Welcome to AP
Why taking class??? To challenge yourself Because you liked chemistry To receive college credit (via the AP Test) To get a start on college chemistry so you can do REALLY well next year (all or some)
Some information Class Rules Chapter introduction… review problem set (like summer assignment- that you should be able to complete using 1 st yr knowledge) check answers, need help, seek extra help after school Text problems – show all work, won’t be accepted late Academic Integrity Lab Notebook and Instruction – 10 pts/day, must set up before hand/during will be graded during lab The AP Test (overhauled 2 years ago to present more inquiry based) This will be the third year the new format is given. Books … Text book, 5 steps to a 5
Summer Assignment: Fundamentals (Chapter 1-3) Chapter 1: Unit of measure(metric system) Precision/accuracy/sf Dimensional analysis Temperature Classification of matter Separation techniques Which problems can we go over in chapter 1?
Classification of Matter Mixture Combination of two or more substances Substance definite composition with distinct properties Homogeneous Heterogeneous Compound Element Can be separated by physical means Can be separated by chemical means
Summer Assignment: Fundamentals (Chapter 1-3) Chapter 2: Fundamental laws and early experiments, Modern view of atom, Molecules/ions, periodic table, Naming compounds and formula writing (acids also!) Which problems can we go over in chapter 2?
Summer Assignment: Fundamentals (Chapter 1-3) Chapter 3: moles, percent composition, empirical and molecular formulas, combustion analysis, stoichiometry (limiting reactant and percent yield) Combustion analysis (empirical formulas) Problems on p.120. Let’s try 80. Which problems can we go over in chapter 1?
MC #1 If 1.0 g of magnesium and 1.0 g oxygen are reacted, what will be left in measureable amounts (more than 0.10 mg) in the reaction vessel? A. MgO only B. MgO and Mg only C. MgO and O2 only D. MgO, Mg, and O2 only
MC #2
MC #3 In order to separate two substances by fractional crystallization, the two substances must differ in a.Solubility b.Specific gravity c.Vapor pressure d.Viscosity the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a standard, usually water for a liquid or solid, and air for a gas.
New additions/Expansion on 1 st yr… Organic chemistry (hydrocarbons) nomenclature – Combustion analysis
Prefixes signify number of carbon atoms Suffix indicates number of multiple bonds and/or class of compound or functional group. Some suffixes are –ane, -ene, -yne, or -yl 1.Draw: Propane Ethene Methyl chloride Triethyl amine 2.Name : CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CHCH