2 Identify unfit employees Understand Fitness for Duty Guidelines Know how to use checklists Understand what to do Know roles of SEAP, union, law enforcement, medical services, and management.
4 Report to work fit for duty Remain fit while on duty For all employees :
5 Monitor performance & behavior Assess fitness Follow guidelines if employee is unfit Supervisors should...
6 An employee who cannot perform his/her duties in a proper, safe and competent manner - Regardless of reason
7 Drugs Alcohol Mental Illness Undiagnosed physical problem Emotional Stress
8 DOCUMENTATION Specific verifiable behaviorial observations Objective & Non-judgmental
9 The Reasonable Prudent Person Test Assess:- physical characteristics - intellectual ability to perform - interpersonal behavior - judgment Then... Consider: -policies -safety/competency criteria -job duties
10 Behavior threatens Health and Safety of Workplace Contact appropriate law enforcement and other emergency services As appropriate utilize Commonwealth Workplace Violence Report Contact SEAP to coordinate intervention or
11 Criteria... Happening now/immediate future Reasonable person would view situation as real threat Person has plan and means
12 Behavior constitutes a clear medical or psychiatric emergency Contact the county crisis intervention unit Contact emergency medical services Contact SEAP to coordinate intervention Options :
13 Tarasoff Decision Child Protective Services Greater good outweighs confidentiality rights
14 It is determined that the behavior does not require immediate intervention by police or emergency personnel then... FITNESS FOR DUTY GUIDELINES
15 How it works Union role What to look for What to ask What to do What not to do
16 Observation Interview Action Follow Through
17 Walking/Standing Speech Eyes Face Appearance Breath/Smell Movements Eating/Chewing Demeanor Actions Cognitive USE CHECKLIST Ambiguous Situations
18 Conduct in private location Be respectful Allow union representation Have another supervisor/manager present
19 Feeling ill? Under Doctor’s care? Taking any medication? Side effects? Alcohol or other drugs? How do you explain behavior ? Forget to take meds? Non-prescription meds?
20 CAUTION Do not attempt to diagnose!
21 If fit - return to duty Counsel for behavior, if appropriate
22 The Reasonable Prudent Person Test If unfit - Contact Administrator Remove employee safely Contact OA-SEAP Prepare for Return What to say to employee
23 Discipline Mandatory SEAP referral COCE Termination
24 BORDERLINE OR UNCERTAIN –sleeping on duty –slurring words –blurry/red eyes –alcohol on breath
25 DO Respond Seek second party Respect - be professional Document Be objective Limit to performance - work related Escort employee Contact authorities & SEAP DON’T Ignore Make judgments in isolation Belittle or moralize Exaggerate or minimize Interpret or diagnose Delve into personal issues Allow employee to drive Let it drop
26 An employee seems distraught, agitated, and abusive, threatening to do harm to you and anyone else who gets in his way?
27 An employee comes back from lunch smelling of alcohol, overtly happy, joking, but otherwise acting “normal”?
28 An employee did not look well when she reported for work; she said she probably was coming down with a cold. Later in the shift, you saw the employee sitting down, pale, and apparently in pain?
29 An employee, who happens to be covered by the CDL regulations, has become increasingly withdrawn, with frequent mood changes, alternating periods of lethargy, and hyperactivity. Today he appears confused, with an inability to concentrate or remember basic procedures. When approached, he was belligerent?
30 An employee reports to work overtly upset, rambling on in an incoherent manner about people not pulling their weight, intentionally causing trouble, increasingly becoming hostile and over reacting to anything anyone does or says?
31 An employee’s child died several months ago. The employee continues to act depressed. Today she seems more anxious than usual, with tears in her eyes. She says she has an allergy. You think you have seen her hands tremor. It seems like she is trying to avoid everyone. You are concerned because later that shift, she will have to be alone for a few hours and be responsible for safety sensitive work?