Reformers of the Early 1900s
Reform: Anti-Lynching and African American Rights Refused to give up seat in “Whites Only” train car and sued the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Established the Negro Advancement League and was member of NAACP. Wrote article “Southern Horrors” in newspapers condemning lynchings Ida B. Wells
Reform: Break Up Monopolies Wrote “The History of Standard Oil” to expose Rockefeller’s ruthless business practices. Called for the break up of powerful monopolies Ida Tarbell
Reform: Unhealthy Conditions of Food Industry Wrote “The Jungle” to expose the horrible working conditions of the meat- packing industry. Book directly led to the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act Upton Sinclair
Reform: poverty and tenement slums Photographer who published “How the Other Half Lives” to show pictures and stories on horrible conditions of urban poverty/slums. Book caused immediate legislation to tear down tenements and help clean up cities Jacob Riis
Reform: Poverty and Conditions of Immigrants Created the idea of the settlement house, which would provide food, education, shelter and child care to the urban poor (mainly immigrants) Created the 1 st settlement house in Chicago – “Hull House” Jane Addams
Reform: Temperance Promoted a letter-writing campaign to expose evils of alcohol Changed school textbooks so children could be educated on effects of alcohol Mary H. Hunt
Reform: African-American Rights Founder of the NAACP Wrote “The Souls of Black Folk” to show inequality of races and to criticize Booker T. Washington’s “Atlanta Compromise” “The Crisis” was magazine he published W.E.B. DuBois
Reform: African American Rights 1 st president of Tuskegee University – also helped establish as the 1 st black university Wrote “Atlanta Compromise” speech to stress the importance of education for black self- improvement Believed black and white should be 2 separate societies- blacks should not be a part of white society at all Booker T. Washington
Reform: Native American Rights Wrote “A Century of Dishonor” and “The Indian’s Plight” to show the horrible treatment of Native Americans by U.S. Government Helen Hunt Jackson
Reform: Women’s Suffrage/Temperance President of National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) Organizer of Women’s Christian Temperance Union Made speeches against alcohol and pushed for 19 th amendment Arrested for dressing as a man and voting Susan B. Anthony
Reform: Flight Created the first ‘flying boat’ that allowed for aircraft to land on water. Created the large bi-wings, enabling the creation of larger planes including bombers Glenn Curtiss
Reform: Flight 1 st pilot to make a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in his plane, The Spirit of St. Louis Flew from New York to Paris, France in 1927 Charles Lindbergh
Reform: African American Rights Founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association Supported The American Colonization Society - returning blacks to Africa (Liberia) Marcus Garvey
Reform: Science vs. Religion John Scopes – Teacher who was arrested for teaching theory of evolution in Biology class. He was convicted and fined $100. Clarence Darrow – Defense attorney during Scopes Trial in 1925 who questioned the role of religion in schools. Clarence Darrow and John Scopes
Reform: Religion vs. Science Prosecuting attorney in Scopes Trial – pushed for religion over science to be taught in classrooms William Jennings Bryan
Reform: break up of monopolies/protection of America as a World Power Purchased the Panama Canal Broke up the monopolies of Rockefeller (Standard Oil) and J.P. Morgan (Northern Securities) His presidency started the Progressive Era in 1901 “Big Stick” diplomacy/Roosevelt Corollary protects countries in Western Hemisphere from European colonization Theodore Roosevelt