The Roaring Twenties Origins of Prohibition
Bell Ringer Write down two laws that affect your personal choice and one reason why you think those laws were enacted.
Split into groups of 2-3 As a group, read through the proposed laws. Do you agree/disagree with them? Why? You may not all agree, so listen to everyone’s opinion!
Immigration ●Millions of immigrants poured into the U.S. after the Civil War o mostly from European countries like Ireland, Germany, and eventually Eastern Europe brewing businesses boomed
Temperance Movement ●temperance movement: social movement against the consumption of alcohol o mostly women o began during the 1800s as a moral crusade o blamed alcohol for society’s problems (linked alcohol to immigrants, especially the Catholics)
●Groups like the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and the Anti-Saloon League (ASL) were formed o gained political power to persuade government action Famous leaders like Susan B. Anthony, Carrie A. Nation and Francis E. Willard “Carry A Nation for Prohibition”
●What do you notice about this cartoon? ●How do you think the cartoonist feels about Carrie A. Nation?
●By WWI, many called for banning alcohol o Ingredients of alcohol (grain mostly) needed for soldiers o Anti-German sentiment boosted the ASL’s efforts for a Prohibition amendment.
●Drys: Supported Prohibition o Progressives, Religious groups, rural South and West Drinking led to crime, wife and child abuse, and was sinful ●Wets: Opposed Prohibition o Liberals, Conservatives, Immigrants Wanted to enjoy life, resented government’s meddling
●ASL became the most successful at lobbying for prohibition
Exit Slip Why did some Americans fight for Prohibition? Give at least one reason and explain.