Iechyd ar Waith Health at Work The Corporate Health Standard Principal Practitioner Workplace Health National Public Health Service for Wales
Background An award to recognise good practice in promoting health and well-being in the workplace. Developed by the Welsh Assembly Government in partnership with other agencies. Launched in Originally three levels of award: Bronze; Silver and Gold. Reviewed and extended in 2006 to include Platinum level.
Current Version Endorsed by: Wales Centre for Health Health and Safety Executive Welsh Local Government Association IOSH (Wales Branch) Welsh NHS Confederation British Heart Foundation Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Trades Union Congress (TUC) Wales Food Standards Agency Wales Engineering Employers Federation (EFF) Wales
What is the Corporate Health Standard? National mark of quality for health and well-being in the workplace. Tool to support the continuous improvement of the health and Wellbeing of employees. Promotes and supports good working HR practices. Encourages employee participation in health and well-being activities. Acknowledges good practice that can be shared with others. Helps organisations and employees to identify and address specific health issues. Promotes corporate social responsibility. Demonstrates organisational and employee commitment to maintaining and improving the health of the workforce.
The Standard Pyramid
How does the process work? Establish the criteria and evidence required for all levels of the award utilising the Corporate Health Standard pack. Commitment at a corporate level. Establish a Health and Well-Being Group. Identify areas for development. Action plan. Gathering of evidence. Active involvement from employees.
Core Components - Bronze Organisational support for employee health and well-being. Communication via briefings / / notice boards. A health and well-being action plan. Recording of sickness absence data. Employees receiving and providing information.
Specific Health Issues - Bronze Health and safety policy. Mental health promotion policy (can be part of health and safety policy). Musculoskeletal disorders policy (can be part of health and safety policy). Tobacco policy. Alcohol and substance misuse policy. Physical activity or healthy eating promotion.
Core Components - Silver Employee health and well-being in strategic documents / policies. Communication via Internet / Intranet / newsletters / staff surveys. Staff attitude survey and response. Evaluation of health and well-being activities. Employee participation.
Specific Health Issues - Silver ‘Smoke Free’ tobacco policy. Systems to allow staged return to work. Confidential counselling. Physical activity and healthy eating promotion. Green travel plan.
Core Components - Gold Employee health and well-being integrated into core values. Staff appraisal or performance management. Employees taking responsibility for health and well- being. Staff involvement in policy review.
Specific Health Issues - Gold Access to / or provision of occupational health services. Alcohol policy that is ‘alcohol free’ throughout working day. Promotion of general health issues. Linking with local support groups / helplines / services.
Help & Support Principal Practitioner Workplace Health: Understanding the process. Sharing good practice on an all Wales basis. Supporting policy development. Attending working group. Signposting. Links with other supporting organisations. Guidance on good workplace health practices. Networking and information sharing. “The Standard” newsletter.
Assessment Mock assessment: 1 assessor. Final assessment: 3 assessors. Notification of award (WAG). Award ceremony - Award is retained for 3 years. Follow up support to maintain and improve practice. The organisation is supported through the assessment process by the Principal Practitioner Workplace Health. Timescales set by the organisation