Elon Delta Upsilon Risk Management and Loss Prevention Seminar Hosted: November 19, 2013 Host: Reid Van Syckle Guest Speaker: Officer Mark Sweat, Elon Police
Alcohol Heavy Drinking can affect the heart, brain, liver and can cause cancer – Such as mouth, throat and liver Affects the brain as well – Memory loss, large or small – Other damages to the brain as well
DUI Legal Limit for driving is 0.08 (if over 21) Legal Limit for driving is 0.00 (If under 21) Loss of license and heavy court fines On permanent record
How Drugs Can Affect the Fraternity Illegal drugs found in the on campus house lead to repercussions Sanctions from Elon University Loss of on campus house Loss of trust with Greek Life and the University
Hazing Forcing someone to perform a task against their will Can be physically and mentally harmful Consequences for the fraternity – Sanctions from Elon University – Possible criminal charges – Lawsuit – Charter revoked
Lambda Chi Alpha Incident Incident occurred at an off campus party Victim was paralyzed from the waste down This could lead to: – Loss of charter – Lawsuit and increase in insurance for homeowners and fraternity – Personal actions for the owners of the house – Personal lawsuits against the people who took the action
Host and Liability Laws Alcohol provides a risk for potential liability If a guest of an event is served alcohol and then causes a drunk driving accident, host can be liable – Reason for BYOB and Punch card rules Consequences – Liability on host, can be individual or fraternity – Lawsuit