom (synchronous, limited enrollment, 1-2 sections) College Classroom (hybrid, large enrollment) Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom (limited or large enrollment) How to design and teach an online course (limited or large enrollment) CIRTL Mini-Series Basics of TAR How to design and teach an online course Job search and career skills Mentoring Assessment
Suggested Cross-Network Offerings CIRTLCasts No overall series theme, sessions based on expertise. Example topics areas include: Teaching strategies MOOC/online education Mentoring TAR introduction Diversity in T&L Coffee Hours Possible topics for series: Effective teaching strategies and methodologies Job search & career skills Teaching with technology
Suggested Cross-Network Offerings Modules Effective teaching strategies Job search & career skills Teaching with technology Basics of TAR Assessment Additional Needs TAR Capstone (involving current cohort of TAR students) Online Learning Communities, expand Reading group on diversity Train-the-trainer for CIRTL courses
The work of the Needs Assessment Committee was accomplished by these committee members Kitch Barnicle, Rique Campa, Jeff Engler, Robin Greenler, Jenny Hadingham, Alistair Kwan, Rick Pollenz, Bob Mathieu (ex officio)